Sentences with phrase «made declawing»

Worldwide, at least 42 countries have made declawing illegal, including England, France, Wales, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.
We can't give cats their claws back who have suffered declawing, but together we can make declawing history.
By continuing to educate and spread awareness about the facts of declawing, we can help protect cats and make declawing a procedure of the past.
Legislation to make declawing illegal, while well - intentioned, can be problematic, because, in rare cases, the procedure may be justifiable as a last resort to prevent euthanasia.

Not exact matches

Even though Google reportedly were not involved in the conception of the film, and aren't in line to directly profit from ticket sales, because the film obviously got the full cooperation of Google in the making of it, whatever satirical material could have been mined from poking fun at the giant corporation's branding and image has been declawed to the point of the enterprise doubling as a recruitment film.
Well, maybe, but only if we accept the sanitized version of the decade that gave us rock and roll and the beats — the declawed, gutless, and thoroughly superficial take passed down by Happy Days and the movie that inspired it, American Graffiti, which was exactly the sort of film that Linklater said he didn't want to make when he set out to write and direct Dazed and Confused.
To make matters worse, her owner had declawed her.
To make matters worse, her owner had declawed the feline.
Before a cat is declawed, the procedure, the need and options are discussed so the owner can make an informed choice.
It made headlines in 2003 when it banned cat declawing.
last week, the non-profit launched its campaign to make cat declawing illegal in Colorado.
This measure makes it a crime to perform declawing surgery within city limits, except for therapeutic purposes such as removal of infected tissues.
If your cat is scratching or exhibiting territorial behavior that makes your relationship with the cat less than ideal, then declawing might be a good idea for your cat.
The decision now makes it a crime to perform declawing surgery within city limits, except for therapeutic purposes such as removal of infected tissue.
The stress, caused by a feeling of vulnerability, can make some cats that have been declawed prone to diseases such as cystitis, skin disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.
If you're considering declawing because your cat isn't using the current scratching post, take a good, hard look at it to make sure it meets her needs.
For many new cat parents, the decision to declaw the cat is made before any attempts at training are done and before gaining a thorough understanding of what this permanent procedure actually involves.
Before making the decision to declaw your cat, please read the information below and speak with your veterinarian about the effects that declawing can have on your cat.
New York State recently made headlines for potentially becoming the first state to ban declawing cats.
In the mid-80s, I made the decision to have my beloved cat, Max, declawed.
I myself have already had a cat declawed because, like everyone else, I did not know at the time the other options that make possible for me today to sit on my mint - condition leather couch while petting my cats, which all still have their claws.
Peruse this HUGE resources: litter box problems, keeping cats indoors, making outdoors safe, introduce new cats, declaw?
They don't realize that declawing can make a cat less likely to use the litter box or more likely to bite.
Owners not electing to declaw their cats protected their furniture through a variety of means, including having scratching posts and mats, using a spray bottle, clipping the claws, applying double - sided tape, and making loud deterrent noises.
Make sure that you consider every aspect before you decide to declaw your kittens.
Even «declawing» them by removing their fingertips (cutting of the section that grows their claws) does not remove their obsession with clawing, it just makes it irritating to painful for them.
As veterinary care providers we are here to help provide you with accurate and unbiased information about declawing cats in order for you to make an informed, educated decision on behalf of your furry feline friend.
Declawing of cats is the process of either removing the last portion of the bone on their toes or snipping the tendon that makes the claws bend.
We are diligent in making sure Lucky has his flea / tick / mosquito guard once a month, leukemia vaccinations once a year, and of course, he's not declawed and he's neutered.
A bill making it illegal for a landlord in California to require their tenants to have their pets declawed or devocalized has been rejected by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The age of the cat could make a big difference, if a kitten was declawed I would expect less or no phantom pain versus an older cat being declawed.
Which makes me wonder... is this biting issue (or destructive behavioral problems) made up by those who are simply looking for supportive evidence to prove declawing doesn't work or isn't worth it???
According to the AAHA this situation does not warrant declawing your cat as made clear in this statement: «The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not list declawing as a means of preventing disease in either healthy or immunocompromised individuals.»
If it is done, every attempt should be made to perform the declaw prior to one year of age.
There must be something to them if cities and countries have made it illegal to declaw cats.
Most people viewed declawing as a type of permanent nail trim that made it impossible for their cat to scratch furniture, climb drapes, or inadvertently scratch a human family member.
Additionally, declawing cats can make them more likely to bite — presumably because they feel more vulnerable when they no longer have their claws to defend themselves.
According to Paige Garnett, a Denver veterinarian, many veterinarians are now making recovery from declaw surgery easier by using medication more often to control post-surgical pain.
Arthritis Cat Treatment: Older Cat with Paw Arthritis due to pressure placed on paws from overweight condition and declawing which changes the structure of the paw, making it difficult for cat to support weight.
This bill would make it a crime — an infraction for the first offense, punishable by a fine, and a misdemeanor for subsequent offenses — to declaw domestic cats.
It's a horrible truth that today, a friendly, declawed cat makes ideal bait for training fighting dogs to kill.
They also made a point of saying that because the procedure would no longer be done at Clays Mill did not mean they were condemning pet owners with declawed cats, that they too have owned declawed cats.
We don't want to have her declawed, but what can we do to make her stop?
If you are considering having your cat declawed, or if your veterinarian has suggested it, please take a few minutes to learn about this major surgical procedure before you make a decision.
A south New Jersey Assemblyman named Troy Singleton is sponsoring legislation that would make «onychetomy» which is the medical term for «declawing» your cat a crime of animal cruelty punishable by law.
While even the best cat litter does nothing to make this situation less frustrating, you can improve the litter box experience for your declawed cats.
By its own logic, AVMA should condemn declawing of all cats, regardless of size, species, lifestyle, or any other made - up distinctions.
Before you make the decision to declaw your cat, there are some important facts you should know.
Declawing of domestic cats should be considered only after attempts have been made to prevent the cat from using its claws destructively or when its clawing presents an above normal health risk for its owner (s).
The decision to declaw a cat should be made by the owners in consultation with their veterinarian.
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