Sentences with phrase «lying face»

The phrase "lying face" typically refers to someone who is being dishonest or not telling the truth. It describes a person who is deliberately saying something false while looking directly at another person. Full definition
If you'd like to try this pose, start by lying face down.
Clients also can perform this exercise by lying face down and placing a tennis ball under the chest and front of the shoulder.
And that's because no quarterback throws well while lying face down in the dirt with 600 pounds of the other team on top of him.
When lying face down on a bench the lower back will still work, but the bench provides a little more stability.
The title is ambiguous, as a man sits next on the bed, while a naked woman lies facing the wall.
To do this move, start by lying face up on a bench, hands gripping it, with legs together and raised to 90 degrees so feet are up towards the ceiling.
Take each square and place 1 tablespoon of the tomato mix into their centre wrap the dough over it and then place onto a tray so the folded edges lie facing down.
It can be performed when sitting, standing or even lying face down on a weight bench.
After your first trimester, it's best to avoid lying face down.
A push - up is an exercise in which a person lies facing the floor and with their back straight and raises their body by pressing down on their hands.
The client lies face down on a massage table and the practitioner places cups on the body.
The test measured the level of effort needed to get the air babies require while lying face down.
The dumbbell bench press is performed by lying face up on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
Starting Position: Begin by lying face down on a bench with your arms at your sides and your elbows bent at 90 degrees.
To begin lie face down on the floor with your arms positioned so that your hands are in line with your forehead and your upper arms are directly under your shoulders.
What We Watched Religulous Body of Lies Faces of Death Badlands P2 The Hellbenders Vampyr Maximum Overdrive Aliens War / Dance Shocker The Happening The TV Set A Lion in the House Taxi to the Dark Side
Backstage, Miliband could be found lying face down banging his head repeatedly on the floor, sobbing «Why now?
It does nt have rules when it does, as it can happen in any time of day and any time of phone usage (in terms on AOD on or off, phone lying face down or face up, with or without any other notification, etc...)
Lying face first on a world - class river board, you'll head through up to grade 3 rapids surrounded by Northern Queensland's beautiful tropical rainforest.
Walk and bounce while patting her back, rock in a rocking chair or sit with your baby lying face down on your lap while rubbing her back.
CHECK: Core strength TEST: Static hold test BENCHMARK: Firmer abs and better posture Lie face down with your forearms resting on the floor.
Abducted Position External Rotation Exercises Standing Dumbbell External Rotation Seated Dumbbell External Rotation Lying Face Down (Prone) Dumbbell External Rotation
Synopsis: Stuart Mark was discovered beaten to death lying face down on a sofa in his residence.
If one is crossing the desert on a camel and a blinding sandstorm comes up, the thing to do is to dismount, lie face downward on the sand with his cloak over his head, and wait an hour, three hours, half a day, until the storm abates and he can go on his way as before.
It's the dead - from - the - neck - up media that is pitting us against each other by publishing this drivel when they should be far more concerned about a truckload other things like, gee, I don't know, 17 trillion in debt, the Obama white house which seems unable to go even a day without lying their faces off and the «Affordable» health care that is not - so - cleverly disguised as deliberate economic sabotage and will create political prisoners in the very near future.
Besides the cradling position, try a football hold, with the baby tucked under one arm, or try nursing lying face to face with the baby.
Also, add back extensions to your routine: Lie face facedown, arms by sides and slightly off the ground, palms up.
How it works If you experience tightness or soreness in your back, Prevention Magazine recommended lying face - up with the foam roller under your midback, parallel with your shoulders.
To stretch your quads with a towel, simply lie face down, and wrap a towel around your ankle.
This exercise requires the user to lie face forward on a pad (there are versions where you can sit up) while the backside of your heels are locked under a bar that moves in an arching motion.
► A teen girl limps along a road and flags down a woman in a pickup truck; a hooded man rushes up behind the girl, swings an ax and misses her as she jumps into the truck bed, she slams him in the head with a ball bat, knocking him to the pavement and the truck speeds away (we see the man lying face up, eyes open with blood covering his hood, chest, abdomen, sleeves and hands).
At the X-Raid camp the cars have returned safely, mechanics working at a leisurely pace to check everything over as Peterhansel lies face - down on the physio's table, having the knots of the day's stage massaged out of him.
Carlos pointed to the foothills of the Mayan Mountains, which seemed to have the appearance of a giant lying face up» in its formation.
Remind me of the Always sunny in Philadelphia episode where Dee thinks she's gonna be a star on a movie, to only be a zombie pile on the floor lying face down lol
An erotically charged photograph (1997 - 2016)-- with the same title as the exhibition — showing the artist lying face - down on a hotel bed, alone, encapsulates what Emin has referred to as «the loss of love and sex, and about how it felt to have that passion... trying to remember, remember that desire and remember what it felt like to be entwined with someone.
sculpted ai weiwei by he xiangyu lies face down on the ground (above) the death of marat, 2011 fiberglass, silicone, fabric, human hair and leather image © designboom
(In «The Room, Tarzana,» a quietly desirous image from 1967, the artist's lover lies face down on a bed, naked below the waist.)
The OnePlus 6 captured in the snap is seen lying face - down with only the rear in view.
She was found lying face up with multiple stab wounds to her neck and chest.
I never realized how often my phone lies face down until I had the back of my phone lighting up with important friend - related digital ephemera.
Lying face first on a world - class river board, you'll head through Northern Queensland's beautiful tropical rainforest.
Also try while lying face down on an incline bench.
In this position, Baby lies face down across a lap or arm, with body and head fully supported, while sucking on a finger.
imbued with social and cultural undercurrents, chinese artist he xiangyu has created a fiberglass representation of ai weiwei, curiously positioned in a contorted posture lying face down on ground.
Neutral Position External Rotation Exercises Side Lying Dumbbell External Rotation Lying Face Down (Prone) Dumbbell External Rotation Bent Over Dumbbell External Rotation
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