Sentences with phrase «made planet warmer»

There are also growing concerns about trends for some other greenhouse gases — in particular, the second most - important man - made planet warmer, methane, the main constituent of natural gas.
Still, prominent national Republicans and party leaders are brushing the White House report aside — and many in the party deny humans are making the planet warmer.
The so - called greenhouse gases — mainly water vapor and carbon dioxide — make the planet warm and habitable by trapping solar heat as it radiates back off the Earth.
If you turn the sun's energy into electricity and use it to boil your kettle, it won't make the planet any warmer than if that same energy had instead gone into heating up the tiles on your roof.
Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
In any case, no - one is suggesting that the planet's core is getting hotter, which would be needed to actually make our planet warm; to the contrary, the planet will be very slowly cooling as the radioactive elements in the core providing this heat gradually lose their energy.
So how can we tell what effect CO2 is having on temperatures, and if the increase in atmospheric CO2 is really making the planet warmer?
As a result the planet is acquiring more heat energy over time than it releases back into space making the planet warmer.
Even 1 degree C may make the planet warmer than it has been for millions of years.
I am not even saying that I think more CO2 will not make the planet warmer.
As far as I can understand it simply says that anything that blocks the outgoing radiation will make the planet warmer.
The ice - albedo feedback will be reversed: less snow and ice means more sunlight is absorbed, which makes the planet warmer, which means there is less snow and ice, and so on.
Some gases are more effective than others at making the planet warmer and «thickening the Earth's blanket.»

Not exact matches

One possible strategy for making Mars habitable over the long term is to «terraform» it — manipulate its environment so, in the simplest terms, the planet warms up, ice turns into water, and plants can be introduced, which will convert the atmospheric carbon dioxide into oxygen, with the goal of creating a stable and breathable atmosphere.
The Huggalugs Planet Organic arm & leg warmers are a special collection of Huggalugs warmers that are made from 100 % organic cotton.
Back then, it said that the planet was warming at a rate of 0.2 C every decade — a figure it claimed was in line with the forecasts made by computer climate models.
Forming in the system's colder outer regions, where volatile compounds such as water and carbon dioxide freeze out, makes it possible that the planets incorporated those ices and carried them along to a warmer place where they could melt, evaporate, and become oceans and atmospheres.
Safety concerns over fracking are overblown — but so are the boosterish claims made for its environmental and economic benefits (see «Fracking could accelerate global warming» and «Frack on or frack off: Can shale gas really save the planet?
These days the Martian atmosphere is thin and about 95 per cent CO2, but scientists think that 3 or 4 billion years ago the planet's gassy envelope was much thicker and even richer in carbon, making its surface warm enough to support liquid water — and possibly life.
This is the practice of making the Earth more reflective, so that more of the sun's radiation bounces away instead of warming the planet.
Dan Hooper and Jason Steffen of Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, calculate that the dark matter that lies at the heart of the galaxy could heat an alien world enough to make it habitable, even without the warm glow of starlight (see «Dark matter could make planets habitable»).
As the planet warms — and as that warming accelerates due to man - made climate change — «the cicada may yet reprise its role as climate indicator if its cycle is disrupted by a warming planet,» Wildlife Conservation Society entomologist Craig Gibbs wrote in an op - ed last week in The New York Times.
Some of this is used to make electricity or heat human - built structures, but eventually all of that energy escapes into the environment and warms the planet.
The group's youth and proximity make the stars «fantastically suitable for direct searches for warm newborn planets,» says astronomer Ray Jayawardhana of UC Berkeley, because such planets would shine brightly in infrared light.
The inquiry aims to find out whether the oil company was aware of the dangers of human - made climate change but chose to keep quiet and to promote denial groups challenging the scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet.
The mystery of how water on Mars lasted for millions of years may come down to methane explosions that warmed the planet enough to melt ice and make rivers flow
It may seem surprising to people, but you can look at something like Mars, which has a very thin atmosphere, and you can look at something like Venus which we tend to think of as sort of having this rather heavy, clouded atmosphere, which [is] hellishly warm because of runaway greenhouse effect, and on both of those planets you are seeing this phenomenon of the atmosphere leaking away, is actually what directly has led to those very different outcomes for those planets; the specifics of what happened as the atmosphere started to go in each case [made] all the difference.
A can of white paint should be part of the planet's arsenal against global warming, say California researchers, who have calculated that installing white roofs in the world's cities could offset 1.5 years of man - made carbon emissions.
Water covering the surface interacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in ways that can turn chilly planets frigid and make warm ones even hotter.
Owing to cyclical changes in the tilt of the planet's axis and its varying distance from the sun due to its elliptical orbit, Mars's poles warm dramatically every million years or so, making the regions more congenial to organic processes.
Wet Earth Erin Wayman's article «Faint young sun» (SN: 5/4/13, p. 30), about how the early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water, made me wonder about the effect of the temperature of the planet itself.
And these factors could suddenly alter the way the planet responds to CO2 and make it pretty near impossible to predict how warm or cool the world will be in a hundred years.
Once that growth rate tails off, additional carbon released from the ground will enter the atmosphere and make the planet even warmer.
Making roads more reflective and thereby sending more sunlight back to space helps cool the planet, offsetting some of the atmospheric warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
Volcanoes are emerging as natural laboratories to mimic «geo - engineering», the idea that governments could deliberately add a veil of sulphur dioxide high above the planet as an artificial sunshade to curb man - made global warming.
«Although these results are «good news» in the sense that the underlying physiology of plants is not going to make the warming of the planet radically worse, the problem we have created in the first place with our greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning still exists,» he says.
Mission team members hope that observations the spacecraft makes during its one - year prime mission will yield insights about Mars» shift from a relatively warm, wet world in the ancient past to the cold, dry planet it is today.
Meteorologist Bernadette Woods Placky makes the connection between ocean acidification and a warming planet.
Hence, Earth - type life around flare stars may be unlikely because their planets must be located very close to dim red dwarfs to be warmed sufficiently by star light to have liquid water (about 0.007 AU for Proxima), which makes flares even more dangerous around such stars.
Of this first group of stars, none were found to host the warm dust, making them good targets for planet imaging, and a good indication that other relatively dust - free stars are out there.
Even 5 degrees F. makes this arm of Antarctica pointing toward South America one of the fastest warming parts of the whole planet.
Hence, Earth - type life around flare stars may be unlikely because their planets must be located very close to dim red dwarfs to be warmed sufficiently by star light to have liquid water (between 0.02 and 0.05 AU for Wolf 424 A and B with an orbital period in 3 and 12 days), which makes flares even more dangerous around such stars.
In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the team describes their sequencing study of three types of plants and the comparisons they made with other plants that had been previously sequenced, and why they believe that what they found might help such trees survive as the planet warms.
Since it is the cumulative volume of carbon dioxide emitted that determines how much the planet warms, this makes it difficult to assess how far Russia's contribution will go to meeting the 2C limit set by governments.
Each planet is rocky, warm, and could contain liquid water — making them great candidates in the search for life elsewhere in the universe.
However, this doesn't account for feedbacks, for example ice melting and making the planet less reflective, and the warmer atmosphere holding more water vapor (another greenhouse gas).
Each planet is rocky, warm, and could contain liquid water — making them great candidates in the search for life elsewhere...
While heat waves are a regular part of summer weather, the steady warming of the planet means those heat waves are getting ever hotter, making record heat more and more likely
Following on a decade from when former American Vice President, Al Gore alerted the world about the threats of Global Warming and their impacts on our planet and our lives, it seems all too real now that another one of these films didn't really need to be made.
Through the scenario of an adventure game, pupils make lifestyle choices which can influence global warming, air pollution, deforestation and the future of planet Earth.
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