Sentences with phrase «lump of coal on»

Get Hard by George Wolf A lump of coal on Christmas Day.
Here's to hoping that I don't get a lump of coal on Christmas day!
Recently on BBC news Myles Allen placed 10 lumps of coal on a table to explain to viewers how mankind had already burned 5 of them leaving just 5 left to burn if we want to avoid catastrophe.

Not exact matches

«Certainly, the Task Force's recommendations are a better Holiday present than the lump of coal that was shoved in the stockings of students and educators this past spring when the Governor and the Majority doubled down on Common Core testing and the overemphasis on standardized testing for teacher evaluations.»
«If it's a Christmas gift, New York gets a lump of coal from Santa Trump on this one.»
If instead of story and characters, your movie wish list includes projectile vomiting and erection gags, this lump of coal has your name on it.
37 minutes 00:01 Previously On... 01:00 Foreign & Docs & Shorts + Heart of a Dog and World of Tomorrow 06:50 Our ongoing Carol obsession 11:00 Favorite X-Mas movies: Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, etc 19:01 Lumps of Coal & Beautiful Gifts.
And Santa, preparing for the Christmas season, will save a few lumps of coal for the stockings hanging on the teachers union's mantle.
Unlike «normal» electric or hybrid cars, a fuel - cell vehicle never causes a drop of oil or lump of coal to be burned on its behalf.
While it was going on, Indigo got bored and went back to his gold hunting, bashing a lump of coal so hard that pieces flew everywhere, and the baby got a chunk to suck, and the hamster jumped in fright into the health visitor's bag, and the health visitor said, «Thank goodness my twins...!
A lump of coal turned up, with a glitter of gold on it, and a bag of squashed pink and white marshmallows, which they floated on hot chocolate and shared with Rose from the end of a spoon.
There's nothing worse than clicking on a website only to find it doesn't work (except, maybe, for waking up on Christmas morning to a lump of coal).
Read on to find out which one deserves to deck your hall and which ones get a lump of coal.
Their mock attack ad, which starts out with a group of children dancing hand in hand around a giant lump of coal in a pasture, can be seen on the newspaper's Web site by clicking on the image above.
That's the conclusion of a Carnegie Institution for Science study... that shows two things: Emissions from burning a lump of coal or a gallon of gas has an effect on the climate 100,000 times greater than the heat given off by burning the fossil fuel itself.
The comment is seen in Gelbspan's «Lumps of coal in our Christmas stocking» Facebook post yesterday on the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA director.
Many now recognize the ads by ACCCE, with the bright orange power cord plugged into a lump of coal, but the Center tells the story of its origins at least five years ago as the industry grappled with the growing drumbeat for policy action on global warming.
This matters because the climate change debate has been hi - jacked, emissions made worse by the net effects of renewables for a fast lobbyist buck in fact, driven by ignorance and misleading attacks that lump clean low carbon gas with dirty high carbon coal, and old school anti-nuclear activists who oppose nuclear generation on factualy spurious grounds, while it is in physics and engineering fact by far the best solution on any measure, through promoting irrational fear unsupported in any area of the facts and proven physics they deceive the unknowing about with simply false or msleading «sience».
Virtually every case at the Supreme Court of Canada through the 90's were unsuccessful, based on the «lump of coal» trade - off.
With the conference at Santa Clara, public participation in finding prior art and learning about the patent process on AskPatents, and continued legislative scrutiny of our patent system via the SHIELD Act, perhaps critics of software patents and troll proliferation will receive more than a lump of coal this holiday season.
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