Sentences with phrase «lying down all»

We have to sit up in a certain way or always be lying down.
Also learn how to breastfeed comfortable while lying down, so that you can reast while breastfeeding at night.
Pro: Mesh / collapsing side Even though most bassinets have mesh sides the HALO Bassinest has really large openings so it is very easy to see your baby while you are lying down.
Baby can be carried lying down or in the forward facing position.
It can be really difficult to move gas along (and out) of our bodies if we are lying down, not moving.
His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed... she couldn't pick him up because he was so upset, he kept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, kicking and screaming again.»
Move from lying down with them to sitting on the edge of the bed.
Lying down on your side takes pressure completely off your feet.
For me, I had to always use the pillow, I loved nursing lying down and am forever grateful that I have had a sister that served as a role model for me.
The magazine and this proponents» advice is framed in such a way to alarm parents into unfounded fears about their children being poor sleepers if they respond in loving ways such as rocking their child, breastfeeding, or lying down with the child.
Bfing lying down was the best thing I learnt ever
It may be something about how I position my body when I'm lying down, but when I get back up, everything just flows right out.
First I breast fed her in the lying down position a lot and we would both drift off.
AVB was dismissed at a time when Spurs were lying down mid-table of the Premier League and Spurs had More...
Signing a player of Saúl's unquestionable quality would be a huge statement of intent from the Gunners, instantly upgrading their middle third and sending a message to rivals that they will not be lying down and accepting a place outside the top four for years to come.
As Gibson was lying down to sleep at a proper hour on the eve of Game 1, McLain was in the throbbing lounge of the Sheraton - Jefferson Hotel in downtown St. Loo.
Miguel neglects to mention that Farmer himself could not possibly have been happy, what with «star» (read pooch) Kenny Fields, now a Milwaukee Buck, lying down half the time.
«Swimming is the one sport you can enjoy lying down,» he had joked before becoming serious, and observing that although we're all losing the war against time, Masters swimmers enjoy winning some of the skirmishes.
Hit them in the pocket, protest and show we are not happy and NOT taking it lying down.
Studenic did a great job of lying down on top of the goalie there.
Luck or no, lying down on the job helped Method get selected for the College All - Star team that played the Green Bay Packers in Soldier Field (the All - Stars lost 45 - 28).
And lying down like b*tch es while allowing them to fvuk us over.
Will the «silent one» take it lying down and allow fans to hog the limelight and force issues?
It was well done, but I just can not take his deft almost - truths about our town lying down, particularly in view of recent events here.
«My idea of a lovely, relaxing evening in is lying down on a sofa with a bowl of something delicious.
Some little guy in your head hits the garage door opener for your eyelids and they start to slowly slide down the fronts of your eyeballs, as your stomach seduces you into lying down on the couch.
Is it more beneficial to store screwcapped bottles lying down or upright?
Equally you could slice the strawberries in half and arrange them lying down or you could cut them into slices and arrange them in spikes to create a more art deco style flan.
[Images flash through of two people at computers, a person lying down, a computer screen display, a female pouring liquid and a female operating a computer and then the camera zooms in on the liquid being poured and the female operating the computer screen]
Veal crates are narrow wooden stalls that prevent calves from turning around or lying down comfortably.
«I could not just «take it easy» and there was no way I was going to take my cancer lying down.
, wiping grass off everywhere after lying down in the park, golden tans, endless road trips, arriving too early at the airport for your plane - ride out of here and of course, plenty of holiday feasting.
People using the app reported feeling happier when they had been moving in the past quarter - hour than when they had been just sitting or lying down, even if their physical activity was not a part of a work - out or particularly intense.
We can't take this lying down.
There is no display of rage, no passive resistance, no lying down on the job.
On the wall, above the headboard, to my right as I was lying down looking up at it, was a framed picture of Christ.
(3) You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
Nor will that old serpent, the devil, take all this lying down.
And though Eli was now frail and blind (one imagines him lying down with great effort and care), young Samuel was sleeping lightly in the temple with the ark of God.
Still, it seemed worth voicing a few protests, even if only a debiliori: that the biblical imagery of the redeemed state is cosmic in scope and positively teeming with fauna (lions lying down with lambs and such)-- that Paul's vision of salvation in Romans 8 is of the entirety of creation restored and glorified — things of that sort.
As usual, if we happen to be followers of Jesus Christ, we are to take this kind of writing lying down.
Speaking as a journalist, I know» very sadly» that what tends to make people sit up and take notice is violence; and while Christians may not always turn the other cheek, they do tend to take it all lying down, and get on with it as best they can, and that doesn't necessarily make for front - page headlines.»
The non-violent action in the salt boycott, and the lying down in front of trains in India constituted passive resistance.
Isaiah sees the lion lying down with the lamb and the author of Revelation envisions streets of gold and gates of pearl.
Visions of paradise include the lamb lying down with the lion.
The extravagance of the peace to come is illustrated by the wolf lying down with the lamb, the lion eating straw like an ox, which was what happened to Nebuchadnezzar following Daniel's prophecy (Dan.
The vision of lions lying down with lambs represents a gross misunderstanding of harmony in nature.
involuntarily reëchoed by all of us, was over in three seconds; and then I know not what happened till I returned to my senses, when I found myself and companions lying down on the ground as if prepared to be devoured by our enemy, the sovereign of the forest.
A grown man, lying down on the driveway in the dark, crying and shaving his head.
Mr. Buchanan, of course, has been called all those things, and he's not going to take it lying down.
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