Sentences with phrase «made vigorous efforts»

In 2012, telecommunication operators have also made vigorous efforts to establish themselves in the digital reading industry.
The few places where the comments sections are the home of a vibrant, riveting, polite discussion are the ones where the host site has made a vigorous effort to create community.

Not exact matches

To do that has not been the intention; it is rather proposed in these two sections to ask and make an effort to describe and illustrate how the notion of faith as maturing in the ecology of the history of the people of God requires of preaching a vigorous and controlled use of the imagination.
In babies that are vigorous with good muscle tone and respiratory effort, this suctioning does not appear to make a difference and is no longer recommended.
Similar refuelling of the anti-corruption machinery has checkmated the looting spree that flourished under Goodluck Jonathan, while vigorous efforts have been made to plug the leakages in public finances.
States have to do their part as well and make a much more vigorous effort to raise their teacher standards.
The correlation of an individual painting and its preparatory study takes a bit of vigorous dedication, and few may make the effort to walk back and forth between the two.
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