Sentences with phrase «lower reading level»

Cut out lengthy descriptions and lower the reading level of your content.
Some solutions for students include providing them with materials at different reading levels, or having peers read aloud material for those with lower reading levels.
Web Searching Note Wikipedia has ability to display information at lower reading level in simpler English for younger students or English as Second Language.
High interest / low reading level books are characterized by the difference between the interest level (most often the age or grade of the reader) and the grade level or reading level in which the story text is written.
Ysleta ISD has observed chronically low reading levels from the elementary to secondary levels.
With the ubiquity of public libraries, low - cost ebooks, smartphones, and used print books, I don't think affordability is the reason for lower reading levels among low - income earners.
HOW — We will ask people in the community who would like to get involved with the school, but do not have children who are in school, to volunteer as part of a reading program for students with lower reading levels.
If your child becomes frustrated and has difficulty focusing for that amount of time, shorten the time, and consider a shorter text or a lower reading level.
More than half of their entering students are at the lowest reading level, yet 95 percent of their middle - school graduates finish high school.
In some cases, students can be given the same content, however it is tailored to their individual needs either through raising or lowering the reading level, providing more visualizations or still meeting standards but providing content that is interesting and exciting for students.
Here is a list of books that are higher interest, but on a lower reading level.
In 1999, Jack, a student in Yukon, was at the lowest reading level in his class in Grade 1.
Though the book covers much of the same ground, albeit at a lower reading level, as Al Gore's famous global warming presentation, it is never alarmist, and instead focuses on the grounded evidence for global climate change and the collective efforts of many different kinds of scientists.
The profile has the lowest reading level of behavioral instrument in the industry in order to deliver practicality for every business situation.
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