Sentences with phrase «magic fairy dust»

The phrase "magic fairy dust" is used to describe something that is believed to have a magical power or ability to make things better. It is often used to convey the idea that something can magically solve problems or make things perfect. However, in reality, it means that there is no real solution or easy fix for a situation. Full definition
My recipe is completely oil free and has remained vegan, held together only by psyllium seed husk, which is almost like magic fairy dust.
I'm convinced there is magic fairy dust sewn into the DockATot!
You need to sprinkle the Benjamin magic fairy dust around the SoP more.
I always pretended words were actually magic fairy dust being sprinkled to add love, laughter, wisdom, fun or purpose to my life.
All because you wanted to be anointed with trade publishing magic fairy dust and turned you into a «real author.»
Of course, it's not just my personal opinion that doulas really DO make a difference in birth, the studies bear it out, however, we don't have magic fairy dust to give a client the birth she wants.
You keep looking for the magic fairy dust while others around you handle intimacy with a mature, open approach (not a guessing game based on fairy tale scenes).
It was magic fairy dust.
Think it through before you go chasing the magic fairy dust of a traditional publisher anointment.
End of access to magic fairy dust that makes Agency Model 5 Published Books 1,000 % better than self - published books.
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