Sentences with phrase «main concerns regarding»

What are corporations» main concerns regarding the benefits they provide to their workers?
I have designed this seminar to help us, as educators, not only understand some of the main concerns regarding the importance of how a truly effective teacher can make a positive impact with students, but also create the opportunity for beginning teachers to gather collectively and offer support to each other.
my main concern regarding Szczesny is senior Szczesny he cant keep his opinion and his mouth shut.
Also, my main concern regarding formula is the chemicles, hormones, and pesticides associated with the processing of it.
Ped's, Carolyne's et al and my main concern regarding consumers is education; educating consumers (Realtors even) against the pitfalls of dealing with mercenaries who only see one thing important whilst operating as a Realtor... generating megabucks.

Not exact matches

And where others see little regard for Main Street, Obama sees a focus on how the government can do more to bolster the economic prospects of poor - and middle - class Americans, and someone who would carry those concerns to the Fed, which has vast powers over interest rates and the financial system.
The main concern was with regard to theologian's attitude toward other religions and this was deeply challenged by the History of Religions research.
The main objectives of this Consultation were to analyze globalization and its impact on human rights; to study ethical and theological considerations with regard to globalization; to search for alternative development paradigms; to study the policies of developed nations on development and trade policies in the context of globalization; to gain inputs on the experiences of indigenous people, workers and farmers who are affected by globalization; to consider the response of the Churches to the challenges posed by globalization and to study and identify concerns that the Asian churches can take up in order to address the adverse impact of globalization in the Asian context.
In the case of a «speculative system» which fuses historically obsolete cosmologies, Whitehead's repeated and in fact passionate emphasis that the «elucidation of immediate experience is the sole justification for any thought» (PR 4/6) seems not at all able to be brought into some coherent association, Whitehead's reflection that we could ask ourselves «whether the type of thought involved [in his cosmology] be not a transformation of some main doctrines of Absolute Idealism onto a realistic basis» (PR xiii / viii) may hit not only upon the widespread skepticism with regard to the «main doctrines of Absolute Idealism» in general, but also, in particular, upon doubts concerning their ability to be transformed «onto a realistic basis.»
Starting from taking care of the baby to checking the problems regarding food becomes the main concern of a parent and other members of the family.
``... One of the main concerns, and we just talked about it, was, for me, and again I'm not speaking for anybody else, was the differential between upstate and downstate with regard to home health care, and I think we've gotten that pretty well worked out.»
«In particular, over the last session, the Legislature seemed unusually willing to pull the leash on [the department] regarding education policy rather than just money, which has tended to be their main concern
Nearly one in five participating doctors (17 %) cited cuts as their main concern with regards to their profession, with many stating that they feel hampered by the Health Minister's reforms as patients struggle to access the basic level of care they deserve.
As regards hydration, my main concern is the eye area which is always a bit dry and for that I'm still using the Botanics 80 % Organic Hydrating Eye Cream (# 8.99) and the Caudalie Polyphenol C15 Anti-Wrinkle Eye and Lip Cream * (# 26) of which I talked in this post recently, but both are lovely in fighting my under eyes dry patches and I can't be more grateful for that.
I didn't notice any changes in regards to radiance or elasticity, but those are also not my main skin concerns.
One of the main concerns of Russian women regarding future husband is his financial condition.
The main concern raised regarding cloud - based learning is the security risk.
Nearly one in five (19 per cent) of disabled teachers said excessive workload was their main concern with regards to their job and 22 per cent said the pressures of the job and workload were most likely to have the greatest bearing on whether or not they would be working as a teacher in five years» time.
In this regard, it is important to recognize that among teachers, money is not always the main concern in deciding where to teach.
While local school officials believe the state has been clear regarding the centers, in spite of Mr. Sciarra's complaints, their main concern is that they be involved in the turnaround plans, said Frank Belluscio, a spokesman for the New Jersey School Boards Association.
Mentors coach scholars and families on developing a personalized learning plan, for both academic and non-academic progress, and serve as the main point of contact with the family regarding scholar successes and concerns.
That said, one of the main points of concern that I've seen in other thread regarding increasing lamp brightness, is the melting of conductors (wires) and light socket / boot.
The main advantage of this plan is that you do not have any concerns about the budget or anxiety regarding the increase of rates.
As far as I am concerned, GCMs are «good enough» at projecting scenarios, and all this «but regional models» amounts to a smokescreen to obfuscate rpielke's failure to explicitely commit his agreement disagreement regarding the IPCC's main attribution statement.
My main concern is that I don't know if there is or will be a criminal charge (there doesn't appear to be, only because we have received nothing in that regard, but can I verify somehow?)
33 It is necessary to examine next whether a restriction such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which concerns investments in immovable property, can be regarded as a restriction which existed on 31 December 1993.
62 As regards the compensatory supplement at issue in the main proceedings, it is clear from paragraphs 33 to 36 above that that benefit may be regarded as coming under the «social assistance system» of the Member State concerned.
76 As regards the legislation at issue in the main proceedings, it is clear from the explanation provided by the Austrian Government at the hearing that, although the amount of the compensatory supplement depends on the financial situation of the person concerned as measured against the reference amount fixed for granting that supplement, the mere fact that a national of another Member State who is not economically active has applied for that benefit is sufficient to preclude that national from receiving it, regardless of the duration of residence, the amount of the benefit and the period for which it is available, that is to say, regardless of the burden which that benefit places on the host Member State's social assistance system as a whole.
A main concern when YouTube was still on the table as the buyer was that streamers would be subject to YouTube's policies regarding copyrighted material, which could have seen major changes to the types of songs or other audio that broadcasters are currently allowed to use in their streams.
One of the main concerns people have regarding Bitcoin payments is the fact that you always need an Internet connection in order to broadcast transactions to the network.
A professional warning letter provides the main concern of the company regarding your actions and the description of the action which makes it unacceptable especially in relation to company standards and agreements.
While questioning whether agents from outside the area — some even from outside the province (which complicates insurance and liability issues)-- are able to represent their buyers properly, the association's main concern in this regard is the significantly increased workload it faces as a result of processing the added listings.
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