Sentences with phrase «lower than the mean»

Claire Perry MP explained that 30 % is the «magic number» — and anything lower than this means it is difficult for women to be heard.
Anything lower than this means that the blood is too acidic, anything higher means it's too alkaline.
eg2 Similarly there are seasonal temperature changes such that in winter the average temp is ~ 10 - 20 degrees lower than the mean, and likewise the northern winter CO2 air concentration is 5ppm lower, thus changing the energy flow balance in winter vs summer and day vs night & north vs south.
The Ensemble II mean of 5.19 million km2 is somewhat lower than the mean of Ensemble I (note that the optimization increases the predicted mean by about 0.07 million km2 compared to the uncorrected Ensemble I mean of 5.12 million km2).
Also, I might choose to define a slowdown as when the uncertainty bar is lower than the mean - warming - rate of some former interval, which would be a laxer definition than yours (e.g., it would identify slowdowns in some datasets where your definition would not see any).
Which is 35 % lower than the mean quote with the city.
Which is 29 % lower than the mean rate in OKC.
Or approximately 22 % lower than the mean premium.
The most affordable quotes for insuring our driver's car were found at Frankenmuth of $ 792 a year on average, which was 44 % lower than the mean city cost.
These commuters may be glad to know that the average rates in Wichita are lower than the mean for car insurance in the state of Kansas.
‡ Mean score for BCT is significantly lower than the mean score for either IBT or PACT in each group (analysis of simple effects).
Results indicated that post-therapy levels were significantly lower than mean pre-therapy levels on each measure.

Not exact matches

It has three settings (Low, Med, and High) and features a three - hour shut - off, which means it is better for staying warm on the couch rather than providing heat all through the night.
While that number is lower than Trump's estimation, it's also important to note that Trump's term did not begin until noon on Jan. 20, which means he can't accurately claim credit for all 216,000 jobs created in January.
That means there is an incentive to keep expectations low, and to look for scapegoats, just in case voters are feeling no better in 2019 than they were in 2015.
Just because the number of women in technology - related fields has always been dramatically lower than that of men doesn't mean that things will stay that way.
Today, companies are trading at between five and eight times EV / EBITDA, which is lower than the historical mean.
Buying groceries for one means your perishables are already potentially lower - value buys than they are for big groups who can eat them before they deteriorate.
Amazon is reportedly paying less than that, which means the acquisition price is significantly lower than the company's $ 1 billion valuation when it raised funding last year.
Lower revenues mean less money for expansion and hiring, and forecasts suggest will be less than one open position per job seeker by 2022.
This way, there is minimal IT involvement (which means lowered costs and saved time), and your communities can get up and running in days or weeks, rather than months — which means addressing customer concerns more quickly and effectively.
While your earnings are low, that may mean a basement apartment rather than a condo with a view.
That's lower than other miners, which means it's making more cash off the commodity than many of its competitors.
The lack of increased funding to the agency's tax compliance and enforcement branch means that the IRS has 25 % fewer auditors than it in 2010, and that revenue from audits has declined 41 % to $ 7.3 billion, the lowest amount since 2002, according to agency data.
The managed - care industry faces one of the highest effective tax rates, meaning any tax cuts would likely have a larger benefit to managed care than to other, lower - taxed sectors.
Additionally, advisors were embedded at lower echelons of Iraqi security forces at the brigade and battalion level, rather than division — meaning that US forces are increasingly getting closer to direct combat.
It ended up being OK — a trade treaty meant that FXR pays Canadian tax rates, which are much lower than those of Scandinavian nations, on its profits from the region — but checking ahead of time saved him from a potentially unpleasant surprise later.
That means earnings per share is 4 % higher and P / E is 4 % lower than a year ago for those companies.
Still, he insists that not very much has changed since Trump took office; the wage minimums remain the same, which means that U.S. companies can theoretically onboard foreign employees, who generally are willing to work for lower salaries than U.S. workers.
The 3 - D - printed nozzle is also 25 percent lighter than its predecessor, which means lower fuel costs for airlines.
After a median four years of post-study follow - up, those in the least sedentary quartile (sitting a mean 649 minutes a day in typically 6.5 - minute bouts) had a dramatically lower rate of death from all causes than those in the most sedentary group (835 minutes at rest, in periods of relative motionless averaging just under 20 minutes each).
Raynor cautions that this doesn't mean businesses should put «gold - plated Aeron chairs and Godiva chocolates in all the conference rooms,» but that businesses should figure out where they are better than their competition and exploit that gap with higher prices or higher volume, not lower costs.
But having our own equipment meant we could work quickly and efficiently, and at a lower cost for our clients, rather than waiting to rent material.»
Social shares still count for something; just because they're lower than you might want doesn't mean people aren't sharing your content.
The easy way is to charge less, but lower prices usually mean lower gross margins, which will force you to spend your startup capital faster than you should.
People who are now in their 40s or early 50s are lowering their expectations of when they can afford to retire, but the reality is that will likely mean retiring at 65 rather than 62.
The facts are not right here, energy is cheap that means the cost of manufacturing and transporting of goods is low, food and consumers staples already more affordable, so what if a few American oil companies going out of business.the cost of producing oil in middle east is less than $ 10 / bl and we were paying more than $ 140 / bl for it, with that huge profit margin the big oil companies and oil producing nations became richer and the rest of us left behind, with the oil price this low the oil giants don't want to reduce the price at pump even a penny, because they are so greedy.worst case scenario is some CEOs bonuses might drop from $ 20 million to $ 15 millions I am sure they will terms of the stock market it always bounces back, after all it's just a casino like game.
Forward P / E ratios take into account expected earnings growth over the next 12 months, which means that they tend to be lower than the P / E ratio for growing companies.
Median net worth for those in the second lowest quintile of incomes — which in 2013 meant incomes from $ 23,300 to $ 40,499 — dropped by more than half.
Those low rates mean that homeowners in the city often pay less than those in other parts of the state, despite the city's sky - high real estate values.
Tenants in Lawrence, Kansas have 1.9 % lower rates for the sample property than the state mean, which places Lawrence with the fourth most affordable rates for insuring a rental in KS.
With a settlement, your lender is essentially striking a deal to «settle» for a lower amount than what you borrowed if it means resolving your debt without the need for collections, court judgments, or other actions.
The low level of interest rates means that even though debt levels are higher, the share of household income devoted to paying mortgage interest is lower than it has been for some time.
This means that you can purchase a significant amount of accidental death insurance for a much lower premium than you would pay for a traditional life insurance policy.
Going with one of these three companies meant a premium that was lower than the city average by $ 430, which shaved about 55 % off of what the typical insurer would charge here.
This means that new oil supply can come back on stream profitably — especially in US shale plays — at lower prices than before, perhaps putting a lid on further price increases.
This means the decisions investors make about how to diversify, the time the choose to get into or out of the market, as well as fees they pay or underperforming funds they choose, cause them to generate returns far lower than the overall market.
This would mean a deficit of about $ 38.5 billion for 2010 - 11, nearly $ 7 billion lower than forecast by the Finance Department of $ 45.4 billion in the October update.
Which means the money invested there — the $ 1,375 — will grow at a lower after - tax rate than money in the Roth IRA (assuming the same rate of return before taxes).
One word that makes us happy: Progress [21:21] We grow because that helps us give more — share it with someone you love, it magnifies it [22:04] More excited about feeding one billion people than any material thing, so much more meaning when it's not just about you [22:19] The challenge is our brain: it's looking for what's wrong, because that helps you survive [22:30] Peak state = high energy, feel extraordinary, producing results is easy [22:46] Low energy state = say things and do things that hurt your relationship [23:39] Peak State = Beautiful state, Low - energy state = suffering state [24:08] Over achievers don't suffer, right?
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