Sentences with phrase «made wheatgrass shots»

Not exact matches

The spectrum of juicing for health is broad and ranges from the truly nutritious living drinks (like wheatgrass shots) to the lower quality mass produced juices (including pasteurized juices made with nonorganic produce and GMO contaminants).
Now that I've found a way to include wheatgrass in my diet, I plan on making pineapple wheatgrass shots, once every two weeks.
If you're adding it to a juice and sipping rather than shooting, make sure to add fruit to it to mask the sharp flavor of the wheatgrass.
This is the first juice I thought of making, which I decided should be toward the beginning of each day (I stopped by my local juicer for a shot of wheatgrass to really kickstart the morning followed by an additional juice they were making on two days when I felt I wanted more).
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