Sentences with phrase «machine learning platform»

Still, there's plenty of competition in the race to offer the fastest and most efficient machine learning platform.
Most recently, Finn was the Chief Business Officer at AppThis which is one of the largest private machine learning platforms for App Developers and Mobile publishers worldwide.
TensorFlow, Google's machine learning platform used by Airbnb, Twitter and Uber has a «significant security loophole» that exposes it to malicious software and destruction by hackers, according to Tencent.
Machine learning platform WallY will curate dashboards for each user based...
Beyond the dedicated Kirin AI API, the NPU can be accessed through Android's Neural Networks API (NNAPI), and it supports many popular machine learning platforms such as Facebook's Caffe2 and Google's TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite.
LeadCrunch's DeepFind machine learning platform collects proprietary data as it searches for key patterns that can help your sales team turn a lead into a paying customers.
Francisco is a co-founder and CEO at BigML, Inc, where he has helped conceptualize, design and implement BigML's distributed Machine Learning platform since 2011.
Over the past few months, Google's Tensor Flow, Facebook's Big Sur, the Amazon Machine Learning platform, and Elon Musk's non-profit OpenAI have all made powerful machine learning tools openly available, often for free.
At the core of MindMeld's technology is a powerful machine learning platform that is able to ingest customer data and create a highly accurate and customized natural language model, tailored to each company's industry and requirements.
«Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform makes it easy for you to build accurate, large scale machine learning models in a short amount of time.
Arraiy is a computer vision and machine learning platform for creators, film, AR, VR and game makers.
This new TPU chip effectively makes building AI on Google's platform incredibly fast and efficient, more so than with hardware and machine learning platforms used by competitors.
• Valohai, a machine learning platform - as - a-service company, raised $ 1.8 million in funding.
«We are building a machine learning platform that will help in sales tax calculations and can adapt to the changes that the government is implementing,» adds Chriss.
Built on the back of decades of industry experience along with our machine learning platform, our products analyze hundreds of millions of unique data points each day to determine fare volatility and risk.
FBLearner Flow is a machine learning platform capable of easily reusing algorithms in different products, scaling to run...
We have seen a major Magic Circle law firm create its own tech incubator hub, another UK firm create a machine learning platform for litigation analysis; and many more practices reportedly having «plans to digitise» this year.
Background check technology is big news at the moment and UK startup Onfido — which uses a machine learning platform to verify new hires are who they say they are — has just raised # 25m in funding.
Huawei also went the extra mile by including support for machine learning platforms such as Facebook's Caffe 2 and Google's Tensor Flowlite machine learning platforms, alongside their own AI framework.
Alexa will now be capable of more via AWS» artificial intelligence and machine learning platform.
Hiroyuki Sato, CEO of DOCOMO Digital, commented: «We are very focused on collaborating with businesses developing artificial intelligence and machine learning platforms for the DOCOMO Digital portfolio targeted at big data driven digital marketing services.
Achieve business goals using Connex, Rise's machine learning platform.
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