Sentences with word «macrocosmic»

One can consider the possibility of macrocosmic occasions that last minutes, hours, or eons.
From the singularity of a human life to the entirety of humankind, reinventing itself generation after generation, this cycle is manifested at a micro and macrocosmic scale.
Finally, if it turns out that it is indeed possible to transform the behavior of imperceptible individuals into a form which can be appreciated empathically by people, then we could conceivably use behavioral assay procedures to look for macrocosmic as well as microcosmic individuals.
But exaggeration, enlargement, is sometimes necessary to identify microscopic causes for macrocosmic effects.
All of reality is theonomous, and we do not really know the most important truth about anything, whether macrocosmic or microcosmic, until we know it, so to speak, in God.
But if such macrocosmic and obvious interrelatedness is common, the model again says these are but «tip of the iceberg» occurrences, and that there is a lessening of our own humanity with every human evil, a heightening of our good with every human joy.
The return phase of the subjective aim, wherein the microcosmic and therefore macrocosmic harmonies are unified with the divine harmony, demonstrates the relevance of the primordial satisfaction for the world.
What the movie became — as everyone couldn't help but notice at the time of its original release — is a film in which the «background» (nature, the landscape) moves into the foreground and the human characters recede into macrocosmic expanses of earth and sky, and microcosmic observations of flora and fauna.
In turn, Sobel's fusion of the micro - and macrocosmic most likely impressed Pollock and influenced his subsequent adoption of the «all - over» painting style.
It's a way of looking at the world in terms of macrocosmic dimensions and also the very smallest elements of nature.
Harsha's work entwines strands of personal biography with the shared narratives and broader socio - political scenarios of our at once macrocosmic and microcosmic world.
The lozenge shapes became softer, more ethereal, like amoebas viewed under a microscope; the forms now seemed to quiver against vast, macrocosmic color fields.
Solomon captures a feeling of the movement of life on two levels: one molecular and the other macrocosmic.
Inspired by her regard for the dystopian vision and macrocosmic time sense of British writer J.G. Ballard, Dean's film JG was later filmed on location in the saline landscapes of Utah and central California.
The subject of «organizing chaos» is broached in film, video, text and photographs that alternate between macrocosmic and microcosmic, silence and noise, anarchic and tightly scripted.
Bourriaud avoids this by choosing artists from a global and macrocosmic viewpoint; he looks at how they function and interrelate within the world and how this is reflected in their work rather than how their work is a direct reflection of their identity.
Evocative of fire, soil, sky and water, yet simultaneously resembling aerial views of densely populated cities, there are strong perceptions in both microcosmic and macrocosmic scale.
A year ago almost to the day we began tracking a «Macrocosmic» theme that would eventually see gold bottom and rise vs. stocks and bonds in 2016, joining its bullish status vs. commodities, which had been in place since 2014.
(Acts 7:28) And what is true of us human beings is true of all that is; the macrocosmic and microcosmic, the galaxies beyond numbering and the subatomic particles beyond discernment.
This is resolved by the discovery of two kinds of fluency, macrocosmic (transition) and microcosmic (concrescence).
The macrocosmic unity is itself an actual entity with its own reality in addition to the totality of reality that constitutes it.
First of all, he is the macrocosmic unity of all reality.
Now, those who believe in the macrocosmic process as a self - sufficient process might well concede that among parts of the universe union differentiates, that the law of transcendence is in union, but they do not see the need or cogency of applying this law to the universe itself.
If this is true, then why should we now make an exception in the case of the macrocosmic process and say that it is self - sufficient, that it has no need of its own proper ground or «other»?
Now, then, reason as part of the macrocosmic process is likewise in process, that is, it is still undergoing development as is manifested in the development of culture and civilization; the very constitution of history itself is the evolution of rational consciousness.
What is true of individual processes is true of the macrocosmic process of evolution.
The solidarity is itself the efficiency of the macrocosmic res vera.
Whitehead's insistence upon the organismic connectedness of things is certainly conducive to answering this question by means of analogy and metaphor, mapping in isomorphic fashion characteristics of the actual occasion onto the macrocosmic objects of human experience.
So he says, «The initial fact is macrocosmic..., the final fact is microcosmic... The initial fact is the primordial appetition, and the final fact is the decision of emphasis...» (Process and Reality, Corrected Edition, ed.
The dynamics of germination is exemplified in the macrocosmic process.
What is true of our analysis of the macrocosmic process is also true at the microcosmic or individual level.
7 To see this unambiguously one must look over the whole range of events from microcosmic to macrocosmic, and one must choose the same type of event at every level.
Do we not find lying at the center of Whitehead's vision a nondualistic apprehension of the union or coinherence of the macrocosmic and the microcosmic, of the outer and the inner, of the beyond and the near at hand which has no genuine precedent in the Western historical tradition?
It is the movement of creativity as subjective immediacy that is productive of the universe not only as the individual moment of the actual occasion but of all macrocosmic processes as well.
This line of reasoning, I think, is plausible; the inadequacy of language to give a logically neat account of the microcosmic process is perhaps what we should expect since our language is in a sense tied to, and thus derivative from, an experience of the macrocosmic process.
My text for recommending these things would be nothing less than the eighth Commandment, raised to the macrocosmic level, «You shall not steal.»
At the macrocosmic level it seems that the pressure I exert on the pen causes movement of the pen simultaneous with the exertion of pressure rather than subsequent to it.
The deeply ingrained commonsense view that cause and effect are often, if not always, simultaneous is derived from experiences at the macrocosmic level and does not apply to the world of microcosmic entities.
Although we can articulate how ambiguity and how commitment structure each phase of the microscopic process by which an actual occasion realizes itself, we must also spell out just how ambiguity and commitment structure the macrocosmic process of commitment that structures ordinary experience, the moral life, social existence, responsibility for our past acts.
Whitehead in this respect as in others provides a rigorous ontological grounding at the microcosmic level for the macrocosmic phenomena studied by biologists.
At a macrocosmic level the same point could be expressed this way: love (persuasion) confirms the value of the objective world, which is a community, created through the interrelationships of component entities and necessary for the continued existence of these relationships and entities.
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