Sentences with phrase «magic elixir»

Colorful, ergonomically - and aesthetically - designed bottles of magic elixir that we buy by the gallon give our BBQ» ed creations that final touch of majesty.
Many conventional authorities still treat them as poison while some health experts treat them as magic elixirs.
Two people walk the road together for a time, giving each other the strength and courage to discover that magic elixir within.
You must live under a rock — which is ironic, since this so - called magic elixir dates back to the Stone Age.
The general theme validated for me was that having a self - made or professionally done resume is not the sole magic elixir to landing -LSB-...]
However, it is not true that prepaid cards are some sort of magic elixir that easily covers every conceivable charge while you rack up tons of points or miles.
But it is unclear why the proposed tax cuts will provide the magic elixir required for higher productivity to translate into wage gains.
To be sure, diversification isn't a magic elixir, and it may not protect against market risk or loss of principal.
Let's hope these four Finance Minister can now come up with a «magic elixir» that they, and their colleagues can use at their next finance ministers» meeting to create some «political leadership and courage».
with Mr. Flaherty agreeing to lead off with his newly discovered «magic elixir».
We're not talking about how, since we haven't discovered the magic elixir to keep John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsberg alive indefinitely, we're on the verge of losing any number of progressive battles for generations to come.
Collins said the proposal is something of a magic elixir for upstate county budgets.
Like a magic elixir, the milk promotes the nursing infant's general health, growth, and development, while significantly decreasing the risk of infection.
One of the similar themes shared by the world's myths and legends is that the journey for each of us, as a hero or a heroine, is to search for the «magic elixir» inside — our true nature.
If you're looking for a magic elixir that will help you lose weight, the online forums...
The magic elixir, purported to have been used by celebrities like Beyonce, Denzel Washington and Robin Quivers (of the Howard Stern Show) has grown in popularity, evidenced by the user video diaries that can be found on sites like YouTube.
He's been die hard committed to the best possible quality of every ingredient that goes into his magic elixir as well as the long, slow cooking process that makes his broth such powerful healing medicine.
Drinking this magic elixir has been rumored to ease anxiety, tension, and insomnia.
To help ease his digestive discomfort, a local resident offered him a «magic elixir» that «mysteriously and quickly» eased his distress while at the same time spurring his professional curiosity.
Whether you're recovering from a holiday season replete in heavy foods, or trying to fend off that winter cold making its way around the office, soup can be a magic elixir.
Bone Broth is a magic elixir.
is a magic elixir.
It's a magic elixir not only for the skin you show the world, but for that internal «skin» as well.
Ideally cast (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano run away with every scene) and filled with smart, funny and tender situations and exchanges, «Big Sick» was the magic elixir that lifted our spirits and reminded us to appreciate what's important in life.
The «do now» was definitely part of this magic elixir.
Mindfulness is not a magic elixir, and its power does not come overnight.
Individual mode is the magic elixir.
Because even if I drank a magic elixir and sprouted a few feet, and even if angry revolutionaries suddenly stormed the streets of boring old Sunshine, making wishes one and two come true, wish three was impossible.
It's not a healing potion or a magic elixir.
But adding alternatives to your portfolio, if done right, can be that magic elixir of higher returns with less risk.
Adding bonds to an equity portfolio was like a magic elixir.
Even if you only have a small amount to start with, the point is to start as soon as you can as time is the magic elixir that makes a retirement portfolio grow.
Puppies and kittens are all tumbling exuberance, innocent naptimes, and the magic elixir of baby breath.
There's a magic elixir than can keep you for ever young.
Besides, I hear they have a magic elixir over there called Guinness.»
Not only do the handlers need to keep Phil comfortable and happy all year long, but each September they also need to give him a sip of the magic elixir that keeps his longevity going.
While none of these tactics on their own are the magic elixir to getting your resume to the hiring manager each and every time, a combination of these tactics or simply trying the same ones repeatedly can yield the results you want.
Misconception # 11: A great resume is the magic elixir to landing a job.
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