Sentences with phrase «magical solution»

Be careful if you come across a very quick magical solution that ensures a shortcut way.
Anyway, back to the point: Greg introduced me to the concept of fasting even if it isn't some new, magical solution for weight loss.
The content of some prayers tends to arouse expectations of magical solutions not involving struggle on the counselee's part.
The seemingly magical solution is a «single - payer» law called the New York Health Act.
Fees are not an obvious magical solution to making universal pre-k more politically feasible.
We don't put you in a bubble by promising magical solutions and make you pay extravagantly for it.
We are continuing to have this insane debate because we continue to beat our heads against the wall hoping that some kind of magical solution that no other country in the world has ever thought of will drop down out of the sky that allows us to keep the for - profit model and still deliver care to all.
But this magical solution, one not affirmed by either the pro-choice or pro-life movements as presently constituted, is not likely to develop without a deep collective conversion to the principle that even the developing pre-born person is part of the human family and deserves our welcome.
There's no magical solution.
This is the magical solution.
This might just be the magical solution.
And when he finds a victim, to him it's another magical solution, just like the Big Win.
Often times it's the magical solution!
What I was thinking is that it isn't a magical solution to all and any breastfeeding troubles.
Her magical solutions are remarkably easy to implement and result in calm and happy separations for all.
Here's the thing — minimalist parenting isn't some magical solution or instant fix.
Let's put our own egos aside and accept that we don't have the magical solution for other moms... If she would just say yes.
This is a magical solution to a problem which in all likelihood can not be fixed.
This course is no magical solution.
Runaway success, riches, or magical solutions to my personal shortcomings are not in sight.
After all, people have suffered from believing in the promise of «magical solutions» for decades.
Could dark chocolate be the magical solution to our endless search for the perfect performance booster?
There isn't a magical solution to clean out the kidneys.
Despite what people selling makeup and skincare products may tell you, exfoliation isn't always a magical solution for your skincare woes.
I feel as you say that it isn't a magical solution or fat loss miracle.
Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.»
So the magical solution?
Also if there are no magical solutions of course, they all are interconnected.
«But there is no silver bullet, no magical solution
«Now publication is accessible to anyone with a computer and broadband connection, but there is still no magical solution to the great marketing dilemma — how do you get your book talked about and heard about when there is so much competitive din going on all around?»
I can tell you outright, there is no magical solution to solving the income tax issues in regards to a family cottage, just ways to mitigate or defer the issues.
The magical solution is to rebalance among slices to maintain fixed allocations.
Too Much Time in the Crate A crate isn't a magical solution.
For many owners, dog parks offer a magical solution where their buddy can achieve both, with minimal effort on the part of the owner.
There are no easy answers nor is there a magical solution that affordably, humanely and safely eliminates the many issues associated with cats in communities.
A crate isn't a magical solution to all problems, however when used and introduced properly it can be a wonderful management tool.
A crate isn't a magical solution.
A crate is not a magical solution to common canine behavior.
Unlike other narrative games about millennials, Night in the Woods doesn't come up with a magical solution that solves all your problems.
The more people understand from an early age that science advances in stutter steps through testing, failure, and argument, the less likely they'll be to interpret some of the persistent disputes over important facets of global warming to mean society can simply sit back and wait for a magical solution...
It's not a magical solution though, and Audi were keen to point out that ultimately economy is the driver's responsibility, «the driver himself retains a major responsibility for a driving style that contributes to reduced fuel consumption.
What puzzles me, too, is how entire continents have subsisted healthily for centuries on foods that are vilified in North America, as if we, a continent struggling with obesity and diabetes and countless other food - related ailments, have found the magical solution.
But anyone who thinks that fixed fees are some kind of magical solution to long - term lawyer - client relationships is, to put it bluntly, full of sh **.
We are not among those who claim that ODR is a magical solution to all of Justice's woes, or even that it can be presented as a valid alternative to the courts for all types of disputes.
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