Sentences with phrase «made during a short period of time»

Not exact matches

SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT for Oct. 24: Please spend 20 minutes sitting in Bass Library taking notes — in whatever way makes most sense to you — to capture what you observe about your surroundings during that short period of time.
In that sense all analysis of stock market based on historical metrics do nt make much sense since composition of stocks is entirely different in different era and as more capital efficient business model evolve and their time to market cycle shrinks stocks likely to command higher valuations and suddenly lower valuations during short period of time like already happening for many technology companies and as influence of technology on overall cost structure of companies increases (for example: robotics replace many of employees cost etc) valuation matrix of most companies likely to get affected dynamically in short duration of time than in the past.
An exception to the DER for growth is the Great Dane, which has a 25 % higher energy requirement in the first 2 months after weaning and may not grow properly if fed < 2.5 times RER during that period.1 Another consideration should be made for dogs with long hair, as this subset of patients generally has a lower energy requirement than dogs with shorter hair.3 It should be stressed that underfeeding is considerably safer in these patients than overfeeding.
By consolidating a large amount of premium during a short period of time, the coverage can be paid - up for life, without the need to worry about making any additional premium payments in the future.
The court also held that because the insurer had previously accepted 22 premium payments during the grace period (a short period of time after the premium due date during which an insurer will still provide coverage if a premium payment is made) did not mean that it had waived its right to terminate the policy in this case, because the grace period had expired.On the 22 prior occasions, the payment was made during the grace period, but again, in this case, it had expired.
If you have worked multiple assignments during a short period of time, your resume can become confusing for your reader, and the short gigs can make you look like a job - hopper at first glance.
It seems most realistic that the divorcing couple, in the best case can make this work during a very short period of time.
During the most recent refinancing boom, for example, many homeowners refinanced their home loans two or three times within relatively short periods of time because interest rates kept treading downward, making it extremely attractive to trade in one loan for another.
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