Sentences with phrase «magical scene»

It is with their support that she is able to create magical scenes of true human intimacy on every page.
All of which led, finally, to one of the most memorable, magical scenes ever witnessed at the spectacle that is this race.
When the water visibility is good, you can observe a brilliantly colored and magical scene before your eyes.
Is your studio home to magical scenes straight out of The Nutcracker?
Su Blackwell's wonderful paper art takes you inside the realm of fairytales and stories, creating magical scenes.
Especially the scrabble game and the story of Mr. Fantastic is a very magical scene.
Bening and Bell have one magical scene when they meet and dance in Grahame's room, a reminder of the talent Bell showed as the boy in Billy Elliott.
Hari Panicker and Deepti Nair are a married couple that creates complex magical scenes of humans and animals out of paper and light.
The entire gallery is filled with magical scenes of merriment from floor to ceiling, each room adorned with contributions from the OSGEMEOS family - painted works and animated sculptures by the twins, as well as sketches and doodles by the duo's younger sister and hand - woven portraits by their mother.
Magical scenes of Okja's life in the idyllic South Korean countryside lead into the frantic adventure that takes our young heroine and her beloved piggy to America; finally, there are dark scenes of Okja's potential fate in a New Jersey slaughterhouse.
Once each magical scene is complete, trained artisans in Coral Tusk's workshops in India perform the bulk of the embroidery and production.
The heart of the film revolves around a few of the magical scenes between the hurt boy and the feeling grandfather.
But not all of the evening's magical scenes were shown on screen.
Winter may be chilly, but it's also a time of year where we wake up to freshly fallen snow that turns our landscapes into a magical scene straight out of a fairytale.
Tourists will defiantly experience memorable, magical scenes.
There's no limit to the magical scenes of light and color.
And her other work is just as precise, carving paper creations into all sorts of things, from faces and creatures to magical scenes.
Does Yellow Run Forever?refuses to reduce the world to a knowable schema, but instead embraces the puzzle — that there are no singular meanings, direct answers, or gold waiting at the end of the rainbow.Yet, there are startling visions in the everyday, be they beautiful or not, dreams worth dreaming, magical scenes to be seen, and true moments of wonder to be found.
Languid drips, tiny pointillist specks and large globs of transparent resin and bright paint, as well as smooth passages of colour added and subtracted with the face and edge of a palette knife, all create this magical scene.
Each of Lee's magical scenes are inspired by ancient Korean stories, as well as the artist's personal memories.
Speaking about the event, Steven Duggan said: «This joint Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland party in London needed to re-create the magical scenes for all the guests... We wanted to blow the children away (and parents).»
Lovely blog, and thanks for the reminder of that magical scene.
Remember being a kid, shaking those things up, and watching in childlike wonder as the snow swirled around that magical scene?
This magical scene is created with cute and colourful bottlebrush trees set atop a lush bed of fresh ferns and ivy.
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