Sentences with phrase «magnetic data»

The method has the great advantage that the information — as in the case of magnetic data storage in general — can not be easily lost.
The second close approach was primarily used for imaging, but at the third approach, extensive magnetic data were obtained.
On the basis of magnetic data collected in real time and a chain of suitable numerical models it will eventually prove possible, rather as in conventional meteorology, to forecast space weather and prevent the impact of solar storms on Earth.
The development of prototypes of magnetic data storage is being investigated by the Kiel and Jülich scientists in the joint project MAGicSky.
This tight spacing will produce ultra-high-resolution magnetic data, which sharpens the definition of so - called redox boundaries.
This study by R.W. Saltus and colleagues of gravity, seismic, and magnetic data overturns this conventional interpretation and shows that the bounding fault instead dips to the southwest (beneath the mountains); it is a thrust fault.
18 Government researchers have created arrays of chromium nanodots that can store magnetic data with unprecedented uniformity.
In support of this he cites magnetic data collected by Rob Van Der Voo of the University of Michigan and Chris Powell of the University of California at Santa Barbara.
• Core understanding of legal systems and proceedings and how they work in real time • Hands on experience in making verbatim stenographic records at all court proceedings • In depth knowledge of preparing both printed and magnetic data media transcripts • Proven ability to take dictation and converting them into meaningful paper files
Skyrmions may be important for the future of magnetic data storage and information processing.
As a read head moves above bits of magnetic data, changes in the magnetic orientation of those bits alter the electrical resistance of electrons flowing through the sensor, translating the magnetic data into a stream of electrical pulses.
All the available survey data could be combined by computer to generate diagrams of the stones» positions in relation to astronomical or magnetic data, for example.
To overcome the problem, Mitchell and his team devised a new way of analyzing the magnetic data to detect a phenomenon known as true polar wander — the gradual change in the position of Earth's poles as the planet's internal mass shifts.
The magnetic data varied in such a way as to trace out a 500 - year cycle of storm variation, where wetter intervals showed an increased concentration of magnetic minerals.
«They look at geothermal heat flux through seismic signals or magnetic data in Greenland, but not crustal thickness or rock type or distance from a hot spot.
Magnetic vs. Heating Data Theoretical predictions for the structure and heating of the magnetic field above the solar surface using data for the magnetic data from MDI are compared to the heating observed by EIT.
Thieves have developed credit cards that can temporarily program any ATM machine to copy the magnetic data off of your credit or debit card when you use the machine.
A total of 58,000 km [36,040 miles] of airborne gravity and magnetic data have been collected over the Alpha and Lomonosov Ridges in the Arctic Ocean.
However, as technology advances digital forensic teams are seeing a shift in data storage from magnetic data to cloud storage which is introducing new challenges.
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