Sentences with phrase «magic ticket»

Now Disney's making those pricey aspirations a little cheaper with a limited - time «4 - Park Magic Ticket» package.
This is your magic ticket to freely enjoy something delicious and decadent on this special day (or any day!)
The kindly theater projectionist (Prosky, Hoffa) not only lets Danny in for a sneak preview of the fourth Slater film, but also hands him over a «magic ticket», given to him by Harry Houdini himself, which for all these years, he's been too afraid to try.
Things seem to proceed according to formula, that is, until Benedict manages to find the magic ticket, allowing him to pass from movie - land into the real world.
Ben Mendelsohn (Starred Up) is Gerry, a divorced 44 - year - old gambling junkie looking for a magic ticket out of his addiction.
But then he thinks the magic ticket lies in getting old classmate Oliver Lawless (James Marsden), who seems to be a successful actor in Los Angeles, to come to the next high school reunion.
Running your own business, including real estate investing, is not a magic ticket to riches.
However, in that issue, highly worth reading is TIME Magazine's Michael Grunwald's «Seven Myths About Alternative Energy,: with the summary, «As the world looks around anxiously for an alternative to oil, energy sources such as biofuels, solar, and nuclear seem like they could be the magic ticket.
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