Sentences with phrase «main dietary source»

Seafood should be your main dietary source of omega - 3 fatty acids, which are great for your heart.
Keys and his colleagues, with support from the sugar industry, were effective at discrediting research from around the same time by John Yudkin that sugar, not cholesterol from saturated fats, is the main dietary source of most modern Western culture's obesity, diabetes, and cardiac issues.
Nutrient deficiency is usually not an issue for mothers consuming a healthy diet, but since animal products are the main dietary source of Vitamin B - 12, vegetarians should be careful about deficient vitamin B - 12 levels.
Beer also holds a few health benefits of its own by contributing carbohydrates, a small amount of B vitamins and potassium to the diet, though it shouldn't be depended upon as a main dietary source of these nutrients.
The main dietary sources of glucose are starches, grains and sugars.
Children in the study had a mean daily cow's milk intake of 452 millilitres, or just under 2 cups, — the main dietary source of vitamin D — and 56 per cent of them regularly consumed a vitamin D supplement.
Having in mind that the production of energy begins with glucose, it becomes clear why so many people mistakenly believe that carbohydrates should be the main dietary source of energy.
Additionally, cholesterol - rich foods are the main dietary source of the b - vitamin choline, which is vital for the brain, liver and nervous system.
The main dietary source of this nutrient is in egg yolks (with none found in the whites).
Olive oil consumption as the main dietary source of fat is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
The main dietary sources of refined carbs are white flour, white bread, white rice, sodas, pastries, snacks, sweets, pasta, breakfast cereals and added sugar.
Salt is our main dietary source of chloride, the major component of hydrochloric acid, needed for protein digestion.
Carbohydrates are the main dietary source of glucose and they include rice, potatoes, bread, tortillas, cereal, milk, fruit, and sweets, all carbohydrate - rich foods.
however I have endometriosis and have been off dairy as i was told that dairy is the main dietary source of Arachidonic Acid (the fat used by your body to produce muscle - contracting F2 Alpha Prostaglandins).
This guide examines their health benefits, functions and main dietary sources.
The main dietary source of phosphorus in traditional pet foods is meat protein.
9:18 a.m. On the other side of the world, similar issues are simmering around «golden rice» — a yellow variant of this keystone grain containing a gene that adds beta - carotene, the main dietary source of vitamin A. Read or listen to Dan Charles's recent NPR report to get caught up.
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