Sentences with phrase «main chest exercise»

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If you're interested in improving your chest, building it bigger and better, there are two main pec - building exercises you can use... barbell...
As a beginner / intermediate trainee, my advice is to simply choose one main exercise to grow your chest as big as you want it.
This is why research shows that certain exercises, like the flat and decline bench press, emphasize the main (large) portion of the chest muscle, whereas others, like the incline and reverse - grip bench press, emphasize the smaller upper portion.
It also turns out that incline pressing is a great exercise to hit your pec major (your main chest muscle) as well.
What I like to do is to focus on two main exercises like incline dumbbell press and flat dumbbell press (for chest) and do 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps for both exercises.
The main problem with almost every chest training routine is that it only focuses on the middle portion of the chest with basic exercises like the barbell bench press and dumbbell fly.
The main problem is that you're doing only one set of one exercise for each major muscle group — legs, chest, back, shoulders, calves and abs.
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