Sentences with phrase «ludicrous idea»

A "ludicrous idea" means a thought or suggestion that is really silly, absurd, or unbelievable. It is so ridiculous that it is hard to take seriously. Full definition
Now that our collective nerd hearts have calmed — for the most part — and we can attempt to go about our normal lives while subsequently imagining a giant flaming iconic logo, we as gamers and fanboys find ourselves in one of the most glorious moments in gaming history once again; that indefinite haze of pitching ludicrous ideas of who needs to be on the latest Super Smash Bros roster!
Glad to see that for a guy / gal who routinely dismisses me as a lightweight with ludicrous ideas and statements, you pay so much attention to my words... almost as soon as I submit them... otherwise you would ignore me and this conversation would not be ongoing.
Unfortunately, most of those who call themselves skeptics, espcially those who blather on and on about the end of global warming while swallowing the most ludicrous ideas hook line and sinker, would be better described as fake skeptics.
This should be at least aware of its intrinsic silliness, but aside from a few characters making a few jokes (none of them even about how ludicrous the idea of pulling off a bank robbery during a massive hurricane is), it's a mostly straightforward, humorless affair.
The gif reactions to @realDonaldTrump's ludicrous ideas about what's «really good for women» - on point.
«god» is ludicrous idea promoted by immoral people to control and pacify the weak minded people.
In a chapter excerpted from his new book, science writer Philip Ball describes «Aryan physics» and other ludicrous ideas that accompanied the rise of Adolf Hitler
One of the central conceits of Argo is how ludicrous the idea behind the rescue operation intended to liberate six diplomats hiding out with the Canadians is.
This seems to be one of the most ludicrous ideas I have ever heard coming out of West Ham, and it has a lot of competition for that sobriquet.
Religion has no place in that discussion; it is based on superstions and holds the ludicrous idea that it exists outside of — or is somehow exempt from — the scientific method.
It also amazes me that CNN maintains the ludicrous idea that all this was sparked by an obscure film which had been on the web for months.
«When he had this ludicrous ideas of Sharia law, of everyone converting to Islam, particularly women, he definitely showed his intention or desire for Islam to rule, but he did not identify with a certain sect or thought process,» concluded Zafar.
We have to watch and listen to perfectly grown men and women make fools of themselves with their ludicrous ideas attended with uncontrolled emotion.
What was once thought to be an essential, fundamental element of the faith - a geocentric universe - is now considered a ludicrous idea to any educated believer.
So what a tangle you create when you adhere to the ludicrous idea that you must «lead your neighbor away.»
It sounds a ludicrous idea.
Among the ludicrous ideas once taken as fact: Beavers escape hunters by chewing off their own testicles and dropping them as a distraction.
Adding puzzle solving to sending e-mails is a ludicrous idea for retarding the spread of spam.
It was seen as a ludicrous idea at the time and was met with much disbelief and mockery.
Most of the time it's a specific diet and training regimen regulated by a team of personal trainers and nutritionists, although some celebrities come up with all sorts of ludicrous ideas.
(Groan) It probably won't be long before that ludicrous idea becomes a reality.
It sounds like it should be a ludicrous idea that someone would be so publicly vile like Riggs, yet not so far off in today's reality.
Even though this may sound like an impossible feat for an uncooperative pet, or even a ludicrous idea, it is one of the best ways to prevent dental disease.
To remove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the ludicrous idea that Planned Parenthood has any financial interest in tissue donation.
Some might regard that as a ludicrous idea.
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