Sentences with phrase «main driver of temperature»

But during the former period, the CO2 concentration was about 20 % lower than during the later one, and fossil fuels consumption was about 5 times lower... This falsifies the hypothesis that CO2 is the main driver of temperature variations.
A relatively small group of people was able both to claim that CO2 is the main driver of temperature / climate, and to become dominant in this field.

Not exact matches

The main drivers of El Niño conditions, ocean temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific, were as high as 3 °C above the average, making this event one of the three most intense El Niños on record.
But climate models predict reductions in dissolved oxygen in all oceans as average global air and sea temperatures rise, and this may be the main driver of what is happening there, she says.
While a strong El Niño provided a boost to global temperatures last year, the main driver of the planet's temperature surge, as well as other climate trends, is the warming caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
This in turn reduces the temperature difference between the Arctic and, for example, Europe, yet temperature differences are a main driver of air flow.
Kevin Trenbeth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., said the study didn't account for changes in sea surface temperatures, which are the main drivers of changes in the position of the rain belts (as is seen during an El Nino event, when Pacific warming pushes the subtropical jet over the Western U.S. southward).
Elevated temperature is the main physiological driver of mass coral bleaching events, but increasing evidence suggests that other stressors, including elevated dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), may exacerbate the negative effects of thermal stress.
Here we analyze a series of climate model experiments along with observational data to show that the recent warming trend in Atlantic sea surface temperature and the corresponding trans - basin displacements of the main atmospheric pressure centers were key drivers of the observed Walker circulation intensification, eastern Pacific cooling, North American rainfall trends and western Pacific sea - level rise.
While Spencer hypothesizes that the changes in cloud cover are the main driver behind global warming, Dessler concludes that they're only responsible for a small percentage of the changes in surface temperature from 2000 to 2010.
This matters because the north / south temperature difference is one of the main drivers of the jet stream.
The main dynamical driver of the monsoon is therefore the positive moisture - advection feedback (Fig. 1 A): The release of latent heat from precipitation over land adds to the temperature difference between land and ocean, thus driving stronger winds from ocean to land and increasing in this way landward advection of moisture, which leads to enhanced precipitation and associated release of latent heat.
Two Russian physicists, Victor Gorshkov and Anastassia Makarieva, claim that forests, not temperature, are the main drivers of winds.
However, while Spencer hypothesizes that the changes in cloud cover are the main driver behind global warming, Dessler concludes that they're only responsible for a small percentage of the changes in surface temperature from 2000 to 2010.
He notes that only 64 % agreed that man - made CO2 was the main or dominant driver controlling more than half of the temperature rise.
The statement in Jo's article said: ``... only 64 % agreed that man - made CO2 was the main or dominant driver controlling more than half of the temperature rise.
Were the sun the main driver of global temperatures, the planet would have cooled slightly over the past 50 years.
When it first came out, it was compelling evidence that CO2 was not only a major driver of temperature, it may be the main driver.
As the energy transfer is a combination of Joule heating and particle precipitations then the main drivers of the ionospheric response to recurrent geomagnetic activity are related to changes in the temperature, thermospheric neutral composition, and neutral winds.
Knight et al are not proposing an alternative to the main drivers of global temperature.
He stressed that this was a correlation, not a time series, and came to the conclusion that temperature is likely to be the main driver of CO2 and not the other way around.
We do not know enough to determine under what circumstance CO2 is a forcing or a feedback relative to temperature sometimes it maybe both sometimes over large areas it may even be a coolant e.g. if you think it is the main driver (which I don't) you would have to say it acted as a coolant for several thousand years from the Holocene climate optimum to the LIA — see Fig 6 in the last post at I quoted the end Permian Siberian traps as a possible example of CO2 as a forcing but even here CO2 was rising rapidly before the volcanic event.
If the trend is removed then connection between global temperature and sea ice vanishes (more or less - IIRC) because interannual weather factors are the main driver of short term changes.
Such oscillations might also alter hurricane patterns, but the main driver of hurricanes is warm sea surface temperatures > 27C (we can all agree on that, I hope); atmospheric conditions also need to be conducive (see the above comment on this year's rip - snorting season).
You blather - on yet your silly assertion that SLR somehow is incompatible with the influence of CO2 forcing on climate and your denial that CO2 is the main driver of recent temperature rise (including the +0.3 ºC rise in global average temperature over the last 15 years that you are apparently in denial over): your blather is still at the stage of «Look!
The IPCC has chosen 1950 as the starting point for their confabulations, because they have the preconceived notion that human GHG emissions (mainly CO2) are the main drivers of the global temperature (the CAGW enthusiasts prefer the post - satellite era because it renders a trend of about 0.16 °C / decade, even though they invariably select one of the terrestrial records, usually GISTEMP).
It is the net impact of multiple ocean surface temperature changes, rather than a single ocean basin change, that plays a main driver for the multi-decadal global warming accelerations and slowdowns.
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