Sentences with phrase «magical properties»

That's one of the many magical properties of chalk paint.
Powerful magic rings are precious rings that have magical properties after being cast with a spell.
While it is generally thought of as very rude sign, it also has magical properties as an emblem of fertility and protection against the evil eye.
This oil with almost magical properties is very high in lauric acid, which is a medium - chain triglyceride (MCT) that works very differently than any other types of saturated fats in the body and is generally considered as one of the healthiest saturated fats because of its numerous health benefits.
The students concluded that Skele - Gro must therefore contain unexplained magical properties that allow it to hold such a vast amount of energy — and be able to apply it in a short period of time.
You'd tell us that you're fat because the health industry has been making millions out of selling shady diet plans and the companies which sell fitness supplements have convinced you to buy shakes with supposedly magical properties a bit too often.
Whether it's to soothe ultra dry skin or help minimize the scarring of a wound, turmeric's almost magical properties aid in all of its jobs.
As each new injustice piles on the last, the image becomes ironically imbued with its own magical properties, symbolising the terrible absurdity that keeps beleagured women powerless while the lunatics take over the asylum.
Saoirse discovers a shell in Ben's possession, left to him by their mother, which whenever she plays it produces magical properties and summons a flock of fairies.
Created by alchemist Nicolas Flamel, The Philosopher's Stone possesses magical properties.
Diamond fire is one of the most magical properties of a diamond.
These odd stones, called Wyrdstones, have incredible magical properties and have quickly become the most valuable commodity in the Empire City.
In this instance it was the ability to be able to apply magical properties to my gear, therefore turning my cloak into a kickass cloak of invisibility.
NimbleQuest is made in Unity, and among the other magical properties of the engine is the ability to build the game into a format that's playable in your browser...
Harry Potter How can we discuss magical properties without talking about Harry Potter.
«The Figa,» or fig sign, has multiple meanings, «While it is generally thought of as very rude sign, it also has magical properties as an emblem of fertility and protection against the evil eye.»
People often ascribe technological devices with magical properties, as though the inert objects in and of themselves can bestow us with the capacity to be «better, faster, and more productive.»
The human rights activist Bianca Jagger described to a conference here how a substance that was invented only in 1907 and seemed to have almost magical properties, because it was practically indestructible, is now threatening an environmental catastrophe.
The imaginary metal would not be «useful for any practical or ornamental purpose,» Nakamoto wrote, but would have «one special, magical property: [It] can be transported over a communications channel.»
Thanks to the runaway popularity of Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, we're all familiar with «the 10,000 hour rule» and the magical properties of lots and lots of deliberate practice.
What it's about: Captain Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) and his troupe try to capture the heart of Davy Jones for its magical properties — but all of them have their own agendas.
While those espousing «egg mysticism» may continue to wring their hands and express doubts that the magical properties they attribute to the egg have not been fully overcome, such doubts are not reasonable doubts and would not constitute a legitimate moral indictment of ANT - OAR.
Jason, on the other hand, heard of a flute player whose sounds had magical properties.
Why are we still pretending that clergy and buildings hold some magical properties??
The magical properties of coconut oil allow it to firm up quickly, while the almond butter prevents it from hardening completely.
In no event do we allow any advertising or marketing materials to depict individuals in states of intoxication, associate consumption of Purity Vodka with performing potentially dangerous activities such as operating heavy machinery, driving a motor vehicle, or participating in hazardous athletic activities, or make any claims that would indicate that Purity Vodka has any medicinal or magical properties.
Initially I was suspicious that the promotion of these necklaces would rely heavily on nonsense about the magical properties of crystals.
At most, Indo - European mythology suggests that Late Bronze Age folks regarded dogs as having magical properties and perhaps ate them in rituals of some kind, Vander Linden says.
Maybe this is what I'll talk about on tour next year — about people who say you need some food that you've never heard about and is difficult to source, but that contains some magical properties that will get you through this diet.
This nanomaterial may have a plethora of near - magical properties, but as it turns out, it could also be bad for the environment, and humans too.
All we're trying to say is: meat is already great as it really is; we don't have to give it any magical properties.
Lots of people expect that the deadlift or the squat have some magical properties that will help them turn into hulks overnight.
Oatmeal does not have any magical properties as a breakfast food.
From the Food Babe to Dr. Oz, claims of the magical properties of some of the so - called «healthy foods» below are grossly overstated.
Weight loss will probably occur due to the low calorie intake not because of some magical property of cabbage soup.
Women's Health Magazine points out that water does not have «magical properties» but might help thwart off weight gain and possibly help you to lose weight for a number of reasons, here's two:
And that's when I learned about the magical properties of Borax.
The long moderately narrowed skirts or dresses have a magical property of elongating the figure, make you visually slimmer and add invisible extra inches in height.
It also has the magical properties of teleportation.
the film starts with divorcee businessman Marshall Seymour (Reinhold, Beverly Hills Cop II) accidentally taking home an ancient Tibetan jeweled skull rumored to have magical properties.
taken from the head of a live dragon and believed to have magical properties.
WIN WIN is a film that explores the ethics of motives, the magical properties of second chances given and received, the many shades of meaning that a speaker can bring to a scatological expletive, and the indefinable but undeniable power of pancakes.
Bezoars used to be thought to have magical properties, including the ability to act as antidotes to certain poisons.
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