Sentences with phrase «made polemics»

I've watched both of the «films» mentioned in this thread and judge that they are well made polemics with high production values.
«The truth is, there are only two people who know what happened, and none of us were interested in making a polemic,» Grant says.
Of course, all of this is just extracted from a single declaration of what a single Russian official (who is known to like making polemic declarations) thinks will happen in the future, so it is yet soon to see if it is Russia official posture.
Under the Gun made a polemic case for gun control reforms and showed how, although central government may be stalling, at state level changes can be made.

Not exact matches

But the mass commodification and monopolization of media has made it simpler and simpler for facts to be suppressed and denied and for polemic and propaganda to be forced into the mouths of people we trust.
If you read the book on which the film is based, you can see that the facts damn Irish clericalism well enough without the added polemics displayed in a made - up speech by a basically fictional bitterly anti-erotic nun.
Bennett's own The Radical Imperative of 1975 would, by comparison, make the earlier book appear to be an anti-Communist polemic.
If it was compared as just another collection of ancient, man - made, literature I don't think there wouldn't be the polemic responses.
But if reductionism is the enemy, and so lethal, what are we to make of the anti-religious polemic of the reductionist trinity of Marx, Freud, and Darwin?
In A Necessary Evil Wills marshals his usual blend of careful scholarship and vigorous polemic to make a case against the strong streak of «antigovernmentalism» that marks the American political tradition.
His penchant for polemic against both secularist and saint made his theology dialectical rather than systematic.
A similar case can be made in situations where interreligious polemic is accompanied by large - scale political or economic imperialism, as may have been the case in India when Christian missionaries began polemically to engage Brahman intellectuals.
Throughout many centuries the Christian polemic made Muhammad out to be a deceiver and paragon of baseness, until philological and historical inquiry moved him back into proper perspective and did justice to his religious genius.
Obviously, Paul was a force to be reckoned with, but as David suggested, his use of polemics, not to mention the recently (40 yrs) discovered art of ancient rhetoric help us to place his words in the category of particular and avoid the generalities of «one size fits all» This is important stuff to consider when trying to make sense of an apostle that wished castration on some, while preaching a gospel of love to all the world.
But my view from the sidelines of illness made me more fully aware of the impressive history of the Catholic faith, and of its sources of grace and justice, which even our Reformation polemics can not obscure.
The true testing ground for the implicate - order strategy, it seems to me, may indeed be biology rather than physics, where abstract methods are so powerful as to perhaps make it dispensable: just as the old style building - block materialist was refuted not by philosophical polemic, but by the one authority in which he trusted, i.e., by physics itself, so the nothing - but reductionist in contemporary biology will modify his views should it be possible some day to provide him with a mathematical language that fills the currently existing gap between our formal knowledge of gene structure and combinations, and our intuitive apprehension of growth and shape.
This is one of those books that makes me go deep into my own beliefs about love, along with Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis, All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks and Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships by Meg - John Barker.
Was he drawing a different tradition or was he developing his ideas through his polemics, kind of making it up from whatever argument carried the day?
Nothing like a polemic essay to make you sit up and think.
He has written a memoir of his time in government and, more recently, a passionate polemic, How To Stop Brexit (And Make Britain Great Again).
This is not the time to launch into a polemic on rationalism — you are not there to make converts.
She might have made a movie like Katie Couric's «Under the Gun,» a fact - filled polemic that, despite its good intentions, earlier this year became mired in right - wing accusations of manipulating footage.
I know this film was meant to rally the US to take action in the war effort, but 49th Parallel is a propaganda film whose polemics would make Eisenstein blush.
Indiewire: «More than a powerful elegy, ’12 Years a Slave» is a mesmerizing triumph of art and polemics: McQueen turns a topic rendered distant by history into an experience that, short of living through the terrible era it depicts, makes you feel as if you've been there.»
Or I'd compare it to the later «novels» (if such they are) of Céline, unstemmable cascades of malediction and polemic that set their own terms of engagement with such belligerent force that it makes no sense at all to compare them to the novel in any of its known incarnations.
Critic Justin Chang says Schrader makes no attempt to conceal the fact that he's written a polemic.
Normally, every third blog entry of mine is a ranting polemic on how to make a living as an indie author.
She does engage in polemic from time to time, questioning the purpose of the war in Afghanistan and criticizing the numerous mistakes she perceives the American government to have made in Pakistan.
Oehlen wishes to restore complexity to a medium that has been declared defunct, not by dodging all the attacks and polemic to which tradition is subjected, but by making the picture itself the locus of lively debate on these issues.
The problem with figurative art at the time was that it had run out of steam, but the polemic was that you couldn't do it any more, which seemed absurd after 4,000 years of people making representations of each other.
As Irving Sandler rather argues, the lack of real «polemics» in art today — not merely in painting, but in contemporary art in general — makes it harder on today's artists» careers compared to artists who lived in times when artists publicly thrashed out their «positions» on art and aligned themselves with art movements.
Serving as a marking point of artistic and formal reflection, the exhibition present Gates» recent inquiries into the role of painting, history making, the power of material culture, and the polemics of patriotism (courtesy of Regen Projects press release).»
I have this polemic with Artur Żmijewski, who is curating the Berlin Biennale, as he is insisting that I shouldn't make a piece of art but a political action; and this is rather funny as he is a curator, and from the Berlin Biennale.
Serving as a marking point of artistic and formal reflection, the sculptures, paintings, and video on view in the exhibition present Gates» recent inquiries into the role of painting, history making, the power of material culture, and the polemics of patriotism.
A more unexpected rejection in 1999 came from artists — some of whom had previously worked with found objects — who founded the Stuckists group and issued a manifesto denouncing such work in favour of a return to painting with the statement «Ready - made art is a polemic of materialism».
Oehlen wishes to restore freshness and complexity to a medium that has been declared defunct, not by dodging all the attacks and polemic to which tradition is subjected, but by making the picture itself the locus of lively debate on these issues.
This behavior makes much of the discussion such an empty and meaningless polemic.
He's a distinct minority in the field, and neither his scientist peers who dispute his findings nor the more polemic climate skeptics who find his research useful know what to make of him.
Unfortunately good history makes for bad polemics — see Butterfield's Whig Interpretation of History (which, by the way, is a polemic)
«Levant's oil polemic witty, but that doesn't make it right,» Winnipeg Free Press, September 18, 2010.
polemic, but no one has made any «claim» — simply that the current lack of warming raises serious questions about the magnitude of AGW (not about the concept per se).
Channel 4 now says they were making a film in a series of «polemics».
As a closing example of the sloppiness of the Nordhaus and Shellenberger polemic, consider this sentence: «To be sure, the effort to reduce and stabilize global greenhouse gas emissions will require a major regulatory effort to make sure that everyone is playing by the same rules, provide a stable investment environment for nations and businesses, and increase the cost of fossil fuels relative to cleaner energy sources.»
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