Sentences with phrase «lunch eligibility rate»

Meanwhile, in Caroline, Frederick, or Talbot County Schools, the median Title I school had about the same free - or reduced - price lunch eligibility rate as the median non-Title I school in Baltimore City.
• Map performance on all of these measures against free and reduced - price lunch eligibility rates to determine which schools are truly excelling at educating low - income students and which schools are simply coasting along with an advantaged student body.

Not exact matches

In our direct education work, FoodCorps currently concentrates on schools with high rates of students from low - income households, as measured by eligibility for free or reduced - price school lunch.
A sample of 36 Great Expectation model elementary schools were matched with 556 Oklahoma non-Great Expectations elementary schools based on the following variables: ethnicity, free and reduced lunch eligibility, school size, average number of days students absent, percent of parents attending conferences, percent of teachers with advanced degrees, percent passing third grade reading test, district population size, unemployment rate, average household income, teachers per administrator, percent of student's in special education, instructional support budget, and district percent passing Algebra I. Five years of pass rates on third grade reading and third grade math state exams were examined.
After learning more about the school and looking in - depth at disaggregated student outcomes disaggregated by race and free and reduced lunch eligibility (including test scores and attendance and retention rates) for the last few years, you decide to write a memo that you will submit to the leadership team to enhance the expertise of the faculty to teach and engage diverse students effectively.
Massachusetts has one of the lowest rates of eligibility for free / reduced lunches at 35 %.
According to National Center for Education Statistics, Mississippi has one of the highest national rates of eligibility for free / reduced lunches at 71 %.
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