Sentences with phrase «main archive page»

Not exact matches

«Adult Dating Sites > 25 Top Online Dating Reviews, Deals & Coupons» - it's the title of the site.The most important text on the main page - «Online Dating Smarts: 10 Warning Signs of Emotional Predators and Con Artists», «The Blog Archives», «10 Signs to Look For to Know If the Man Who is Hitting On You Is Married», «Welcome to Adult Dating Sites!»
Please return to main article page or our Lesson Plan Archive page.
ASCD EDge communities and webinar archives are also available for English language arts, mathematics, and social studies through the main VLN page.
ASCD EDge communities and webinar archives are also available for science, mathematics, and English language arts through the main VLN page.
The blog highlights are shown on the main page, but you can also click through to the Fusion Blog Archives to scan every post.
They email the article, but the link (if you can find it) leads to their main publications page, leaving the reader to try digging around in the archives to locate a URL (sometimes the article hasn't been posted to the website yet).
One twist is the division of all categories by nature into «info - posts» and «essays»: the former, the default aspect, would be short or shortish posts simply sharing information or brief opinions, the latter longer pieces that might explain, rant, persuade, etc. etc. (I'd propose only showing the main category names on the sidebar, leaving the split into info - posts and essays to be revealed and pursued on the particular category archive page; the precise category, though — e.g. finding or finding [essay] would appear at the bottom of a post on finding.
The main page contains the latest few entries, but much more can be accessed by clicking the various categories listed on the right hand side of the page, or the Archives.
Please use the menu tabs at the very top of every page to navigate our main topics, and the list of hyper - linked «Archives» and «Categories» in the right - hand margin, as well as the «Search» box, to browse through the many safety - related topics in our blog.
While on the Facebook home page, click the ArchiveFB menu tab and then select «Archive from the main menu».
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