Sentences with phrase «magnetic trap»

The core of the device uses cusp confinement, a sort of magnetic trap in which particles that try to escape are pushed back by rounded, pillowlike magnetic fields.
Using a series of magnetic traps, they slowed down antiprotons and antielectrons from thousands of kelvin to about 15 kelvin.
Dispersive light scattering was used to observe the separation between the condensed and normal components of the Bose gas inside a magnetic trap.
The partially condensed atomic vapors were adiabatically decompressed by weakening the gravito - magnetic trap to a mean frequency of 1hertz, then evaporatively reduced in size to 2500 atoms.
In a magnetic trap, the most energetic atoms can move farther against the pull of the magnetic forces, and can therefore reach regions with higher magnetic fields than the colder atoms can.
For that, the magnetic trap is suddenly switched off by switching off the current running through the magnet coils.
By keeping them in a magnetic trap on an atom chip, this atom cloud can be used as a «quantum simulator,» which yields information about a variety of different physical systems and new insights into some of the most fundamental questions of physics.
Using such highly correlated systems like the atom cloud in the magnetic trap, various theories can now be tested in a well - controlled environment.
and look T. M. Walraven of the University of Amsterdam are trying to achieve such a condensation with a collection of hydrogen atoms in a magnetic trap.
The magnetic trap can hold onto particles that have magnetic properties similar to those of a tiny bar magnet.
«We catch hundreds of Rubidium atoms in a magnetic trap and cool them so that they form an ultracold Bose - Einstein condensate,» says Professor Jörg Schmiedmayer from the Institute for Atomic and Subatomic Physics at the Vienna University of Technology.
The coldest matter known is a Bose - Einstein condensate (BEC)-- millions of atoms that act as a single quantum object when cooled inside a magnetic trap.
Their «gravito - magnetic trap» cooled the gas to — 459.67, less than a billionth of a degree above absolute zero, the point at which all the molecular movement halts and our heat - vision eyes see only black.
Gerald Gabrielse, a Harvard physicist who works on a rival experiment at CERN known as ATRAP, warns that it's easy to be fooled by subtleties of the magnetic traps.
Magnetic trapping of charged sungrazing body debris or evaporation of zody cloud dust infalling due to P - R Production of close - in dust from close - in evaporating planets?
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