Sentences with phrase «lunch price into»

Before making the change, district officials surveyed surrounding districts and assured board members the increase brings the district's lunch price into line with those of its...

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Using these bite - sized, value - priced applications, you can instantly transform your smartphone into a portable translator, invoicing system or inventory management platform, or research a prospective client and make lunch reservations on the way to work.
The result: lunches that are appealing to kids and parents, often produced in a sustainable manner — and which are priced to actually bring more money back into the schools.
The bottom line facts you need to know: under the new school food law passed last year, school districts must bring the price for a paid lunch (that is, a lunch purchased by a student who does not qualify for free or reduced price meals) into line with what the meal actually costs, eventually charging an average of $ 2.46 per lunch.
While children on free or reduced - price lunch can often blend into a lunchroom where all students eat, the same can not be said for kids who arrive early for breakfast.
Specifically, we calculate growth for schools based on math scores while taking into account students» prior performance in both math and communication arts; characteristics that include race, gender, free or reduced - price lunch eligibility (FRL), English - language - learner status, special education status, mobility status, and grade level; and school - wide averages of these student characteristics.
Because 87 % of Ariel students qualify for free or reduced - price lunch, they are exposed to financial - literacy concepts that are woven into the curriculum beginning in kindergarten to attempt to break the cycle of poverty.
Students from high schools with a larger number of low income students (more than 50 % eligible for free or reduced price lunch) had lower college enrollment rates than schools with mostly higher income students, regardless of the minority or geographic category that the school fell into.
I run an integrated high school, 16 percent of our kids are on free or reduced price lunch, and every one of them tomorrow who are 12th graders will walk into an international baccalaureate English class.
Between 1984 and 2004, the percentage of the student population speaking English as a second language increased from 5 percent to 60 percent; the percentage of students receiving free or reduced - price lunch soared to 91 percent; and the once - stable neighborhood around the school turned into a community with a 60 percent mobility rate for families with school - age children.
If the socio - economic status of its students is factored into the ratings, however, Reo's grade moves up to an A. That's because 87 percent of the school's 189 students are «economically disadvantaged,» which means they qualify for a free or reduced price lunch.
This price includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, riding cart, donuts / coffee, Italian buffet lunch and various awards.
The study takes into account the prices of 15 typical holiday items and services - family lunch, beach items and soft and alcoholic drinks, in 13 popular European resorts and in Orlando, Florida.
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