Sentences with phrase «made better academic»

Pollock says that what he learned in industry has made him a better academic.
However, many make good academic strides during the year, and that's not well captured by current measures — or by recent studies.
Research confirms the approach contributes to children making better academic progress, feeling safe and protected, it reduces exclusion and bad behaviour rates, makes staff feel competent and confident that they are doing the best they can to help vulnerable students and indeed other members of staff.
Indeed, even if they made good academic progress, they wouldn't graduate unless they demonstrated good teamwork and willingness to exceed expectations.
There are some of the strengths which have made us the best academic help service provider among students, few of our characteristics are discussed below -

Not exact matches

In their new book, Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, brothers and academics Chip (of Stanford Graduate School of Business) and Dan Heath (of Duke) explore how to eliminate biases and improve the quality of our decisions.
Intrade was a predictions market, something originally developed by academics to gain better insight into human decision - making, but operated as a business.
The long - term vision is a country in which citizens, specialists, professionals, academics, community groups and even businesses can work together, developing innovative information access and visualization tools, better decision - making models, and more tools responsive to the needs of the citizens.
Matt Hall, cofounder and president of Hill Investment Group, introduces his 2016 book, Odds On: The Making of an Evidence - Based Investor, by stating that: ``... the evidence - based movement has been studying market data and academic research to identify the groups of stocks and other investments that provide better odds of long - term success.
Intellectual and academic honesty is important in today's world and leads to thousands upon thousands of new discoveries that make our lives better.
«Professor Siddiqui, supported by a panel with a strong balance of academic, religious and legal expertise, will help us better understand whether and the extent to which Sharia law is being misused or exploited and make recommendations to the government on how to address this.»
Because there is only a small amount of academic literature on religious freedom (including virtually no mention of it in the four major academic human rights journals) the State Department should make a short - term commitment to provide seed funds to better understand the linkages between religious freedom, national economics, political development, and other fundamental liberties.
In the academic sphere, we have not always managed parents» expectations perfectly, and because we are young plant, any falling short makes us vulnerable; but some batches of results, especially in English and in languages, have been better than most schools back home.
If one means, for instance, an epistemological privilege of the oppressed, in the sense that the poor, the suffering and the dispossessed have some intuitive knowledge of God, righteousness and social reality not available to others; if one means that victims know best how to overcome their condition and build new institutions; and if one means that knowledge based on «experience» makes academic excellence unnecessary, then liberation thought and the Social Gospel diverge.
On January 16th and 23rd, Baker Academic will make other selected entries from this commentary series free as well.
Now's the time to make justice reign in the academic community and soon all of America by casting out those who are too obstinate or stupid or evil to see what we can all now see with own eyes, what well - intentioned people can't help but know.
Because academics so often fear (with good reason) deviating from what senior professors and administrators want, it took a senior administrator lobbying for changes to make family leave part of the normal routine of academic life.
Indeed, he understands the country better than many American academics do and has some illuminating comments to make about American religion: «Although the European media chooses to ignore it, the US has an extraordinary range of religious public intellectuals....
Its the only academic field where the exsperts are required to say» Well if it doesn't make sense then we should not question it.»
As is well known today (at least in the academic circles of the black church), Richard Allen is commonly considered the father of the black church because of his refusal to be a member of a congregation where white Christians were making the house of God an instrument in the dehumanization of black people.
This makes for good academic debate, but without a narrative or doctrinal unity the Bible can not compete with the imperial present.
In collaboration with well - known artists, entrepreneurs, policy makers and the general public, Adopt the Arts is dedicated to improving the academic performance of every child, through the gift of making music and art.
There is the academic standpoint as well, there are many kids talented enough to play D - 1 and would probably like to, but their grades make it impossible, and thus they end up going that route as well.
«But what makes it even better is that they're such great academic kids too.
And that was at a salary that was way over what even what a well paid academic would make.
At least two of those schools (Mich, Stan) have very high academic standards and can't recruit players who can't make it into the university on their own merits, I am personally not sure about Southern Cal, but wouldn't be surprised if they can't recruit someone without the academic bona fides as well.
«But I feel that she made the best decision for her athletic and academic careers.
Then again, maybe if Cooper had made sure more players had done well in classes during the school year, he wouldn't have three starters on the academic ledge now.
New Voices commissioned the production company, Footpath Pictures, to make the documentary, which offers insight into daily school life for children who are hampered in their speech or mobility but who have good academic potential, and some of whom are gifted.
Providing environments that support healthy emotional as well as academic growth makes it more likely that we will see kids who are not diverted from their job of becoming engaged, reasonably happy, functioning members of society.
Teachers make a significant commitment to their classes, both in endeavoring to know their individual students well and in bringing a rich and solidly academic curriculum to the class as a whole.
Making the link between good nutrition and academic achievement could be helpful when talking to school admin.
A study of seventh - graders revealed that those who put more value on learning than on making good grades were able to push through academic challenges more easily than those who had fixed ideas about how smart they were.
It's not going to make them do the kind of academic work that they need to be able to do to be well educated.
The extra focus and tailored attention of specialised one - to - one private tuition can be the decisive factor that will make the difference to successful learning and good exam grades, ensuring that you or your child is able to gain the most benefit from their mainstream educational activities and fulfil their academic potential.
Finally, employers are investing in their future work force by supporting breastfeeding; some studies have indicated that breastfed babies have potentially higher IQ's and better academic accomplishments than bottle - fed babies.Because of the far - reaching positive ecological, health, and social impact breastfeeding can make on our planet, it is imperative for anyone interested in protecting our children and our environment to do whatever possible to support, protect, and promote breastfeeding.
Second, kids often hear that they aren't managing their time well because they either «waste» time on downtime activities (e.g., social media, streaming shows, music, whatever) or decrease their productivity by combining downtime with academic time (e.g., making homework take much longer than it should).
On her part, Ms Lankai Quarcoopome, who is an alumnus of the school (AGOSA» 76) and also the Guest Speaker, said she believes that «through quality education, we could make our lives better and also transform our nation and for this reason, we must insist on achieving very high academic and performance standards at all levels in the country.»
If it makes students more demanding and less tolerant of courses which are poor value, and if it increases pressure on universities to weed out underperforming academics and lousy teachers, that's to the good.
«To be successful in today's society, children's learning needs to go beyond academics and include acquiring the social and emotional skills to have successful relationships, understand and work through emotions, and make good life choices.»
I am constrained to make this final intervention on the impact of multiple and hugely divergent foreign exchange rates as well as unclear, unarticulated and confusing economic policy on foreign direct investment in response to our «academic» economist's long treatise of May 18, 2017 in this newspaper.
The biggest tragedy of Labour's tuition fees is that they were introduced without any mechanism to make sure they produced a better deal for students, rather than leaking out into things like the unreformed pensions of baby - boomer academics.
«The Assembly Majority has always believed that investing in our children's academic success is the best investment we can make for the future of New York's families and communities,» Assembly speaker Carl Heastie said in a statement.
Another way to distinguish «good» schools from «bad» schools is the extent to which students make academic progress during the course of a school year, or from school year to the next school year.
«Investing in our children's academic success is the best investment we can make,» said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.
More than 700,000 students in more than 1,200 New York City schools — including large high schools in all five boroughs — would face higher class sizes, have fewer teachers and lose after - school academic and enrichment programs if President - elect Trump makes good on a campaign promise to pull billions of federal dollars away from public schools to pay for private vouchers, a UFT analysis has found.
He urged everyone to make good use of his or her gift from God properly so that God could bless you well indicating that while in school, he lways placed last by 10 in academics and was also poor in accounting and management
All in all, doing a PhD here is definitely not a negative experience, and with top - notch education supported by a very informal academic environment makes this a really good place to study.
While you should still do these things during your PhD, you could make use of some digital tools to be a better scientist and to grow your online reputation, visibility and academic footprint.
I made a great effort during last 4 years to obtain positive results in my thesis and now I feel like I have wasted my time: I have no options to get a job neither in academic nor industry unless I refresh or recycle myself, but how I could do so when I'm 35 and spent the main time of my life studiying and giving up so many things just to get a better future?
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