Sentences with phrase «made by the adoptive parents»

The decision about how much openness to have is a mutual one, made by the adoptive parents and the birth parents before the adoption.

Not exact matches

Rigorous international regulations have also made adoptions more expensive by imposing fees on agencies, adoptive parents, orphanages and countries.
Recently I had the chance to ask Russell about what makes a successful parent profile and about how hopeful adoptive families can increase their chances of getting chosen by an expectant mother with an adoption plan.
A slide show with nice animated flourishes, these hopeful adoptive parents draw you in from the get - by by asking the question: «Are you thinking about making an adoption plan for your baby?»
In adoption it is bigger, more cosmic, more destined, a clear choice by the adoptive parents (and often a timely process that really makes a person think about becoming a parent and whether it is the right choice).
It's not often that you see requests from adoptive parents concerning birth mothers, since technically we make the choice, but I saw this as a testament to their openness: they wanted a birth mother who lived close by so that she could be actively involved in her child's life.
On the adoptive parent side, we always felt very supported by the agency in the decisions we made, and connected to the adoption community even during our wait.
Usually, the reasons for sealing records and carrying out closed adoptions is said to be to «protect» the adoptee and adoptive parents from disruption by the natural parents and in turn, to allow natural parents to make a new life.
CeCe's campaign focused more on how to be a good adoptive parent to a pet by bringing up issues of spaying and neutering, microchipping, giving dogs a purpose by stimulating their brain through hiking or therapy work, and making sure pets receive the attention and lifestyle they deserve.
The inclusion of this type of benefit in the employment insurance scheme is an extension made necessary by the equality rights of adoptive parents and natural parents.
An immigration judge rejected this argument citing the fact that the appellant had not lived with her adoptive parents on a full - time basis, that they had already demonstrated their willingness and ability to make arrangements for her care and education in India, and there was nothing preventing the adoptive parents from making a formal application to adopt the appellant from within the UK by undertaking the steps necessary to obtain an assessment of their suitability from their local authority in accordance with the Adoption and Children Act 2002.
To my mind, this is one of the most powerful aspects of the open adoption process facilitated by OA&FS: that the birth family selects an adoptive family to parent their child, and thereby knows that they are making a positive and proactive choice for their child's life.
If someone else makes a written request for the adoptive parent, it must include a written statement, signed by the parent, informing DHS that the person named is the family's representative.
adoption service (s)(in intercountry adoption) The six major services provided by adoption service providers: (1) Identifying a child for adoption and arranging an adoption; (2) Securing the necessary consent to termination of parental rights and to adoption; (3) Performing a background study on a child or a home study on a prospective adoptive parent (s), and reporting on such a study; (4) Making nonjudicial determinations of the best interests of a child and the appropriateness of an adoptive placement for the child; (5) Monitoring a case after a child has been placed with prospective adoptive parent (s) until final adoption; or (6) When necessary because of a disruption before final adoption, assuming custody and providing (including facilitating the provision of) child care or any other social service pending an alternative placement.
Adoptive parents have the right to appeal any decision made by the Department concerning Adoption Assistance through an Administrative Hearing procedure.
An adoptive parent may make a grievance within ninety days of a perceived adverse action regarding treatment by departmental personnel, any concern related to social services received or denied, denial of cash or medical assistance or an increase thereof, or denial of a post-finalization application for adoption assistance.
If someone makes a written request on behalf of the adoptive parents, there must be a written statement, signed by the adoptive parent (s) authorizing this person to be their representative.
The training modules were shaped by the input of a workgroup made up of foster and adoptive parents and from focus groups with foster and adoptive parents that were conducted during the planning phase of the project.
The Post Adoption Contact Agreement is discussed and agreed to by the birth parent (s), adoptive family, and adoption agency at the time the birth parent makes an adoption play for their baby.
They convey emotions, hierarchy, negativity, positivity, wantedness, unwantedness... Language is a powerful force, and making small changes to your language used when describing adoption can have a profound effect on the people who are most affected by adoption - birth parents, adoptees, and adoptive parents.
Any agreement you make with the adoptive parents is placed into the adoption paperwork and becomes enforceable by the New York State court system.
These determinations are made on a case - by - case basis and are determined by the specific needs of the child and documentation that the service is available through no other means and the financial circumstances of the adoptive parents.)
Even with a zero payment, Medicaid is provided to the eligible child and adoption assistance agreements are made with the understanding that dollar amounts can be negotiated upon request by the adoptive parents.
If a prospective adoptive parent objects to the child's removal from the home, the Agency must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that removal from the prospective adoptive parent is in the child's best interests... [T] he juvenile court determines whether the proposed removal of the child from the home is in the child's best interests, and the child may not be removed from the home unless the court makes that finding.»
On the adoptive parent side, we always felt very supported by the agency in the decisions we made, and connected to the adoption community even during our wait.
Be advised that openness is not the same as contact, and that independent of the decisions made by a birth parent, adoptive parents can still cultivate openness.
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