Sentences with phrase «magnitude less than that of»

Further, when mixing occurs, the first mixing will be between the micron layer and the mm layer — but we already know a) that in fact the mm layer is actually cooler than the water below it; and b) that the heat capacity of a layer measured in microns is three orders of magnitude less than that of one measured in millimeters.
1µmol CH4 = 1.6e - 5g / l = 1.6e - 2 g / m ^ 3 1.5 e9 g / day / 2.4 e15 m ^ 3 = ~ 6.3e - 7 g / m ^ 3 / day = ~ 2.5e - 6 micromolar increase per day diluted over the volume of the Gulf, However, given the 80 fold variation in concentrations observed above under much milder conditions, and the observations of clathrate formation at the wellhead, there are undoubtedly plumes of near methane saturated water (with volumes orders of magnitude less than that of the Gulf) drifting in the currents, slowly dissipating by diffusion and biogeochemical oxidation.

Not exact matches

The primer is less than impressed by this move, stating «[t] he magnitude and extensive retroactivity of the resulting assessments will certainly put Canada on the global taxation map in a notorious way, and send a discouraging message to global investors».
While July was the fifth straight month in which small firms added jobs, «the magnitude of growth is less than desired,» according to SurePayroll CEO Michael Alter.
Less than 24 - hours after a 7.1 - magnitude earthquake hit central Mexico, 6.1 - magnitude tremors rocked the coast of Japan Wednesday.
«Because Verizon's go90 competes in a less developed segment of the marketplace than AT&T's DirecTV Now, the current magnitude of any anticompetitive effects of Verizon's practices may be smaller than AT&T's,» the FCC wrote.
AlphaGo Zero also uses an order of magnitude less compute power than the previous versions of AlphaGo, suggesting that it's the algorithmic advances that lead to more progress than compute power or data.
But the magnitude of what they had accomplished in less than two months, she said, hit when she saw images of protests across the country and around the world.
I can't speak to the relative impact magnitudes of raising rates vs. unwinding the balance sheet, but my prior is that operationally, the latter would be constitute less of a brake - tap than the former.
This is still roughly two orders of magnitude less output per acre than Warren Buffett's Agua Caliente array in Arizona.
According to Vanguard, the worst bond market loss in history was less than one - sixth of the magnitude of the worst stock market losses.
The energy use of Bitcoin, the biggest blockchain to date, is close to that of Portugal, and while other blockchain networks are more efficient, they are still an order of magnitude less so than a payment system such as Visa.
Many of my calls were less accurate in magnitude than direction.
In sophisticated economies, the impact of consumption may be less than in emerging economies that are largely import - export driven, but the consumption magnitude is even more pronounced due to both a greater wealth effect and standard of living that enable individuals to spend more freely with disposable income.
Because the improbability of the scientific explanation for the universe is multiple orders of magnitude less than the improbability of some god being responsible.
No reader of the New Testament can escape the impression that within the primitive Christian community, whose life the documents reflect, an event of incalculable magnitude had occurred, an event of such magnitude that those who witnessed it could confidently believe that it was nothing less than God's supreme disclosure of himself to men.
Coppers have never enjoyed a good reputation among sensible, god - fearing Englishmen, so it was doubly painful for them to suddenly find themselves in the middle of a crisis of no less magnitude than the Stephen Lawrence inquiry.
«This also allows for searches for transmitters that are many orders of magnitude less powerful than those that would be detectable from a planet orbiting even the most nearby stars.»
All these forces still exert pressure, but currently on orders of magnitude less than human impact.
But what we're looking at is a similar magnitude of change happening in less than a hundred years.
Three creeping faults have large locked areas (less than 1 mm or.04 inches of creep per year) that have not ruptured in a major earthquake of at least magnitude 6.7 since the reporting of earthquakes by local inhabitants: Rodgers Creek, northern Calaveras and southern Green Valley.
This value is so small, it is perhaps 120 orders of magnitude less than would be expected based on fundamental physics.
Tiny earthquakes of less than magnitude 1.5 now jiggle the crater once every minute.
The strip - format ELISA used in pregnancy - test - like diagnostics tend to be several orders of magnitude less sensitive than RT - PCR, so may not be able to detect Ebola just after symptoms appear, says Sterghios Moschos, an industrial biotechnology researcher at the University of Westminster, UK.
By the end of the experiment, the marsh crabs had eaten an order of magnitude less cordgrass than they usually did.
We thought that they may be less tolerant than the influenza proteins, but we were surprised by the magnitude of the difference.»
They found MXene was an order of magnitude less conductive than a perfect graphene sheet but two orders of magnitude more conductive than metallic molybdenum disulfide.
The sign and size of the bias would depend on the relative magnitude of the average and variance of the underreporting, as well as the covariance between the underreported, and other variables in the model, and would be typically less than the omitted variable bias were these variables to be left out (10, 11).
«We found that the room - temperature viscosity of Gorilla Glass is many orders of magnitude less than what had been previously reported for medieval cathedral glass.
«We did expect that the cannabis - primary individuals would be less likely than the illicit drug group to use formal treatment; but very little is known about the magnitude or nature of such differences,» says Kelly.
«We're now facing the potential for a warming of 2ºC or more in less than two centuries,» said Dr Dunkley Jones, «this is more than an order of magnitude faster than warming at the start of the PETM.
The earthquake was later confirmed to be of magnitude 6.3 on the Richter scale — less intense than the one that occurred on September of the previous year — and the same intensity as the one that followed this past June.
«While it is already known that the slow and fast light can be obtained using Brillouin scattering, our device is far smaller and uses far less power than any other previous demonstration, by several orders - of - magnitude.
Why it didn't stop at 100 kilometres and a magnitude much less than 9.0, or continue for over 1000 kilometres as the Sunda megathrust fault did off the coast of Sumatra in 2004, remains a mystery.
Both effects are incredibly subtle, requiring highly sensitive equipment to record it, and they're orders of magnitude less powerful than the effects of ordinary solar weather that constantly bombards the ionosphere.
In a span of less than 2 months, four magnitude - 7 or greater temblors struck along a zigzag set of faults centered near the river town of New Madrid, Missouri, the closest settlement to the destruction.
Nearby seismometers revealed that the events released energy equivalent to earthquakes of magnitudes 5.1 and 4.9 and triggered 16 tiny quakes over 10 days, the smallest of which packed less pop than a hand grenade.
When the birds weren't vaccinated, infection with highly virulent strains killed them so fast that they shed very little virus — orders of magnitude less than when they were infected with less virulent strains.
All he needed was about $ 25 million, an order of magnitude less than the money being spent on the Mediterranean neutrino projects or at the South Pole.
«We looked at the probability that increases of this magnitude could be random, and in each case it was less than one percent,» said Philip Dennison, an associate professor of geography at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and lead author of the paper.
The mercury levels they've measured are in parts per trillion, orders of magnitude less than the more worrisome parts per million levels tracked by the EPA and FDA.
Once the system includes more neurons and the kinks are worked out, it could supply data centers, autonomous cars, and national security services with neural nets that are orders of magnitude faster than existing designs, while using orders of magnitude less power, according to the study's two primary authors, Yichen Shen, a physicist, and Nicholas Harris, an electrical engineer, both at MIT.
As far as the bison herds go, they were orders of magnitude less numerous than the current cow herd (~ 10 million bison vs ~ 1 billion cows).
The internal structures of giant planets are much less well known than those of main - sequence stars because of uncertainties in the equation of state of degenerate gas, the composition (typically non-solar), the interaction with the magnetic field and, in the upper layers, the relative magnitudes of internal heat and energy deposited from the sun.
While its residents have escaped serious injury, many of its historic buildings suffered damage during a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck in November 2016, with an epicenter less than two miles west of town.
Our estimates of whale density in Anvord Bay, an order of magnitude less than those we observed in Wilhelmina Bay, were similar to the highest densities reported in the past [33].
According to this page, there are planned observations in a special mode for stars with Gaia magnitudes less than 3 (which would include Alpha Centauri), but it remains to be seen what kind of accuracy can be achieved.
These data indicate that under many atmospherically - relevant conditions SOA particles are significantly more viscous and orders of magnitude less volatile than assumed in traditional modeling approaches; SOA formation yields can be significantly higher than previously reported values; and anthropogenic pollution enhance loadings of SOA from biogenic precursors.
So you are better off again being more specific, are predicted changes of greater magnitude / lesser magnitude / more or less certain etc. than compared to the last IPCC report?
However, the magnitude of the performance benefit that caffeine provides was less when added to carbohydrate than when added to placebo17.
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