Sentences with phrase «magnetic field provides»

Data: There has been recent findings that show that earths magnetic field provides less protection against solor wind stripping away the atmosphere than was thought, scientists were suprised at how much was stripped away regularly.
The Earth's magnetic field provides a sturdy defence against the solar wind, deflecting the energetic particles around the planet; however, if a fast solar stream catches up with a slow solar stream, it generates an enhancement in both the material and the associated magnetic field.
Mercury's peculiar magnetic field provides evidence that iron turns from a liquid to a solid at the core's outer boundary, say the scientists, whose research currently appears online in the journal Geophysical Research Letters and will be published in an upcoming print edition.
«A strong magnetic field provides a shield for the atmosphere,» said Tarduno, «This is important for the preservation of habitable conditions on Earth.»
«Magnetic fields provide crucial information about the interiors and evolution of planets, so it is gratifying that our experiments can test — and in fact, support — the thin - dynamo idea that had been proposed for explaining the truly strange magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune,» said Raymond Jeanloz, co-author on the paper and professor in Earth & Planetary Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley.
The interplay of magnetic fields provides the propulsion.

Not exact matches

(When rocks form, their magnetic minerals line up with Earth's field, and that orientation is preserved when the rocks solidify, providing geophysicists with a record, written in stone, of the planet's magnetic past.)
A study of real - world exposure to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women found a significantly higher rate of miscarriage, providing new evidence regarding their potential health risks.
«This study provides evidence from a human population that magnetic field non-ionizing radiation could have adverse biological impacts on human health,» he said.
The result provides a measure of the magnetism in the space between galaxies, an essential step in determining how cosmic magnetic fields are produced.
If you provide energy in the form of radio waves, these tiny magnets can switch orientation and give off a resonance frequency that changes predictably based on the strength of the magnetic field.
The record provides historical context to help explain recent, ongoing changes in the magnetic field, most prominently in an area in the Southern Hemisphere known as the South Atlantic Anomaly.
The team plotted the maximal intensities of volume current densities for specific trends of increasing magnetic field chaos, which provided a measure of the production of current sheets.
These simulations provide new and novel insight regarding the influence of chaotic magnetic field lines on the spontaneous development of current sheets, and hence potential places of particle acceleration.
It monitors changes in Earth's magnetic field, providing data that help NOAA and the U.S. Air Force track magnetic storms due to solar activity.
Current astronauts are not as exposed to the damaging effects of radiation, Davis says, because the International Space Station flies in an orbit low enough that the Earth's magnetic field continues to provide protection.
When astronauts are outside of Earth's magnetic field, spaceships provide only limited shielding from radiation exposure, explains study leader Robert D. Hienz, Ph.D., an associate professor of behavioral biology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
What makes this model unique is that a magnet in the center of the inner sphere provides a strong magnetic field, while the rotation of this core drives the flow of the conducting liquid very effectively.
Swirling bundles of magnetic field lines, flinging particles outward from the poles of the hole, provide a natural explanation.
Functional materials are those with controlled composition, size, and structure to facilitate desired interactions with light, electrical or magnetic fields, or chemical environment to provide unique functionality in a wide range of applications from energy to medicine.
The changing magnetic field ensures that the rotor will never come to rest, and its strength — thousands of times more powerful than a typical refrigerator magnet — provides the necessary push to keep the train moving.
When light hits cryptochromes, they undergo chemical reactions that may be influenced by the direction of Earth's magnetic field, providing a signal of the bird's orientation.
The amount of rocking of the magnetic field, caused by its interaction with Jupiter's own immense magnetosphere, provides evidence that the moon has a subsurface ocean of saline water.
NASA's Galileo mission measured Ganymede's magnetic field in 2002, providing the first evidence supporting those suspicions.
A permanent magnet provides a magnetic field; no energy is extracted from this field.
This concerted flow of electrons constitutes an electric current which in turn creates a magnetic field across the gap, perhaps providing the spark which causes the opposing fields on either side to break and reconnect.
When magnetic field lines reconnect, they release energy; some researchers suspect that fine - scale magnetic reconnections above the sun's surface provide the energy to heat the corona.
These new phenomena rely on the transport of thermal energy, in contrast to the conventional appication of magnetic fields, providing a new, and highly desireable way to manipulate magnetization at the nanoscale.
In Friedman's spintronic circuit design, electrons moving through carbon nanotubes — essentially tiny wires composed of carbon — create a magnetic field that affects the flow of current in a nearby graphene nanoribbon, providing cascaded logic gates that are not physically connected.
Observations of an elderly, rapidly rotating star known as a pulsar in the vicinity of Sgr A * have now provided the first sensitive measure of the magnetic field associated with the black hole.
The Juno team discovered that very close to the planet, Jupiter's magnetic field, its auroras and its gravitational field (that is, the characteristics of the planet's gravity at different points in space) all provided surprises.
But Kane and his colleagues, and separately another team, realized that some insulators made from heavy elements could provide their own magnetic fields through internal interactions between electrons and atomic nuclei.
The solid inner core is growing, and this growth provides the energy that generates Earth's magnetic field.
Jets are narrow streams of gas that emergefrom the cores of some galaxies, travel at more than 99 percent thespeed of light, and penetrate as much as several million light - yearsinto intergalactic space before fanning out into broad, luminous lobes.How might a black - hole whirlpool generate such a pair of waterspouts?Swirling bundles of magnetic field lines, flinging particles outwardfrom the poles of the hole, provide a natural explanation.
Combining the rate at which the magnetic field drained away with details of the flare's energy from RHESSI provides a «significant» new constraint for models of how flares are triggered, Kosovichev says.
Those motions provide direct insight into the intense, highly variable magnetic fields close to the sun, the researchers report online today in Science.
The scientists discovered that Voyager 1 — like an orienteer through the outer solar system — measures the magnetic field moving the needle on a compass with cardinal directions provided by the IBEX ribbon.
It provides a recipe for translating any spin model, no matter how baroque, into a 2D Ising model, with the complexity of the original model encoded in the couplings between the Ising spins and the magnetic fields.
Now German researchers have provided new evidence supporting the notion that migratory birds actually see magnetic fields.
Strong magnetic fields, coupled with a very hot and dense plasma provide a candidate method for creating a lightsaber.
Another is that there may be photopigments in the eye called cryptochromes that detect the magnetic field chemically and provide a visual cue that an animal can use as a kind of compass.
This image reveals the magnetic field in the sun's corona, derived from data provided through the NSO's Global Oscillation Network Group, or GONG.
«We were excited because our calculations showed that crystallization of silicon dioxide crystals from the core could provide an immense new energy source for powering the Earth's magnetic field
Now findings reported today in the journal Science provide the strongest evidence yet that the young turtles possess a built - in compass, enabling them to chart their course according to the earth's magnetic field.
«Our results provide direct evidence that young sea turtles can in effect exploit regional magnetic fields as open - ocean navigational markers,» the team writes.
Powerful stellar winds may actually provide energy for yet - unknown life on planets that lack a protective magnetic field.
University of California, Berkeley, physicist Dmitry Budker and his colleagues at Ben - Gurion University of the Negev in Israel and UCLA have now shown that these diamond sensors can measure the tiny magnetic fields in high - temperature superconductors, providing a new tool to probe these much ballyhooed but poorly understood materials.
In the 1930s, physicists suggested that a strong magnetic field can polarise light, like glare bouncing off a window — provided there are particles to nudge it.
In contrast, flies without Cry receptors did not show a preference for the magnetic field under any light condition, providing some of the first experimental evidence that cryptochrome plays an important role in sensing magnetic fields, the researchers report online this week in Nature.
Cluster has provided the first 3D observation of magnetic reconnection in space — a phenomenon that reconfigures the magnetic field and releases high amounts of energy.
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