Sentences with phrase «made huge subsidies»

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Middlebury's biomass gasification plant is the product of an administration comfortable with multi-million-dollar projects, made possible by a sizeable and wealthy circle of alumni, a massive endowment, huge tuition costs, and subsidies from our colossal nation - state.
Even though huge numbers of us are exhausted and isolated as our mothers never were, feminists, corporate leaders, and the child - care lobby are effectively forcing us to remain in the workforce against our deepest wishes, our lives made just bearable by scant leave and scanter subsidy.
Cuomo, in an animated speech, said fast food chains make huge profits while relying on taxpayer subsidies, like food stamps, to make up for the low pay they give their workers.
However, and unfortunately, that's not as simple as is being made out as buyers will be required to subscribe to data services from EMOBILE to avail of the huge subsidy.
Even if they never sell enough cars to make an honest profit, there's already been a huge profit to GM in the form of massive federal subsidies and of course, the massive bailout of GM itself back in 2008... Why not throw money at the electric car boondoggle?
Both large agricultural firms and wealthy, leftist political donors, such as the likes of Gore and Soros, need the huge subsidies to make their biofuel investments profitable.
Turn around and sell fictive name plate energy credits to real energy producers, before they are allowed to market their actual electricity, and make huge amounts of money from installations that were paid for by public subsidies in the first place.
I'm personally more worried about badly secured and aging stockpiles of nuclear warheads than about active nuclear power plants, but an economic argument can be made about these plants (many need huge subsidies, cost more than planned, etc).
We've built a system where commodity farmers simply can not make a living without government payments; subsidies have been internalized into the business model (e.g., agree that federal farm subsidies are huge and mostly misdirected.I MORE
We've built a system where commodity farmers simply can not make a living without government payments; subsidies have been internalized into the business model (e.g., agree that federal farm subsidies are huge and mostly misdirected.I
The FLISP subsidy can make a huge difference to potential home owners but is also appealing to banks and other lending institutions.
In the States, there are huge government subsidies that are necessary to make the projects viable... not my words... words from the power companies themselves.
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