Sentences with phrase «lungs move the air»

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The CDC defines primary blast injuries as those caused by the blast wave — extremely compressed air moving away from the explosion — that can damage the lungs, bowel and ears.
A new study has measured how easily a chemical moves from the lungs into air versus how easily it dissolves in fats and water.
In the human voice box, or larynx, air from the lungs is pushed past the vocal cords, which then start moving back and forth sideways like a flag fluttering in the wind.
When inhaled, the nanoparticles enter deep into the lungs, potentially all the way into the air sacs that move oxygen into our bloodstream during the normal breathing process.
Asthma is a chronic disease in which lung airways become swollen and narrow, making it difficult for air to move in and out of lungs.
Slowly breathe in, feeling your lower hand and then your upper hand move out as your lungs fill with air.
The breathing approach Breathing is an automatic bodily process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
End with attention being focused on the lower belly as it moves when lungs fill with and empty out air for three breaths.
Then move attention to the feeling of air flowing into and out of the lungs for three breaths — usually «felt» in the chest.
Then, exhale all of the air out of your lungs as you draw your stomach in as if trying to move your belly button to your spine.
Yoga teaches us to breathe in the right way of nature — to inhale and exhale diaphragmatically with the bellies relaxed and moving in consonance with the breath and the dome - like diaphragmatic curtain shifting to let air pass fully through the lungs.
Tell your child to notice the air as it moves into the lungs when he or she breathes in through the nose, and to follow the air as he or she breathes out through the mouth.
In the diagram you can see that more air moves freely in and out of the lungs in the normal dog's airway, but the dog with the collapsed airway has less air flowing through it.
Eventually, the larynx collapses, causing the animal to be unable to move a sufficient amount of air into the lungs.
Bronchodilators — Bronchodilators are inhaled and used to open up the airways, allowing the cat to move air in and out of the lungs more freely.
Because of the constricted airways, the actual volume of air this patient can move in and out of the lungs each breath is reduced.
Other symptoms may include decreased activity, becoming winded by normal activity, increased rate and effort of breathing and even open - mouth breathing in severely affected patients who are having trouble moving air out of their lungs.
When he returned to Canada in 1919, his doctors required him to leave Hamilton for «better air» because his lungs were so damaged, so he moved to Victoria, where he died in 1961.
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