Sentences with phrase «made professions»

We told our story to many many thousands of souls and many hundred made professions of faith.
While much of this increase occurred in 2007 and 2008 (growth has levelled off since then), projected demand to 2020 makes the profession look promising.
So how can I make a profession of faith in the presence of my fellow human beings?
Peter has just made his profession of faith in Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God.
The words from Psalm 118 «Suscipe me, Domine» (receive me, Lord) are sung by those making profession as a monk or nun, and the teaching offered here on the nature of vows speaks to anyone who sees their human journey in terms of vocation.
But are you saying, people can live however they want, after once making a profession of faith and still make it to heaven?
Hence none has more contempt for what it is to be a man than they who make it their profession to lead the crowd....
You made a profession of it for so many years, and have found a theory (Z) that allows you to stay in the fold and use Christian metaphors to relate to the world and others in very healthy ways.
How many people in the category of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, ISIS, etc have you actually ever heard of that made a profession of faith at the end of their life.
I was embarrassed that I had not been baptized as an infant, and yet there was something powerful about making a profession of faith on my own.
«preferred to make profession of salvation in the sight of the congregation in church in a set form of words learned and memorised and spoken from a platform... He uttered the true faith with glorious confidence, and the congregation would gladly have snatched him to their very heart.»
This is an enormous encouragement for us modern Christians, perhaps more for us than for our ancestors in faith since today Christian profession is not simply taken for granted in the community and we can feel very much alone in making that profession.
Holding a lighted candle in his hand, Luther said aloud in front of the whole community: I, Brother Martin, do make profession and promise obedience to Almighty God, to Mary the Sacred Virgin, and to you, the prior of this cloister as representative of the general head of the order of Eremites of the holy bishop, St Augustine, and his rightful successors, to live until death without worldly possessions and in chastity according to the rule of St Augustine.»
My ordination means that my hometown church, where I first heard God speak to me, made my profession of faith, was baptized, and made my commitment to vocational Christian service, will not permit me even to speak to a Sunday school class, much less preach.
Gandhi makes no profession of being a Christian.
Fans of other clubs stand by their players through thick and thin yet Arsenal plastic fans make a profession out of pulling their players and club down.
Renée is currently at work on a project to understand the regulation of midwifery in the United States, and the activism of pro-midwifery advocates who seek to make the profession legal, where it isn't.
Perhaps they are afraid of «professional immigrants», i.e. people who make a profession of immigrating (like you?).
Is there any advice you have for me (do's and don'ts) as I make this a profession
Bad press has made the profession a very untrustworthy one, as we can see from the locals taking cheap shots at him in the pub or parents scared to leave their children alone with him.
She lives in Chicago, where she appears to have made a profession out of disagreeing with Scott Tobias about torture - porn.
Coupled with a compensation scale that rewards seniority rather than performance, certification may well make the profession more attractive to graduates seeking a less demanding line of work.
The fact is that not even that level of investment, which includes in some subjects the payment of # 30,000 golden hellos, can compensate for government policies which have made the profession so uncompetitive and unattractive, generating a teacher supply crisis.
The chance of enhanced advancement and pay will, in turn, make the profession a more attractive long - term career for top performers, wooing unfulfilled engineers and lawyers into a better life.
Ms Greening has set in place a series of progressive initiatives, not least the current and ongoing QTS consultation, which will undoubtedly make the profession even stronger.
Yet the most compelling rationale for merit pay is not any short - term bump in test scores, but rather its potential for making the profession more attractive to talented candidates, more amenable to specialization, more rewarding for accomplished professionals, and a better fit for the 21st - century labor market.
Shifting teachers» lifetime compensation toward the beginning of their careers would make the profession more attractive to highly qualified college students.
Perhaps most encouraging, online learning in teacher preparation will make becoming a teacher possible for a broader population of candidates, which lends hope that the country's education system can attract more talent and make the profession more competitive.
The critiques are many, including that teacher evaluation does not: measure teachers accurately with its drive - by observations by principals and third parties; take into account teachers» varying roles and working conditions; reveal measurable differences among teachers (absence of actual differences would make the profession unique on planet Earth); lead to better professional development; and more.
But opponents said extending probation by at least a year will make the profession less attractive to potential teachers, compounding a teacher shortage.
There are many problems for teachers that make the profession more complicated than it has to be.
You often hear people reason about professionalization by analogy: that we need to change the way teachers are certified to make the profession more similar to law or medicine.
Unfortunately, many states have reflexively turned to short - term fixes instead of the kind of solutions — support and mentoring, professional pay, leadership opportunities, better working conditions — needed to make the profession more attractive.
More schools and districts must embrace their role in making the profession attractive to young people.
«Serious proponents of merit pay believe the point is not any kind of short - term test - score bump but making the profession more attractive to talented candidates.»
«We really need to focus on making this a profession that people will join for the long haul,» Brey said.
This increased reciprocity, combined with changes that hold teachers to similarly high standards across states, will make the profession more appealing to prospective teachers and potentially help to ease teacher shortages.
There are a number of ways to reduce the risks associated with teaching and make the profession more appealing.
The standard way that you make a profession a prestigious, desirable profession, is you pay people enough to make it attractive.
«EBacc dogma and rising pupil numbers mean that far more teachers are needed for EBacc subjects, yet the government have still failed to make the profession more attractive by achieving significant reductions in teachers» workload or reversing real - term pay cuts.
Job sharing arrangements, paid time off to care for a sick child or parent, ability to continue your insurance at the standard teacher cost share rate after FMLA time has expired are all steps that could be taken to make the profession more family friendly.
The Ucac teaching union said the figures were «dramatic» and blamed the «out of control» workload as one factor in making the profession less attractive.
Related: Will controversial new tests for teachers make the profession even more overwhelmingly white?
Every moment devoted to mind - numbing staff meetings is a moment diverted from the creation of multi-disciplinary assessments, strategies to engage students, and the thoughtful deliberations that make the profession intellectually engaging.
So if you are serious about writing and would like to make it a profession then it is better to go through publishing companies with proved credentials.
Paleontologists usually perform two things - either they opt to make it their profession and teach the students about fossils, or they can do the basic or applied research on fossils.
Learning which company you want to pick now has little lasting value unless you want to make this your profession.
As a financial planner that is what makes my profession fun and challenging.
It sounds like a great way to make a profession out of helping people.
This makes this profession very attractive to individuals who are entering the job market for the first time, in addition to those who are seeking to transition from another job.
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