Sentences with phrase «made human characters»

Camelot's first - and second - generation Mario Tennis titles feature ready - made human characters created by the company specifically for these games, never to appear again.
The third generation of Mario Tennis removes the RPG elements and the ready - made human characters altogether, with Mario Tennis Open instead allowing players to use their own Mii characters as saved in the Nintendo 3DS Mii Maker, who have variable skills and can equip special gear to improve their skills, and costumes upon completing certain objectives.
It is abhorrent to my soul to talk inhumanly about greatness, to let it loom darkly at a distance in an indefinite form, to make out that it is great without making the human character of it evident — wherewith it ceases to be great.
It's just such a pity that he couldn't make the human characters any more compelling.

Not exact matches

But as Johnston noted, the changing character of business structures and the marketplace are making it increasingly necessary for business owners and executives to pay greater attention to the human resource aspects of operation: «Tasks that were once neatly slotted into well - defined and narrow job descriptions have given way to broad job descriptions or role definitions.
These newest results boost the case of the those who argue that immersing yourself in a fictional world populated by layered, complex characters can't help but increase your understanding of how the human mind works and make your fellow humans a little less strange to you.
Twenge and Campbell are drawing here on research from the so - called positive psychology movement, which recently has attempted to shift the focus of psychological research away from disease and disorder to a study of the character strengths that make for happiness and human flourishing.
Rather, the new NIV here makes it possible for English readers to discover a more Catholic or Orthodox or truly Lutheran Paul, one who teaches that the problem with the Jewish law is its ethnic and temporary character and that human salvation concerns our real sacramental participation in divine life, real transformation, and ultimate resurrection.
Senior German churchmen have made clear that they believe something different from what's in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, whether the issue is the nature of marriage, the ethics of human love, the character of the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood, the authority of revelation, or the enduring effects of baptism.
By way of contrast, the worth of a man for Jesus is not determined by his human quality or the character of his spiritual life, but simply by the decision the man makes in the here - and - now of his present life.
It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
This, of course, is not to say he is not rightly esteemed truly human, a man of flesh and blood with the peculiar Biblical force of that phrase; indeed it might be claimed that the very stress laid on the limited character of his experience makes us more vividly aware of the reality of his human nature.
As yet, no one has ventured to translate Dasein or Vorhanden, but in order not to disfigure the English translation by the frequent use of German words, I have rendered Dasein as «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the context.
i once suggested to a friend that satan was a human construct... not that that makes satan any less real, just different, any how it was just a thought... he only gets named as a character in the NT except in job.
Instead, I will assume that the case for neoclassical metaphysics can otherwise be made and attempt programmatically to show that the comprehensive purpose it formulates grounds justice as compound, grounds a substantive principle of justice that consistently implies the formative human rights of communicative respect.7 Toward the conclusion of this argument, I will also seek to identify an inclusive human right that is substantive in character.
In a piece entitled «The happiness of pursuit», in Time magazine July 2013, we read: «All human beings may come equipped with the pursuit - of - happiness impulse — the urge to find lusher land just over the hill, fatter buffalo in the next valley — but it's Americans who have codified the idea, written it into the Declaration of Independence and made it a central mandate of the national character
Christians, on the other hand, believe that God desires to reveal himself, and would contend that the fact that humans are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), even if fallen, provides some basis for some understanding of his character.
Of all the Sci Fi writers, Heinlein has always been my favourite because he is so adept at making his characters seem real and human — even the Martians.
«7 Scott, a careful Niebuhr watcher, who cataloged Niebuhr's influence on the literary world, has said that Niebuhr made some writers aware of the tragic character of all human action.
In the philosophic tradition it is the idealists rather than the naturalists who have made the fullest place for this insight into the essentially social character of human existence, though contemporary naturalism as in Mead, Dewey, and Wieman has achieved a similar perspective.
This will make clearer in retrospect what was said earlier (section I, b) regarding the irreducible character of the various component factors in the one human being.
The native genius and character of the several peoples of the Western world; the profound significance of the Greek intellect still potent in the analytic mood of the present; the constructive, organizing genius of Rome: all these and much more have gone into the making of the modern dwelling of the human spirit.
Unlike pragmatic characters Electra and the Punisher in the series, Murdock refuses to take human life in order to make New York City safer.
Or begin with great character in persons who have made this world a more decent place for the human family to live in.
According to the objectives of the bill, the law «will make the divine message understood, ensure the response of society, encourage peace and tranquillity, promote the supreme human values of truth, honesty, integrity, character building, tolerance, understanding others» point of view and way of life».
I begin, therefore, by asking a general psychological question as to what the inner conditions are which may make one human character differ so extremely from another.
And conversely, of all the criminal human beings, the false, cowardly, sensual, or cruel persons who actually live, there is perhaps not one whose criminal impulse may not be at some moment overpowered by the presence of some other emotion to which his character is also potentially liable, provided that other emotion be only made intense enough.
Furthermore, there is a hunger in the heart for moral guidance, a hunger that is born of the Spirit and that is an essential part of our human character as creatures made in the image of God.
They are: rationalization, which tends toward sterile intellectualization and robs life of its character and vitality; estheticism, which cuts off true communication by maintaining an esthetic distance in order to dominate, rather than to support, others; capitalism, which tends to deper - sonalize people by providing for their hedonistic needs in order to support production and consumption regardless of its human utility; and nationalism, which tends to make national things sacred and in doing so to create idols out of them.31.
The hollowness of this appeal to eros seems to be related to a failure to make more explicit the tragic character of human existence.
Kinda like in the old movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers when Donald Sutherlands character the end of the movie points to the guy on the street and makes that awful screaming noise «outing» the last known human!
Our unknown historian not only shows a penetrating knowledge of human nature in the way he sketches the characters of the piece, particularly David himself, but he soon makes the reader aware that his story is not a succession of meaningless events.
It is in these ways that a recognition of the many - layered character of reality, and the variety of modes of response to it, make intelligible the rapid development of the remarkable distinctiveness of human nature.
Many attempts have been made to show the symbolic character of much of the human enterprise, from rite and myth to art and science.
The premise behind this kind of character teaching is not that we should be teaching a whole different dimension of human existence, but that we've been leaving out some very important skills in terms of what makes kids happy and productive and fulfilled.
Psychologists who have studied attachment have found that when human kids have that same kind of licking and grooming - style bonding with their parents, especially in the first year of life, it gives them all sorts of psychological strength, confidence [and] character that, when they reach school age and even into adulthood, will make a huge difference in how well they do.»
But according to Martin Sheen, who played the president, the character was drawn largely from Bill Clinton: «He's bright, astute and filled with all the negative foibles that make him very human,» Sheen once told the Radio Times.
Imagine a cardboard version of Pixar's Wall - e character, but with added über - cute human voice, and you've got a fair picture of Boxie, Alexander Reben's documentary - video - making robot.
The key to making the Transformer characters interact well with the human actors and the sets was giving these mammoth machines a sense of weight and a fluidity of motion.
Such a strong reaction persuaded Pixar to avoid making uncannily realistic human characters — it has since focused its efforts on films about living toys, curious robots and talking cars to win Academy Awards and moviegoers» hearts.
The inspiration for Foster's character, astrophysicist Jill Tarter, wants to help make future humans the kind of talkative interstellar society she has spent the past 38 years trying to find.
The alien made it to his ship and the human completed his character arc.
But most of the flaws explored here mostly make the characters seem human.
It's also nice to see Kidman's character carefully adjusting to her new decision - making role and feeling a bit overwhelmed when one of those decisions is responsible for the loss of human life.
What did make this movie work was the sense of «being there,» of watching these characters go through what they think are grand plans for themselves (Wikus proud of getting promoted; Christopher thinking he's finally going to fix the mothership and escape) only for random chance, selfishness, and the raw immediacy of simple survival kick in and having them struggle from moment to moment against hostile forces (MNU, the human slumlords, there is no difference between those two groups exploiting the aliens).
An honest, observant portrait of sibling rivalry stumbling awkwardly toward friendship, and of children realizing that parents are people too, there's no attempt at concealing the indulgences and insecurities of its characters — all of which make them endearing and human.
An Amazing Fps game with Amazing graphics... Also the most violent game I've ever played plus with the realistic graphics it makes it gruesome... The aliens (Stroggs) like to experiment on humans, people are shown with parts of their face torn off, intestines hanging out, there is a scene where you can see your characters legs being sliced off by a bloody saw while strapped down, limbless people are attached to machines, some strange experiments like that, Do nt play this game if you are a little kid or some idiot thats going to copy what you see in this game...
The Wachowskis have little feeling for character or human interaction, but their passion for movies — for making them, watching them, inhabiting their world — is pure and deep.
Premises like the one in Kings And Queen usually lead flawed characters to call on inner reserves of strength, but Devos and Amalric only reveal deeper shortcomings, which makes them more touching and human.
In this story, the human characters aren't hopelessly overpowered, they are marines packing state of the art firepower making the odds more even.
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