Sentences with phrase «made to feel»

«Mothers should n`t be made to feel guilty if they choose not to do it.
I was made to feel like an utter criminal for wanting to harm my baby.
Nursing is the ideal, but not for everyone and we shouldn't be made to feel like child abusers when it doesn't work out for us.
Sometimes mothers are made to feel like they are doing something wrong, or potentially stunting their child's development, but that is not the case at all.
It takes a very dedicated mum to EP and we definitely shouldn't be made to feel that it is a failure in any way.
I was made to feel less than because I formula fed my kids, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that formula feeding doesn't make you a bad mom.
I was made to feel like I was the smartest in the class even if I happened to be wrong.
The overwhelming pressure to breastfeed, and the palpable disgrace I was made to feel when I couldn't, had me refusing to supplement with formula, even when my baby got really sick.
And every new mama needs to be made to feel decadent, right?
around 7 am, after getting poked, prodded, stuck and generally made to feel like laboratory animal, the nurse tells the gothmommy to push a little, just to see what happens.
Not only does this type of thinking fuel the Mommy Wars, it's also a money misconception that plagues stay - at - home moms to the point that they're made to feel they're inferior, setting women back to the dark ages and killing working women's chances of ever defeating pay inequality in the workforce.
All of this was awful and terribly upsetting for me too — I just felt bullied and made to feel inadequate & at fault.
My partner was quick to realize said benefits, and did the following things every grown - ass man does to help with co-sleeping so, even at my most exhausted, I was never made to feel alone.
However, this is not an option for every woman, and women should not be made to feel that they are inferior or cruel parents.
But I've certainly been made to feel very guilty from lactation consultants and doctors for using one despite my receiving one from a nurse in the first place!
While the people who adopt are being provided financial help from the government until the adopted child is 18, moms are made to feel guilty for considering even some temporary assistance which would help them care for their own child.
Now with the whole «attachment parenting» trend, we're veering into territory where women are being made to feel that if they return to work or want time to themselves, they're going to raise sociopaths.
I do not believe that time - outs are appropriate for all situations or that a child should be made to feel ostracized or abandoned when used.
The loss of complete body autonomy directly contributed to my PTSD, as I was made to feel helpless, even though I could rationally remind myself that I was choosing to breastfeed my son.
But if these are not your child's primary intelligences, it's vital that he is not made to feel inferior to more academically inclined children.
NO ONE should be made to feel inferior or inadequate because their baby struggles to learn to sleep and they need a little extra help.
Isn't it funny how mothers are made to feel guilty about everything we do?
So, I think it's not for everyone, but I agree that it can be done safely and it's a shame that people are made to feel like they are doing something so terrible.
I was made to feel worthless as a person and a mother, and having no options, I signed the adoption papers.
We shouldn't be made to feel bad if we have to supplement with formula.
Lastly, cloth diaper are not for everyone and no one should feel bad or be made to feel bad for not using them.
If women are made to feel uncomfortable with public breastfeeding, breastfeeding becomes difficult, if not impossible, to sustain.
I was made to feel inferior by many fellow mothers as well as medical professionals and para-professionals.
What a shame that they are made to feel ashamed of something so normal and natural.
But the idea that a woman should be made to feel selfish for not giving up her body all the time, whenever and wherever, is ridiculous.
Formula feeding moms are made to feel guilty because they didn't make a choice that other mothers have proudly made; a dangerous consequence of all parents just wanting to feel validated and supported in their personal parenting decisions.
Why should a mother be made to feel guilty about a this one choice more than any other parenting decision??
Even though a woman should never apologize for formula feeding her baby, numerous women are made to feel like they have to explain themselves and the parenting choices they make.
I can only imagine how she was made to feel.
«When a woman's employer finds out she's pregnant, although an employer won't come right and ask her to leave, she's often politely sidelined and made to feel unwanted.»
Who wants to be made to feel bad?
No woman should be made to feel like an inferior mother if she can not (or chooses not to) breastfeed.
It also goes on to say that we are not just talking about public situations, that last section literally means that within their own homes and social units, women are being made to feel uncomfortable because they breastfeed.
They were made to feel that they were good parents for showing up at Baby College but that they had a lot to learn, like every other parent.
a very long stressful year in which my milk supply was terrible, I was in pain most of the time and I was made to feel guilty for every formula bottle, so I spent hours pumping (instead of sleeping).
You know what - I'm sorry but i refused to be made to feel guilty for not breast feeding my child because it's his «right» to have it.
Make sure they don't feel pulled between you and made to feel guilty for being with one or the other parent on any given special day.
Still, I can't discount those women, and I know many, for whom breastfeeding was not an option, and should not be made to feel bad about it.
From the moment I made the initial call to Neighbourhood Midwives and spoke to Heather, I was made to feel so welcome and taken care of.
Breastfeeding is best, but it isn't for everyone, and NO mom should be made to feel guilty for her choices!
Not taking the drugs is not about being a hero... it's about wanting to be present and giving your baby the best start possible and there's no reason you should be made to feel guilty about that.
There is such an overwhelming culture of independence in the U.S. that, as new parents, we're often made to feel that if our child needs us at all, we're creating a dependent attention - monster who will nurse until they're fifteen and sleep in our bed until they leave for college.
What they did was their choice, and they should not be made to feel guilty about that, but that does not mean they are right.
Sad that we are made to feel this way!
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