Sentences with phrase «lowest jobless rate»

New figures released by the state Department of Labor shows that Rockland's unemployment rate of 4 percent puts Rockland among the 10 lowest jobless rates in New York.
Bank of Montreal chief economist Douglas Porter said that bank appears very patient, with little appetite to move in January despite the near - record low jobless rate.
The Fed faces a delicate balancing act continuing the nine - year American economic expansion, while not allowing inflation to overheat amid a 17 - year low jobless rate of 4.1 per cent and a big Republican tax cut stimulus.
High unemployment is a problem that seems all bad, he says, but if you approach it from a side door — perhaps profiling people who have founded new business and learned new skills or industries that have benefited from the downturn — it turns into a story that can inspire others, and maybe even lower the jobless rate faster.
The city is also home to a high percentage of children, has great access to health professionals and a relatively low jobless rate.
It can mask weakness in the market if there are large numbers of discouraged workers, as in the U.S. which now has a lower jobless rate than Canada despite a poor job creation record.
Therefore, the Fed likely will need to raise borrowing costs to contain inflation, as a lower jobless rate suggests a tighter labour market that will exert upward pressure on wages.
But it happened to be the point on the chart that marked the lowest jobless rate since 2008.
Even the modest strides the economy has taken in lowering the jobless rate aren't coming from more people finding jobs and earning pay cheques.
ONS reported the three months to September 2015 have provided the lowest jobless rate since the second quarter of 2008.
Aside from the low jobless rate, here are some more reasons you may want to consider moving in the sate.
With regard to seniors housing and care, labor force growth and the low jobless rate are expected to make it increasingly difficult to attract and retain qualified and trained staff at all levels of operations.
Newer loans are benefiting from rising property prices, tighter underwriting requirements and the lowest jobless rate in seven years, while mortgages originated before the real estate bust are still moving through foreclosure.
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