Sentences with phrase «made animal habitats»

The zoo is pretty impressively situated and unique in its man - made animal habitats, especially for being in the middle of a city!

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Essential Question: Making sure animals and people are safe in their habitats is a big job.
During this engaging program students will listen to a guided imagery story while sitting in a natural setting; learn the life cycle of a bird through imaginary play and determine what makes a good home for specific native animals as they explore and compare the resources available in forest and field habitats.
While caring for animals affected by human activity such as overfishing, habitat degradation, plastic pollution and rising ocean temperatures, the team seeks to increase public engagement and advocacy along with inspire new individuals to make a difference.
Other tools in the researchers» arsenal were high - resolution tracking, which provided information about how the manta rays used the lagoon habitat over long and short periods of time; an acoustic camera, which logged patterns of the animals entrances and departures from the lagoons; and photo identification / laser photogrammetry — making measurements from photographs — which provided insight into whether the manta rays were staying in this habitat for longer time periods by tracking their comings and goings.
The evidence, says Orians, is that our visual environment profoundly influences our physical and mental health, much as a suitable habitat makes for healthier animals in the zoo.
«The Base in not well surveyed for most animal groups and given its location on Cuba, the extent of rare habitat, [and] the number of rare plants, there are bound to be many more discoveries to be made and we are promoting it to other biologists as a research destination,» Droege says.
Despite predictions decades ago of the baiji's decline, few efforts were made to preserve the animal outside its main habitat in a few reserves.
Each patch may be a diverse habitat of plants, animals, and insects but it is equally important that the landscape «quilt» is made up of a diversity of patches that are different from each other.
My naïve plan to make a difference by treating one animal at a time evaporated when I saw first - hand the enormity of the problems of human poverty, habitat loss, and politics versus science.
«Ice - free areas make for small patches of suitable habitat for plants and animals — like islands in a sea of ice,» she said.
«Through this study, the pandas at the San Diego Zoo have made a significant contribution to our understanding of what may be affecting panda reproduction in habitats in China,» said Ron Swaisgood, director of applied animal ecology, San Diego Zoo Global.
«We can't endanger animals and their habitats in making renewable energy projects happen,» said Professor Fedy, a researcher in Waterloo's Department of Environment and Resource Studies.
These magnificent animals are facing unprecedented threats as a warming climate and loss of their sea ice habitat make it more difficult for the bears to hunt prey like seals and find dens for their cubs.
In this habitat lesson, 5th graders use a shoebox to make a desert habitat and use Wikki Stix to create a desert animal.
Owls information poster, fact cards, key word cards, animal types posters, habitat posters, owl photo flashcards, hand puppets, face masks in colour and black and white, nocturnal animals information posters, simple fact sheet to write Alphabet flashcards, phonics flashcards, writing sheets, acrostic poem to complete, writing frames and borders, presentation to make, booklet to complete, sight word cards, mind map, poems to read with hand puppets to act them out, nouns flashcards large, notes page to complete, nouns and verbs worksheet to fill in, speaking and listening task, topic summary worksheet, writing booklet cover to keep project work together, story board to complete, word cards with ow sounds with spellings of «ow» and «ou».
They also developed their art skills by drawing sketches of their animals and then making a model of it using chicken wire, as well as creating a representation of it's habitat.
«If you have exotic animals, like snakes, that need a special heated habitat, make sure you have an emergency backup for it — especially if you lose power, which often happens in disasters,» she advises.
(3) the veterinarian is sufficiently acquainted with an animal being treated, whether through examination of the animal or timely visits to the animal's habitat for purposes of assessing the condition in which the animal is kept, to be capable of making a preliminary or general diagnosis of the medical condition of the animal being treated; and
Clean & Cozy Bedding comes in a variety of colors, making it fun and exciting for your small animal's habitat.
To make your small animals feel right at home in their habitats, Kaytee has a range of bedding, nesting and litter products for every home and pet preference.
Just like Aquapaw is attempting to make a splash in the at - home grooming sector at this year's Global Pet Expo, MidWest Homes for Pets (Booth # 2825) is hoping to do the same for pet habitats — delving further into the «small» small animal space.
Campers will participate in daily arts - and - crafts projects, and work on animal projects like creating habitats for feral cats and making bird houses and pet enrichment toys.
Cordelia had many «firsts» on the trip, including her first visit to a dog park, where she made friends with three rescued basset hounds; her first boat ride, where she wore her very own life jacket; and her first trip to a wildlife habitat, where she learned to be careful and to ask Donna's permission before making friends with new and different animals — especially when it involves swimming in a pond inhabited by alligators.
The habitat or cage is one of the largest purchases a small - animal owner will make and one of the biggest sales in the department.
Every small animal owner needs to purchase litter or bedding on a regular basis for their small pet habitat, making this an essential category for brick - and - mortar retailers.
As our communities continue to develop and encroach upon animals» natural habitats, we need to make decisions on how to live together in a mutually humane and peaceful environment.
The gist of their findings was that cats were occupying habitat left by a declining population of street dogs, at the rate of about three cats moving in to replace each dog who could no longer make a living after refuse was mostly buried or burned, sewers were enclosed, and automobiles replaced animal - powered transport, resulting in an urban environment much less congenial to dogs.
Surrounding lush wetlands extends inland 30 kilometres made up of salt water tidal estuaries and creeks which are the habitat of saltwater crocodiles and a vast array of wildlife, such as birds, both migratory and native, many species of fish and animals.
Specifically, it is located in Tsitsikamma, which is part of the Western Cape Province and is known for its stunning greenery and the prolific animal life that has made this their habitat of choice.
IFAW was founded in 1969 and since then, they have made efforts to save individual animals, animal populations, and habitats in over 40 countries.
All efforts must be made to prevent this pathogen entering the wild amphibian population (eg, via release of infected animals or the discarding of contaminated water or fomites in amphibian habitats such as garden settings).
As pockets of forest habitat are isolated, their edges are exposed to harsher, brighter, drier conditions and plant and animal dispersal between habitat fragments is made more difficult; in addition, habitat fragments may be too small to sustain populations of some species.
In what may well be a world first in species conservation, a vanished animal has been reintroduced into its habitat but only after engineers built a man - made system in order to recreate a lost ecosystem.
The remaining three projects will remove man - made dams and restore crucial animal habitats.
Michael Totten, senior director for climate and water initiatives at the environmental group Conservation International, said humans have made it more difficult for animal and plant species to adapt to the shifting climate by fragmenting natural habitat.
The second aspect of Midway today that stands out the most is the efforts put forward to restore the habitat to what it once was, and make room for the endemic species of plants and animals to flourish.
To me, it makes far more sense to rescue and rehabilitate animals, while allowing the public limited access, but always with the end goal of returning them to their natural and rightful habitat.
Not only are the plantations such a severe threat to Orangutan habitat that the animals could be the first great ape (in modern times) to go extinct, but biodiesel made from palm oil can have carbon emissions greatly higher than that of petro diesel.
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