Sentences with phrase «macronutrient composition»

The phrase "macronutrient composition" refers to the different types of nutrients that are essential for our bodies in large amounts. These nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The macronutrient composition refers to the proportion or ratio of these nutrients in our diet. Full definition
I've long suspected that gut issues can prevent fat loss irrespective of macronutrient composition of the diet, so it's refreshing to hear someone state just that.
Insulin sensitivity determines the effectiveness of dietary macronutrient composition on weight loss in obese women.
In 1964 a group from the Institute for Medical Research in Oakland, California, set out to study the impact of different macronutrient compositions on weight loss in obese patients.
Just to remind ourselves — caloric balance dictates whether we lose or gain weight and macronutrient composition affects if we lose (gain) more fat or... Read more
Indeed, a 2016 study of 43 overweight men and women confirmed that a meat - based meal and a cheese - based meal with the same macronutrient composition had essentially the same effect on their insulin levels (20).
Effect of dietary macronutrient composition under moderate hypocaloric intake on maternal adaptation during lactation.
Each egg has this general macronutrient composition and is a protein super-food, easily digestible with a perfect ratio of all essential amino acids:
In almost all cases where lower - GI has an advantage, it's due to more favorable macronutrient composition (more protein, in particular).
You put in your weight, height, and other variables, and then you can play around with your preferred macronutrient composition.
As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out as to what macronutrient composition is absolutely optimal - it could be different season by season or person by person, if it matters at all.
In 2008, Westman and colleagues compared two diets of vastly different macronutrient compositions in a population of obese type 2 diabetic patients (Westman et al., 2008).
All the diets had the same macronutrient composition: 34 % of calories from fat, 50 % from carbs and 17 % from protein.
Voss S, Kroke A, Klipstein - Grobusch K, Boeing H. Is macronutrient composition of dietary intake data affected by underreporting?
Cheng HL, Griffin J, Claes B, Petocz P, Steinbeck K, Rooney K, O'Connor H. Influence of dietary macronutrient composition on eating behaviour and self - perception in young women undergoing weight management.
TEF is proportional to the calorie content you ingest and varies based on the macronutrient composition of your meal.
The timing, duration and macronutrient composition are crucial to the overall success of the diet.»
The control group received standard patient education and a diet of similar energy and macronutrient composition.
If, on the other hand, the macronutrient composition affects fat accumulation, then these subjects should lose both weight and fat on the carbohydrate - restricted regime and their energy expenditure should increase, supporting the idea that a calorie of carbohydrate is more fattening than one from protein or fat, presumably because of the effect on insulin.
During the second 16 weeks («weight - loss maintenance» phase), macronutrient composition was supposed to be kept similar, but subjects were «free to eat as motivated by hunger or cravings.»
Research shows that TEF accounts for about 10 % of our total daily energy expenditure, with amounts varying based on the macronutrient composition of our diets.
This is why you can eat two meals of an equivalent caloric amount, but depending on the macronutrient composition of the meals, the number of calories left for use (and storage) by the body after digestion can vary greatly.
calories are matched for: people lose weight; despite the macronutrient composition of the diet.
Sure, fat is more calorically dense than carbs and protein, but when total calories are matched for: people lose weight; despite the macronutrient composition of the diet.
Hepatic, adipocyte, enteric and pancreatic hormones: response to dietary macronutrient composition and relationship with metabolism
The first change was in the macronutrient composition of our diets (What to Eat).
Furthermore, the types of plant and animal foods that together comprise the macronutrient composition of hunter - gatherer diets are substantially different from those commonly consumed by Westernized societies.
Any «diet» that directly encourages one to eat significantly more real food and significantly less industrialized food than they previously did is a relatively «healthy» diet regardless of macronutrient composition (i.e high carb, low carb, high fat, high protein, etc.) and food type inclusion / exclusion (i.e vegan, plant - based, gluten - free, paleo, etc.).
The macronutrient composition of the Menstralean diet was aligned to match each of the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle (see Table 1 from the study below).
The macronutrient composition of the control diet was persistent throughout the period (Table 1).
Using measures like cups or tablespoons can lead to inaccuracies that may impact the macronutrient composition of your meal.
The findings seem to be very telling in regards to the negative impact carbohydrates have on health even with a small percent adjustment in macronutrient composition.
TEF varies according to meal size, meal frequency and macronutrient composition.
You have to take in the bigger picture, which includes calories / energy balance, meal timing and frequency, macronutrient composition, choice of processed versus refined foods as well as how all these nutritional factors interact with your exercise program.
The macronutrient composition of a meal can impact how quickly you fill up and how satisfied you feel a few hours later.
Both ate 1400 calories / day, and the macronutrient composition of each diet was matched — only the timing of the largest meal was changed.
Much like calorie counting, it's not necessarily an exact science, but something that becomes increasingly important if we go to extremes of macronutrient composition (i.e. less than 10 % of calories from fat or carbohydrate).
The results, like previous study, suggest that changing the macronutrient composition of the diet can alter the cardiometabolic risk factor profile.
The study concluded that weight loss resulted in a reduction of CRP regardless of the dietary macronutrient composition.
Yet, it is uncertain whether or not the macronutrient composition of a diet influences inflammation.
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