Sentences with phrase «main currents»

Some admixture of the Buchler - Wallack tinge might well be appropriate for a neo-Whiteheadian system which would be consistent with main currents in contemporary thought.
Kolakowski is author of the renowned three - volume Main Currents of Marxism and is one of the most distinguished political philosophers of our time.
The report identified a butter shortage, a strong cheese market and high skimmed milk powder (SMP) exports as the three main current features of the dairy market.
The Welsh Government's Main Current Programme Allocation for new housing within the Social Housing Grant budget is # 35million per year.
We hope that now, with better electronic controls and the possibility of using mains current, this idea could finally reach the field,» says Larson.
As night falls, word passes up through the hierarchy from Sullivan to his slick British superior Will Emerson (Paul Bettany) and on to the head of sales Sam Rogers (Kevin Spacey), a basically decent middle - aged man whose main current problem is that his much - loved dog is dying of cancer.
Very soon two main currents developed: on one hand one deriving from Expressionism which was very emotional and later evolved into a free, gesture - driven way of painting (Free Painting).
The other main current in the AMOC is a return flow of deep, cold water that runs southward from the poles toward the tropics.
For a history of Marxism as a history of ideas I strongly recommend Leszek Kołakowski's Main Currents of Marxism in three volumes.
He is author of Behemoth: Main Currents in the History and Theory of Political Sociology; Radicalism and the Revolt against Reason; and Ideology and Utopia in the United States: 1956 «1976.
If we examine ourselves, we must admit that our faith swims against the main current of our culture and of our own individual psyches.
It is hoped that this will not limit unduly the usefulness of the book in circles outside Methodism, for with some few exceptions that will be noted in due course, the beliefs of Methodism are the beliefs of the main currents of Protestant thought.
The main current of subsequent homiletical theory, however, has exalted narrative at the expense of induction, despite increasing discontent with narrative as a theological category.
Since the «republican» tradition did not prevail among a majority of convention delegates, Arthur suggests that we must look elsewhere to find the main current of American political thought.
More sharply than ever before, the idea of «mainstreaming» — keeping persons who differ from the norm within the main current of social life — is becoming a part of Western thinking.
Searching for the source of the main current in modern philosophical thought, he focuses on the failure of early modern «naturalists» to address the anomalies in their metaphysical beliefs.
The neglect and scorn of others confirms their sense of cbosenness, as well as their disdain for the main currents of American life.
At least, that's what James believed, and his persuasion was strong enough to become the main current of American thought.
Banks provide shelter, food and protection from the current — but some part of the main current, the buffet line, must flow nearby.»
In the end, I hope Michael Heseltine is right and the Tories come to their senses and rejoin the main current of centre - right politics in Europe.
The main current running through the Charter is appreciation for the distinctive aspects of a given place and culture, and an eagerness to showcase them to curious and supportive visitors.
Star Wars the old Republic and Final Fantasy 14 are my main current two.
Her main current writing project is the ninth major novel in the OUTLANDER series, GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE.
As for the main current upshot from this admittedly limited model is that current trailing E / Ps, and thus P / Es, are fairly valued against current treasury yields and bond spreads.
Considering the Western core of New Regionalisms, there are the expected contemporary takes on the landscape, the main current of art in the West for more than a century, as well as abstract work that ranges from expressionist to hard - edged, likewise trading in Western themes.
Yes, when it's open, but two of the main current attractions suggest waiting a while.
Bourgeois» work has never been easily understood within the main currents of art.
His main current research interests are high energy astrophysics, especially gamma ray bursts, galactic nuclei, black hole formation and radiative processes (including gravitational waves) and cosmic structure formation, especially the early generation of stars and galaxies that formed at high redshifts at the end of the cosmic «dark age».
The two books cover some of the same cultural ground: the so - called New York School of painters and sculptors whose ambitions, beginning around 1950, appeared to steer the main currents of modern art, the first time American artists had ever done so.
The Eight, group of American painters who exhibited together only once, in New York City in 1908, but who established one of the main currents in 20th - century American painting.
Climate change is a global problem with serious environmental, social, economic, distribution and policy implications, and make up one of the main current challenges for humanity.
A ring forms when a meander in a boundary current (or the Antarctic Circumpolar Current) becomes a loop that pinches off (separates) from the main current and moves independently as an eddy.
The main current SI is the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1824), which was made to implement the changes introduced by Directive 97/11.
«This book offers, under one cover, descriptions of the main current approaches to couple therapy and does so in an interesting and engaging way.
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