Sentences with phrase «magnetic fields causing»

Gases and matter swirl in a disk around a newly forming star, but the star's magnetic field causes turbulence that knocks matter free from the disk and lets it fall into the center.
In an MRI machine, a powerful magnetic field causes protons in the body to line up like violin strings under tension, then a pulse of energy plucks those «strings,» making them hum.
INEL's system, which should be working by the end of next year, monitors changes in the Earth's magnetic field caused by metal objects passing through it.
Subjects» neural responses to sound were measured using MEG, which records fluctuations in magnetic fields caused by neural activity.
Out in the real world, they are quickly overwhelmed by background noise as minuscule as changes in Earth's magnetic field caused by distant solar storms.
This oscillation is much like a spring moving back and forth, but unlike a spring, moving magnetic fields cause an unstable environment, setting charged particles moving and initiating electric currents.
The geomagnetic storm passed within 24 hours or so but, while it was ongoing, the solar particles and magnetic fields caused the release of particles already trapped near Earth.
Not that these clouds escape the fireworks: intense magnetic fields cause the electrically charged surfaces of some of the clouds to radiate as they push through the fields, like a dragging car bumper throwing off sparks as it scrapes along the asphalt.
These rapid changes in the magnetic field cause flares, which release a huge amount of energy in a very short time in the form of super-heated plasma, high - energy radiation and radio bursts.
In the electric Motor current flow in the stator induces a large magnetic field in that stator, and the reaction between the magnetic field causes the rotor to rotate.
In particular, frequent temperature cycling and magnetic fields cause a lot of competitive encoders to fail.
Karl Sandeman and his co-workers think that their material - a blend of cobalt, manganese, silicon and germanium - could help to usher in a new type of refrigerator that is up to 40 percent more energy - efficient than conventional models.The «magnetic fridge» envisaged by the Cambridge team would use a phenomenon called the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), whereby a magnetic field causes certain materials to get warmer (a positive MCE) or cooler (a negative MCE).

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At any rate if you change the magnetic field around someone's temporal lobe it produces religious experiences, so when someone is having an experience, what is causing it?
Scientists had recently discovered that every 200,000 years, on average, churning in the hot liquid metal of Earth's outer core causes the planet's whole magnetic field to flip.
These high temperatures and the black hole's extreme magnetic field will excite G2's component particles, causing them to radiate and bathe the mysterious region in visible light, X-rays and radio waves.
Magnetic refrigeration subjects metal alloys to a magnetic field, causing them to coMagnetic refrigeration subjects metal alloys to a magnetic field, causing them to comagnetic field, causing them to cool down.
How this dynamo was initiated and how it works is mysterious, but it seems that the circulation of liquid metal through a magnetic field (which must have begun eons ago) causes a feedback loop of electricity and magnetism and unleashes a powerful electric current hundreds of miles wide.
Changes in the magnetic field could therefore cause electrical grid failures, navigation system malfunctions, and satellite breakdowns.
Electromagnetic coils are positioned near a patient's skull to deliver brief pulses of magnetic fields; these induce electric currents inside the head, which cause neurons to fire in brain regions associated with mood.
«Our interpretation is that energy is transferred from the magnetic field to power the flare, leaving a pocket of reduced magnetic support that causes an implosion.
These magnetic fields accelerate electrons, causing them to emit radiation.
NASA's Mariner 10 mission detected a magnetic field around our solar system's innermost planet in 1974, but its cause remained a mystery — until recent measurements suggested that Mercury's core may be partly molten.
Either the bottle container's walls or a magnetic field repel the neutral UCNs, causing them to hover in the device.
The researchers calculate that a newborn star's magnetic field interacts with its planet - forming disc, which is electrically conducting, causing the star to tilt and in some cases flip over (
Bizarre ice that forms under intense pressure and high temperatures may cause Neptune's and Uranus's odd magnetic fields.
That polarization is evidence of «vacuum birefringence,» a quantum effect first predicted 80 years ago caused by light interacting with the vacuum of space in a strong magnetic field.
But solar flares — the brief, intense flashes of light caused by the sun's magnetic fields changing shape suddenly — couldn't be causing the heating because none were observed.
CMEs, which can take a few days to reach Earth, are magnetic shock waves that can disrupt Earth's magnetic field and induce currents in electricity transmission lines and oil pipelines, causing blackouts and fires.
If you then apply a strong vertical magnetic field, the flowing electrons will experience a sideways shove that will cause them to crowd to the side of the bar as they go so that a voltage develops across the width of the bar too.
The twisting motion causes the photons to move like charged particles in a magnetic field, even though there is no actual magnet present.
The magnetic field that creates the sunspots can also trigger large, explosive discharges of plasma, causing solar storms to hit the Earth.
Mice with cancer were placed in an alternating magnetic field, causing nanoparticles injected into a tumor to give out heat and destroy it.
The amount of rocking of the magnetic field, caused by its interaction with Jupiter's own immense magnetosphere, provides evidence that the moon has a subsurface ocean of saline water.
When exposed to a magnetic field, injected magnetic nanoparticles heat up and cause neurons carrying a gene for heat sensitivity to fire (shown in yellow, white, green and light blue at right).
The greenish glow in the center of Io's disk is thought to be caused by high - speed particles that batter the moon's atmospheric oxygen or sodium gas — the particles are trapped in Jupiter's powerful magnetic field.
Duncan and Thompson deduced that the superfast spin would cause the remnant star's magnetic field to wrap around itself, growing far more intense.
When a CME reaches Earth, its embedded magnetic fields can interact with Earth's natural magnetic field — called the magnetosphere — sometimes compressing it or even causing parts of it to realign.
Just like that, a flotilla of NASA spacecraft has plumbed one of the deeper mysteries of space physics: what causes «magnetic reconnection,» the process that allows energy from the sun's magnetic field to leak into Earth's, triggering potentially damaging space weather.
«Most surprising is that the blast wave was still strong enough to cause significant effects in the atmosphere of Saturn, which is nearly a billion miles from the sun and has a magnetic field much larger than Earth's,» says Ed Stone of Caltech, chief scientist of NASA's Voyager program.
This concerted flow of electrons constitutes an electric current which in turn creates a magnetic field across the gap, perhaps providing the spark which causes the opposing fields on either side to break and reconnect.
Now new research shows that these eruptions on the sun's surface not only send bursts of energetic particles into Earth's atmosphere causing disturbances in the magnetic field, but they may also significantly decrease the number of free electrons over large areas in the polar region of the ionosphere — the ionized part of the upper atmosphere.
The US NOAA Space Weather Prediction Centre in Boulder, Colorado, says: «Although the magnetic field strength of this CME has been fairly high, it hasn't been of the orientation needed to cause strong geomagnetic storming.»
These differences in density are caused by the interplay of the solar wind — the constant stream of charged particles from the sun — and the interplanetary magnetic field that stretches across the solar system.
It's possible that supersonic winds, propelled by some interaction between the planet and the star's magnetic field, could be causing the misplaced hotspot.
Eruptions on the Sun's surface, also called solar storms, trigger geomagnetic storms and this usually causes disturbances globally in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, which is the region of the atmosphere governed primarily by Earth's magnetic field.
He had a hunch those swirls were part of a bigger structure, and a computer simulation proved him right: In aggregate, the swirls could twist the sun's magnetic field, causing it to launch a huge spinning funnel of gas.
The use of a static magnetic field to cause the reaction is important because it poses no threat to the body, said Sergiy Minko, the Georgia Power Professor of Fiber and Polymer Science within the FACS department of textiles, merchandising and interiors and the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of chemistry.
In previous studies, pulsating magnetic fields have been used to deliver drugs, but the heat caused by the application can destroy healthy cells of patients.
While it's unclear what causes coronal holes, they correlate to areas on the sun where magnetic fields soar up and away, failing to loop back down to the surface, as they do elsewhere.
Given that the field intensity in the region is also declining today — though less rapidly, as measured by satellites — the research team believes that the process causing the weakening field may be a recurring feature of the magnetic field.
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