Sentences with phrase «lucky people act»

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Besides, are you suggesting that we suppress anyone's right to free speech because if you are than you need to move to one of these bass ackward countries where a less than middle school quality production of a total farce can insight people to act as a pack of rabid dogs blaming America for why they live in dirt... We are LUCKY and BLESSED to live in a land where we can smile and walk away from an opinion that we disagree with... that South Park can but Jesus in a boxing ring against Satan and depict Moses as a glowing spinning dreidl... and these nutcases want to burn and pillage because one lunatic makes a childish and stupid play on videotape?
I know how lucky I am to be a part of something that people love, to be able to act and tell stories at all.
I think the trick to persevering in this business is to truly love the act of creation, and if you can earn a living at it, to remind yourself daily that you are the luckiest person alive.
I think my tactical RPG will be worth $ 15 - 20 when it comes out, I'll try to sell it for $ 10 - 15, and people will act just like me and get it for 30c in a Humble Bundle (if I'm lucky enough to get picked for one).
FALSE PROPHETS, a biblical test would be that if what they say and prophesy comes to pass regard what they say but if it doesn't then don't listen to them.This seems to me the obvious approach to climate science and in fact all science and self evident as the way in which most people react.Crying wolf even if the wolf was there but keeps disappearing will lose the present scientific comunity credibility.Credibility in science is more important than risky prophesy which may give people a warning and may not, so that when scientists are reasonably sure [as in beyond reasonable doubt] they will be believed and their warnings acted upon.Better be an honest scientist than a lucky guesser.
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