Sentences with phrase «lowest temperatures of»

Aside from offering cheap commercial hydroelectricity, Manitoba experiences among the lowest temperatures of major cities in North America — which has recently garnered the attention of major cryptocurrency mining companies seeking to flee the regulatory uncertainty presently associated with China.
Oxygen 18 «values of the two oldest bivalves in our study record a cold period from ∼ 360 B: C: to 240 B.C. that exhibit some of the lowest temperatures of our entire time series.»
It has the shortest days and the lowest temperatures of all the seasons.
Researchers in the Nanoscale Science Department conduct their experiments in this instrument at lowest temperatures of a fifteen thousandth of a degree above absolute zero.
Though a sweeping peace treaty with the environmental movement seems unlikely, the War of the Woods proves there are ways to lower the temperature of the conflict and regain the public's trust.
This is achieved by raising and lowering the temperature of melted chocolate following pretty strict guidelines.
The chain bakes the cookies in convection ovens at the low temperature of 280 degrees for around 16 to 17 minutes.
Lower the temperature of the oven to 325 degrees.
The fish are then placed in an ice slurry that is one part seawater and three parts freshwater, which draws blood and rapidly lowers the temperature of the fish to around 32 degrees, preserving the flesh.
If you overcrowd the pan, you will lower the temperature of the oil significantly and your pakoras wont fry, but absorb the oil.
In addition to being the warmest place in the United States in January, it is also the city with the highest record low in the United States with an all - time low temperature of 56 °F (13 °C).
Pure raw foodists sprout their grains and beans, and dehydrate anything that is normally baked, believing that the low temperature of a dehydrator doesn't kill the living nutrients in foods.
The orange slices give moisture that will lower the temperature of the lard while the interior of the meat cooks.
If you are able, lower the temperature of one half the grill to medium while keeping the other half on high.
The low temperature of the drink means that granulated sugar will never fully blend with the rest of the ingredients, leaving you with a gritty texture (or worse, a too - tart drink and a puddle of sugar at the bottom of your glass).
The permafrost surrounding the facility will help maintain the low temperature of the seeds if the electricity supply should fail.
Lower the temperature of your oven to 325 degrees and lower the oven rack to the 2nd from the bottom position.
While the low temperatures of the freezer slow down the bacteria, it does not eliminate it.
If you find that your oven has the lowest temperature of above 150C then I would advise you to air dry your salt dough creations which will take considerably longer but will prevent the puffing up.
A reviewer of the manuscript felt that those molecules must surely have formed while the samples were thawing, not while frozen at the ridiculously low temperature of — 108 °F.
Although parasite development peaked at 26 degrees C, malaria risk was higher at 24 degrees C, because parasite survival rates peaked at a lower temperature of 22 ºC.
At an extremely low temperature of around -273 degrees centigrade, magnons, i.e., quanta of the fluctuations in the magnet, coherently couple with the qubit through the electromagnetic field of the cavity.
So, in theory, if you could manage to lower the temperature of the surface of the ocean ahead of a hurricane by a few degrees, you could conceivably pull enough heat out of the system that the storm would start to wind itself down.
In addition, hydrates decompose rapidly if removed from the high pressures and low temperatures of the deep sea.
This means convection could easily occur, even at the extremely low temperatures of Pluto, which average more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.
The cloud is 120 times more massive than the sun, is packed within a relatively small volume, and has an extremely low temperature of barely 18 degrees above absolute zero.
In this two - dimensional molecule lattice, the researchers could demonstrate magnetic order at low temperatures of just a few degrees Kelvin.
The jury's first prize winner Alexandre Artaud, a Ph.D. candidate with the Université Grenoble Alpes in the Laboratoire de Transport Electronique Quantique et Supraconductivité, presented a thesis titled «Tunneling spectroscopy at very low temperature of graphene grown on superconducting rhenium.»
Following the results of this study, the comparably low temperatures of the more recent past (i.e. the Ice Ages) may be attributed to the absence of large scale vulcanism events and an increase in atmospheric oxygen.
The whole CAGW — GHG scare is based on the obvious fallacy of putting the effect before the cause.As a simple (not exact) analogy controlling CO2 levels to control temperature is like trying to lower the temperature of an electric hot plate under a boiling pan of water by capturing and sequestering the steam coming off the top.A corollory to this idea is that the whole idea of a simple climate sensitivity to CO2 is nonsense and the sensitivity equation has no physical meaning unless you already know what the natural controls on energy inputs are already ie the extent of the natural variability.
«To achieve long - term storage of viable cells, including embryos, requires far lower temperatures of at least -140 C in the presence of cryoprotectants.»
The team used temperature - controlled photoelectron spectroscopy in EMSL, the DOE's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory on the PNNL campus, to determine how tightly one cyanide ion and one to three water molecules interact at the very low temperature of -438 °F (12 Kelvin) and again at ambient temperature of 80 °F (equivalent to 300 Kelvin).
The measurements revealed that thermoelectric cooling effects can be stronger at the areas where the graphene touches the metal contacts, and this effect overpowers resistive heating, actually lowering the temperature of the transistor.
They found that thermoelectric cooling effects can be stronger at graphene contacts than resistive heating, actually lowering the temperature of the transistor.
A secondary magnetic field impedes energy from escaping from the ends of the cylinder, which would lower the temperature of the fuel and reduce the fusion output.
An offset pointing to a substructure elongated to south - east of the cluster center gave a significantly lower temperature of $ \ sim 5 $ keV.
The intergalactic medium in the halos was at a relatively low temperature of only about 10,000 degrees Celsius (about 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit), which is widely divergent from the currently accepted models that put the temperature of gases in close proximity to galaxies at upward of 1 million degrees.
The lower temperature of an infrared sauna also tends to have other side benefits that a traditional sauna doesn't have.
The lower temperature of infrared saunas compared to steam rooms tends to be easier on the body.
After soaking, you can dehydrate them at low temperature of around 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit until they are crispy again, as they are far more palatable when they are crunchy.
I started the four large pain au chocolate at 450 degrees F to give them a boost and immediately lowered the temperature of the oven to 350 degrees F.
The lightweight mist is a UD legend, formulated with a Temperature Control Technology that lowers the temperature of your makeup to lock in your look and keep it fresh for an impressive 16 hours.
For the setting spray, this is used to lower the temperature of your face to reduce the sweaty appearance and create smoother looking skin.
I would suggest lowing the temperature of the oven and cooking a little longer.
I have a quite thin curly hair and I found that using the hair blower and very low temperature of hair straightener should be good.
-RRB- So... this sweater has this unbelievably nice burgundy color which looks like the color of red wine and it is just as warm as needed to avoid freezing with the low temperatures of the last few days!
by Walter Chaw I don't mind historical pictures that aren't historically accurate until that historical inaccuracy — like in U-571, for instance — becomes so fucking retarded that it lowers the temperature of the room.
The second purpose is to create a general improvement in aspiration: lowering the temperature of the air and, as a consequence, increasing engine torque at all engine speeds, unlike its predecessor, which featured air vents on the sides.
The one - piece assembly lowers the temperature of the exhaust gases.
The intercooler lowers the temperature of the compressed air.
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