Sentences with phrase «mad at your spouse»

When you're mad at your spouse, you might say something hurtful and regret it later.
It's far easier for me to get mad at my spouse for making us late for a dinner reservation because he couldn't find his keys than it is for me to admit that if I hadn't waited to get dressed until ten minutes before we had to leave, we wouldn't have been late either.
You may be mad at your spouse, your spouse's job, your spouse's new sweetie, your in - laws, or whomever or whatever you think contributed to the downfall of your marriage.
Even in those moments when you're mad at your spouse, stay committed to the relationship.

Not exact matches

If you're going to start a conversation with your spouse about money, it's a good not to start with any of the following phrases «I'm confused, it says here [looking at your bank account]; «Listen, I'm not mad, but»; «Don't get all offended by what I'm about to say...»
It was much clearer who was supposed to be doing what; if you look at «Mad Men,» the woman stays home and looks pretty and takes care of the house and the man brings home the money and on either side if you're failing in your role, it's a real failure in your role as a spouse.
Thanks to a yummy Life Scents ™ air freshener, my tiny kitchen assistant is mad at me, my spouse is crestfallen, and the only remedy is to attempt the impossible.
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