Sentences with phrase «lung sounds»

With severe heartworm disease, we can hear abnormal lung sounds, dogs can pass out from the loss of blood to the brain, and they can retain fluids.
However, our veterinarian felt no fluid in his abdomen and his heart and lungs sounded great.
The vet said his heart and lungs sounded good.
Also, the veterinarian will listen to heart and lung sounds as well as evaluate the dog's general condition.
Your veterinarian will also listen for abnormal lung sounds that could indicate pneumonia or a problem in the lungs.
I listen to the heart to detect murmurs and listen for healthy lung sounds.
A slight loss of condition, increased lung sounds, and mild to moderate radiographic changes, such as right ventricular enlargement, are present.
Moist congested lung sounds can indicate pneumonia or lung congestion due to heart disease.
That's why scientists have created an electronic system that objectively matches lung sounds to specific maladies.
Uncommonly, harsh lung sounds may be heard; these are often referred to as dry rales.2
On physical examination, if the cranial mediastinal mass is extremely large, muffled lung sounds will be noted.
It does not cause a cardiac murmur, and there are no changes to lung sounds until late into the infection.
When I examine a cat with asthma, I usually see an increased respiratory rate and hear wheezing lung sounds with my stethoscope.
Once it has progressed to the severe level your veterinarian will be able to hear abnormal lung sounds, your pet will retain fluids and can actually lose consciousness from lack of oxygen to the brain.
Her heart and lungs sound great though, and she is HW negative!
Signs of illness include an elevated temperature, pale gums, swollen lymph nodes, increased lung sounds, a heart murmur, abdominal masses, and others.
Both instruments are inexpensive (she got her parts at RadioShack) and transmit heartbeats, lung sounds or EKG data to a cellular phone.
During the exam, the animal is assessed for lumps and bumps, discharge from the eyes / nose, abnormal teeth, irregular heart / lung sounds and so on.
In most cases of chronic bronchitis, the heart sounds normal and the lungs sound abnormal.
Your veterinarian will listen for abnormal lung sounds and will most likely take chest X-rays, which will reveal clouding in the infected lung areas.
Auscultation of the lungs is used to detect the presence of normal bronchovesicular sounds or abnormal lung sounds, such as crackles and wheezes.
The lung sounds of pets with pneumonia may sound loud and harsh or may be soft, as air is not circulating through areas of lung tissue affected by pneumonia.
This monitoring includes recording each pet's vital signs (including temperature, heart rate, pulse quality, respiration, mucous membrane color, capillary refill time, blood pressure, and lung sounds), oxygen saturation, appetite, elimination, attitude, and the like.
Most common signs are a persistent cough, abnormal lung sounds and an intolerance to exercise.
Heart and lung sounds, heart rate, lymph nodes, joint mobility, body condition score, temperature, etc..
I Took Him To The Rescue's Affiliated Vet Who Said His Lungs Sound Great But Otherwise Wasn't Very Informative.
If their lungs sound fine, your vet prescribes an antibiotic and an antitussive (anti-cough) medication to keep them comfortable and help battle the infection.
Listen to the heart and lungs and evaluate for heart murmur and lung sounds.
The veterinarian will be looking for changes in the lung sounds, respiration rates or quality, heart sounds (both rhythm and blood flow sounds), chest compressibility, signs of fluid accumulation in the chest or abdomen, and the size of such organs as the liver.
f. Internal Organs / Thorax (chest): Listen to chest for heart murmurs, irregular heartbeat and abnormal lung sounds.
The coughing up of green phlegm may be due to a worsening of symptoms (including additional infections by opportunistic pathogens), without listening to the lung sounds it would be impossible to say if there is any improvement.
Recovery from respiratory infections can take a long time, whilst I understand that Dunkin seems to be coughing more now without the bronchodilator his lung sounds on auscultation are probably better than before.
I took him to the vet he did not have a fever and she said his lungs sounded clear.
Cough, exercise intolerance, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), abnormal lung sounds, hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), syncope (temporary loss of consciousness due to poor blood flow to the brain), ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity), abnormal heart sounds, death
Auscultation of the chest listening for heart and lung sounds is usually the first step in determining that there is an issue; other than that you would be looking at blood counts and biochemistry to assess overall internal health.
«When examining an overweight pet, it may be more challenging to detect abnormalities in the abdomen and to hear abnormal heart or lung sounds,» said Dr. Diane Dereszynski, SAGE Redwood City.
In severe or acute cases, there is often respiratory distress, an abnormal heart rhythm, muffled heart and lung sounds and other signs of systemic shock.
Due to abnormal lung sounds and the severity of the cough, it was determined by Dr. Armstrong that he needed x-rays.
You're used to tracking heartworm disease from external signs — coughing, abnormal lung sounds, lethargy and more.
Just as important, many of the standard exams that veterinarians rely on to direct them to the source of the problem (reflexes, heart and lung sounds, vision, balance, pain sensation, etc.) yield less information in neonates because these systems have not yet developed fully.
During that stethoscopic exam, your vet might hear lung sounds that indicate excess fluid in the lungs (moist rales) as well as abnormally fast breathing.
Note all blood tests are normal, he's asymptomatic, and heart and lungs sound normal.
The cough is very characteristic and can be easily elicited by massaging the dog's larynx or trachea But if the dog is depressed; feverish; expelling a thick yellow or green discharge from its nose; or making abnormal lung sounds, your vet may want to perform diagnostic tests such as a complete blood count, chest x-ray, and laboratory analysis of the micro organisms inhabiting your dog's airways.
During a routine physical we are evaluating body condition, looking for eye or ear problems, dental disease, abnormal heart or lung sounds, changes in abdominal organs or belly pain, musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions, urogenital disease, skin and haircoat conditions and lymphatic disease.
Signs & symptoms in dogs: coughing, loss of appetite, buildup of fluid in the abdomen, weight loss, fainting, labored breathing, not wanting to exercise, fatigue, enlarged liver, enlarged heart, abnormal lung sounds, abnormal heart sounds, pale gums, dark bloody urine, congestive heart failure
A stethoscope, listening to the pet's heart and lungs sounds, is the first step in detecting problems there.
Sometimes, if the disease is advanced, abnormal lung sounds or silent areas are present.
Lung sounds that are dry and harsh often accompany upper respiratory tract infections.
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