Sentences with word «maguey»

The friar noted such exotic variations as maguey worms with a sauce of small chiles, newt with yellow chiles, and tadpoles with
The friar noted such exotic variations as maguey worms with a sauce of small chiles, newt with yellow chiles, and tadpoles with chiltecpitl.
Then bee honey or thickened maguey syrup is to be spread on.»
Next bee honey or thickened maguey syrup was spread on.
Traditionally, Barbacoa refers to meats or whole sheep slow - cooked over an open fire, or more traditionally, in a hole dug in the ground covered with maguey leaves.
True to Mayan culture at different times and in different ethnic groups, edible insects have formed and are part of traditional eating habits so Fairmont Mayakoba gives guests the chance to try dried grasshoppers, maguey warm, leaf cutter ant or ant eggs.
He showed me how to first take a pinch of red powder — a mix of red chile, salt, and gusanos (ground - up, dried maguey caterpillars)-- drink the mescal and then follow it with a fresh orange slice.
Among miscellaneous articles of food may be mentioned the ant, maguey - worm, and the fly of the Mexican lake, which were dried, ground, boiled, and eaten in the form of cakes.
There were also eggs of turkeys, iguanas, and turtles, roasted, boiled, and in omelettes; reptiles of various kinds; shrimps, sardines, and crabs; wild amaranth seeds and tule roots; honey of bees, of maize, and of the maguey, and portions of maguey stalks and leaves, which were eaten roasted.
There is a heritage and culture associated with Tequila and Mezcal that dates back well over a thousand years, when the agave plant — also known as the maguey — was utilized by Mexico's native peoples for virtually everything: from food and drink to sugar, shoes, soap, building supplies, and even medicine.
He dug it beside a maguey plant beside the fence, and they rolled the body into it.
For the show, the artist constructed a landscape of volcanic rocks and a lake of mezcal (a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the maguey plant) as a representation of the Lake Texcoco.
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