Sentences with phrase «made at the conclusion»

The counselors were being prepared to help those responding to an invitation to discuss their personal needs which was made at the conclusion of a pre-taped telecast of a Billy Graham Southern California Crusade meeting.
In fact, a renowned journalist by the name of Hernan Feler announced the deal on Twitter and claimed that the official announcement will be made at the conclusion of the Copa America.
This latest report was made at the conclusion of these negotiations during which almost no progress was made in defining equity under UNFCCC by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Durban Platform For Enhanced Action (ADP), a mechanism under the UNFCCC that seeks to achieve a adequate global climate agreement, despite a growing consensus among most observers of the UNFCCC negotiations that nations need to align their emissions reductions commitments to levels required of them by equity and justice if the world is going to prevent extremely dangerous climate change.
An application to have these restrictions removed should be made at the conclusion of the matter.
Referral fees are properly made at the conclusion of a successful file at the same time that the receiving lawyer is processing his or her fee.
There is no guarantee that an offer for life and disability insurance will be made at the conclusion of the application process.

Not exact matches

Brendan Frey, CEO of Deep Genomics and a biomedical engineering professor at the University of Toronto, says his research team trained its system to analyze individual cells to draw conclusions about the entire cellular system and, ultimately, make a diagnosis.
Still, some agents said there is lingering resentment over Comey's handling of the Clinton email probe — not necessarily because of the conclusions he drew, but because of the process decisions he made at various points in the investigation that left the bureau vulnerable to partisan attacks.
Gagliardi's conclusion: if you need highly skilled talent, you'd better make sure those people have something to do when they aren't at work.
That there would be job cuts at a legacy IT provider is almost a forgone conclusion as these companies, many of which made the bulk of their money on pricey, proprietary hardware and software, must adapt to a world in which more companies send more of their computing jobs to a public cloud provider like Amazon @amzn (amzn) Web Services.
(At least with biological parents — we don't know enough about the changes that may occur in non-biological parents to make any conclusions yet.)
So if you don't think we're past the great filter, and you don't think we're the first life forms with a shot at making it past the great filter, there's only one remaining conclusion: Humans are toast.
Analysts who are willing to make such assumptions will arrive at different conclusions about valuation.
Fortunately for Zuckerberg, in the time since he told CNN that he might not be the most qualified person at the company to testify, Facebook has already gotten ahead of some of the most damaging conclusions — like that all of its two billion users should already assume their data made it from Facebook to like, whoever.
At the conclusion of my conference yesterday, I did a number of interviews and then made my way a few miles home, collapsed into my favorite chair, and thought back over the myriad of ideas, the whirlwind of friends, and the just general all - around fabulous time I had experienced over the past four days.
At the conclusion of our due diligence process, Space Angels will make a decision whether to organize an investment fund to invest in the company.
It goes beyond that.In the words of Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song, at the conclusion of his opening talk of the event: «What doesn't kill Bitcoin makes it stronger.
Jordan's research doesn't look at Facebook explicitly, but if his conclusions are correct, it follows that the site would have a special power to make us sadder and lonelier.
All of that, and there is no verifiable proof that any of it is or was ever true can lead a rational person to only one conclusion: a man - made fairy tale at best and a means of mind - control, torture and prejudice at worst.
As George put it to me, «people at Duke made huge mistakes in the Lacrosse case by rushing to conclusions, publishing declarations, and holding solidarity events before the facts were fully established; we were determined not to make those mistakes.»
I objectively make the best conclusion I can with the information I have at had.
Theological ethics arrives at the same conclusion as philosophical ethics: though outsourcing must take its course as part of the normal markings of international trade, the beneficiaries of this market exchange must help displaced workers make the transition to a new place in the economy.
The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.
@Tony I never ceased to be amazed by the number fo people that claim to be seekers of truth while at the same time arrogantly proclaiming that all those that reach different conclusions than they do are just making the bible say what they want it to say.
But all that said, The Green Bible makes me distinctly uncomfortable, just as the dean of divinity did when he invoked dear old C.S. Lewis at the conclusion of Morning Prayer.
Since there is no indication of any sentience, and the fact that there are an infinite number of other possibilities, the only logical conclusion you can make is no conclusion at all.
The most probable conclusion to draw from passages of this sort is that either Thomas or earlier Gnostic tradition made use of the canonical gospels at points where we find parallels, and that there is no reason to suppose that any passage in Thomas (in spite of interesting textual variants) provides an earlier or a more reliable version of any saying of Jesus.
A good scientist lets the evidence at hand make the conclusion.
My present conclusions stand at considerable variance from those made in the book.
But few draw the conclusion that what we decide to do makes no difference at all.
There is at least one: since being is power, every being has some power just by virtue of being; but then it is metaphysically impossible that God should have all the power.20 Or to make this an internal argument against the classical doctrine, the conclusion could be softened to read: «If there is anything other than God, God does not have all the power there is.»
Matthew marks the conclusions of the discourse (7:28 - 29) with his usual formula («And when Jesus finished these sayings»), completing the sentence with the statement made by Mark and Luke about Jesus» teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum (cf. Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32): «the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.»
Therefore the tradition has spoken insistently of judgment — or to use perhaps a better word, appraisal — both moment by moment and at the conclusion of every human life, with a further appraisal made when the entire created order is evaluated in its contribution or failure to contribute to the advancement of the divine purpose in the world.
It should not be surprising then that Whitehead thought of God as a single actual entity immune to the possibility of loss.59 At least William Christian sees this as the proper Whiteheadian view.60 Nevertheless, Christian's position is challenged by Ivor Leclerc, who argues, in agreement with Hartshorne, that Christian's conclusion is incompatible with the categoreal scheme elaborated in chapter two of Process and Reality.61 Here, according to Leclerc, Whitehead «makes clear» that the category of «subjective perishing» is «necessarily applicable to every actual entity whatever, including God.»
The judgment to be made at the end (conclusion) is clearly related to whether the end (purpose) has been fulfilled or not.
The end (purpose) for which a creature is initially made contributes greatly to the judgment that is to be made at his end (conclusion).
In some ways, that's accurate, at least in the sense that you're free to make your own conclusions on the Catholic Church after viewing this, and future episodes will likely strengthen those opinions.
Attempts have often been made to show that this man never lived, that he is entirely the product of early Christian imagination, but these attempts have at no time succeeded in convincing more than a few, and it is inconceivable that they would ever convince the Christian, for the event whose historicity is to him more than the conclusion of an argument but is witnessed to by his own being as a Christian — this event includes the appearance in history of this man.
Here we have no other version to help us reconstruct the original form of the parable, but the task is not difficult, since the tradition has sought to make the parable edifying by means of additions at the conclusion rather than by allegorizing the story itself.
Rather than making inaccurate conclusions based on a standard procedure in web - site ownership to the motive behind our efforts, perhaps if you truly are defending Christmas, you should look at the National Corporations and Media Outlets who base their whole profit predictions and financial stability on a HOLY - day that they go out of their way to hide and dilute.
And these conclusions are (or should be) still relevant to contemporary debates regarding the family, since they make the case that the public, and therefore government, has a legitimate interest in stable families (up to a point, that is, the point at which children have been raised) and therefore in the sexual morality that protects the marital bond.
Indeed, it discredits, or at the very least makes suspect, any attempt by conservatives to introduce moral and religious considerations into «the public square»» as if morality and religion necessarily lead to such apocalyptic political conclusions.
Only if the subject is somehow active in the process can it make the decisions it must to exercise in freedom and self - creativity Thus the subject must be operative within concrescence, and yet can only come into being at its conclusion.
To have faith that love is at the heart of the universe, that the whole scheme of things is conceived in wisdom and goodwill, that a divine purpose underlies creation and makes the ultimate victory of good over evil a foregone conclusion — that, you say, is obviously a most comforting and enheartening philosophy.
According to LifeSiteNews, the article makes a «pro-abortion case» but arrives at a «shocking conclusion:» «While abortion is still legal, it is increasingly difficult to access, thanks to the closing of so many abortion clinics and pro-life laws that help women by giving them additional information and alternatives.»
And, in their midst, it makes small jabs at modernity's consequences: the «Modern Churchman» who «draws the full salary of a beneficed clergyman and need not commit himself to any religious belief,» the enlightened prison warden — «I came to the conclusion many years ago that almost all crime is due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression,» and avant - garde architecture — «india - rubber fungi in the recessed conservatory,» a floor that is «a large kaleidoscope, set in motion by an electric button.»
And as he thinks about them, in awe and wonder of his observations, he comes to amazing conclusions... He looks at himself, even the wonderful make up of his own being, and he begins to understand that there is more to him then it meets the eye.
The whole Genesis story is one of the author's envy at how animals seemed to have it all, including s3x whenever they felt like it, and drew the conclusion that we must somehow have decided to become «civilized» and left our paradise of a jungle and now can not have s3x, etc., because we made a bad choice and were driven out by an angry god for presuming to think for ourselves in complex ways.
But this closing section of the chapter is also clearly intended to serve as the conclusion of the long section beginning with Exodus 19 and at the same time as appropriate introduction to the extended (priestly) section which follows in chapters 25 - 31, and which has to do exclusively with the institutionalizing of all that has occurred in the making of the covenant.
Criticism has also made probable a second conclusion, viz., that Matthew and Luke used still another common source as well, for they agree almost word for word in many passages that do not occur in Mark at all.
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