Sentences with phrase «magnetic field into»

The solar wind travels outward continuously through the heliosphere, forming the solar magnetic field into a spiral shape, until it impacts the heliopause more than 50 AU from the Sun.
In the system, nanoparticles injected into the brain convert a gentle, external magnetic field into heat, which triggers heat - sensitive ion channels that have been genetically engineered into neurons.
Instead of using a solenoid to generate a magnetic field, CHI involves injecting a magnetic field into the floor of the tokamak, removing the need to deliver periodic pulses of current.
Using a complex mathematical approach based on the separation of the magnetic field into several components, the researchers successfully obtained a proxy capable of predicting eruptions.
«Close comet flyby threw Mars» magnetic field into chaos.»
These fluctuations correspond neatly to the 11 - year solar cycle, in which the Sun's rotation gradually winds up its magnetic field into contorted coils, giving rise to flares and sunspots that emit ultraviolet and X-ray light.
The plasma is simultaneously pushed inside the sphere at opposite ends where it is molded by magnetic fields into a donut shape and forced to meet in the middle.
Just as weather varies on Earth, occasionally bringing thunderstorms and gusty winds, the ever - changing Sun sometimes hurls massive clouds of solar material and magnetic fields into space, called coronal mass ejections, or CMEs.

Not exact matches

NASA uses a technique called data sonification to take signals from radio waves, plasma waves, and magnetic fields and convert them into audio tracks to «hear» what's happening in space.
Juno will spend the next three months getting into position to begin studying what lies beneath Jupiter's thick clouds and mapping the planet's gargantuan magnetic fields.
So when the Flood and the magnetic field is taken into account, it is reasonable to believe that the Assumption of equilibrium is a false one.
The consequences of a CME imparting a huge induced charge into the earths magnetic field today would overload transformers and communication grids on a global scale.
Gases and matter swirl in a disk around a newly forming star, but the star's magnetic field causes turbulence that knocks matter free from the disk and lets it fall into the center.
In addition, we'll see auroral activity thanks to coronal holes — openings in the Sun's magnetic field that let its powerful solar wind escape into space.
The island is one of the best places to peer into the history of Earth's magnetic field because its fluctuations are recorded in the ancient volcanic rock.
On Earth, the brightest auroras (the high - altitude glows often called the northern and southern lights) are generated when electrons in outer space near Earth are accelerated by large electrical potentials, or voltages, along the lines in our planet's magnetic field and slam into gas molecules in the upper atmosphere above polar regions.
Bogue found records of two polarity reversals in these flows, giving him his first glimpse into the magnetic field's complex contortions during its flips, which he is still studying today.
Magnetic fields make the higher energy levels split into two new levels, so electrons dive from two different platforms and emit different particles of light.
For science - savvy hikers, the rugged canyons of Hawaii's oldest island offer a glimpse into the mysterious behavior of Earth's magnetic field.
Some new concepts of plasma thrusters involve an expanding magnetic field called magnetic nozzle (MN), where the plasma is spontaneously accelerated to propel a spacecraft, when exhausted into space.
Every once in a while, one dune may violently tumble into the mantle, revving up convection and disturbing the magnetic field.
MRIs work by tapping into an astonishing phenomenon: When placed in a powerful magnetic field, the hydrogen atoms in water molecules behave like small bar magnets.
Dangerous cosmic rays are deflected by the magnetic field back out into space, and our atmosphere remains robust because of this protection.
The team analysed data gathered over seven years by the international Cassini probe, and found that the interactions between Titan's atmosphere, and the solar magnetic field and radiation, create a wind of hydrocarbons and nitriles being blown away from its polar regions into space.
In order to put these relatively recent changes into historical perspective, Rochester researchers — led by John Tarduno, a professor and chair of EES — gathered data from sites in southern Africa, which is within the South Atlantic Anomaly, to compile a record of Earth's magnetic field strength over many centuries.
«It's almost impossible to study how magnetic fields come into being using plasma because you need a magnetic field there to begin with,» says Forest.
Some previous theoretical studies have suggested that the magnetic field of a neutron star should break into smaller loops and dissipate as the star ages — a phenomenon known as «turbulent cascade.»
From their analysis of this occurrence, the team determined that a favorable evolution bring non-parallel magnetic field lines into close proximity and intensify current sheets.
Extending this lifetime offers insights into how small bodies generate magnetic fields, researchers...
«A cascade in a magnetic field is akin to what happens when you add cream to your coffee and stir it: the cream rapidly gets broken up into pieces and mixes into the coffee,» Cumming explains.
The curved blue lines show the pulsar's magnetic field and the blue cones show the radiation the star sends into space.
Scientists use the apparatus to search for axions converting into radio waves in a strong magnetic field.
This may mean that the Milky Way's magnetic field twists into surprisingly complex shapes near the black hole.
They become caught in powerful magnetic fields and are channeled into the upper atmosphere, where their interactions with gas particles, such as oxygen or nitrogen, set off spectacular bursts of light.
The sun's magnetic field stretches the plasma into ropes that break through the surface and become loops or prominences.
The simulations, which incorporate data from Voyager 1, show that the interaction of the magnetic fields from the sun and interstellar space squish the solar wind into two jets — what might be observed as two short tails.
Earth's magnetic field captures the resulting ions, and some get flung out into space.
Sheltered as we are by Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, which deflect lethal radiation from space, we are like coddled children who have never ventured into a tough neighborhood.
As matter falls into it and increases its spin, it stores energy; it releases energy again and slows down a bit as the magnetic field lines accelerate charged particles.
When it flies into the magnetic field an alternating current (AC) voltage is induced in the receiving antenna and the drone's electronics convert it efficiently into a direct current (DC) voltage to power it.
As the craft ploughs deeper into the galaxy, the NASA team will look for an anticipated change in magnetic field direction that would indicate that Voyager 1 is at last clear of all solar influences except gravity, as well as anything that can be gleaned about interstellar space, before we lose contact.
«It's very tricky telling what's the feature and what's the continuum,» says Julian Krolik of Johns Hopkins University, one of the theorists now trying to figure out how magnetic fields could convert a black hole's spin energy into light.
Since Juno started orbiting Jupiter last July, it's revealed many new, sometimes surprising insights into the planet's structure, atmosphere, and magnetic field.
When the gas plunges into the black hole, it follows the magnetic field lines.
Much as the sun's solar wind blows out the tails of comets, the vanishingly thin stuff between the stars blows the charged particles and magnetic fields of the solar wind back into a tail.
But superheated plasma created when large asteroids slam into the lunar surface can produce a magnetic field for at most only one or two days.
The patient is put into a magnetic field that reverses direction thousands of times every second.
The effect is much the same as when the sun's «wind» of charged particles and magnetic fields blows a comet's gas and dust into a tail.
Mice with cancer were placed in an alternating magnetic field, causing nanoparticles injected into a tumor to give out heat and destroy it.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to track a cosmic ray back to its source in the sky; magnetic fields twist the paths of charged particles into knots before those particles reach Earth.
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